Урок английского языка "Совет Европы" для 11 профильного класса (гуманитарный)


урока английского языка в 11 профильном (гуманитарном) классе

Боярчук Н.Г.

учителя английского языка


ст. Кущевская

Учебные цели урока:

- развитие зрительного восприятия, объема оперативной слуховой памяти

-развитие умений определять основную идею текста, выделять ключевую информацию в его содержании

- развитие умений обобщать информацию, полученную при чтении и соотнести ее со своим речевым опытом, социокультурными знаниями, выразить собственные суждения.

Воспитательные цели урока:

- приобретение знаний о приоритетных областях деятельности Совета Европы

- воспитание толерантности и уважения к современному обществу, чувства нетерпимости к насилию

Оснащение урока:

ТСО: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.

Учебник “English” для 11 класса В.В. Сафонова.

  1. Оргмомент - приветствие.

  2. Речевая разминка.

  • How's life?

  • How is it outside? Are they expecting rain?

  1. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Today we'll sum up everything we have learnt about the Council of Europe.

  1. Основная часть.

Could you answer my questions, please?

  1. - When and where was the Council of Europe constituted?

- How many countries are the state-members of the Council of Europe?

- Who is the Secretary General of the organization?

- When did the Russian Federation become a member of the Council of Europe?

2. - What does the term "The Council of Europe" mean? Choose

the appropriate parts among the following. - Ex № 1 p. 76.

- What was the purpose of its setting up? (ответы учащихся).

3. According to the text the Democratic Structure has 3 points.

What are they?

Democratic Structure

The committee of Ministers

The Parliamentary Assembly

The Congress of

Local and Regional


i) Answer the questions:

- How often do the foreign ministers of the 34 member states meet?

- Who adopts the budget?

- What does the Committee of Ministers discuss?

b) Prove or express doubt the following statements with the details from the text.

- The Parliamentary Assembly comprises 239 representatives and 239 substitutes.

- The Parliamentary Assembly meets in full session 5 times a year.

- The Parliamentary Assembly has created a special scheme to welcome representatives of member- states.

- It prepares non - member states for full membership of the organization.

c) what information have you learnt about the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities?

4. Emphasize the role of the Council of Europe in operating at different levels (рассказ учащихся).

5. Prove that the activities carried out in the Council of Europe affect all our lives.

(I tell about the descriptions and you must choose the priority objectives and then on the contrary).

1. Protection for the most vulnerable a) Human rights

2. Harmonizing national legislation b) Social and economic affairs

3. Strengthening democracy c) Culture and heritage

4. Speeding up judicial procedures d) Media communication

5. Extending the list of rights e) Local and regional government

6. Preparing young people to live in mutilingual Europe f) Legal questions

7. Promoting a policy of "Sport for all" g) Health

8. Adopting standards for health care h) Education

9. Promoting freedom of expression i) Sport

10. Involving young people in European Cooperation j) Environment

k) Youth

6. Summarise the information about European symbols.

(рассказ учащихся).

V. Conclusion.

Sum up everything you have learnt about the Council of Europe and complete the table.

1. Forms of activity

2. Results of activity

3. Priority objectives

4. European symbols

VI. Домашнее задание.

1. Упр. №9 стр. 181.

2. Заполнить таблицу.

Слайд 1
Слайд 2
Symbol.ico The Russian The Russian Federation has become a state member of the Council of Europe
Слайд 3
What does the term “THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE” mean ?
Слайд 4
What was the purpose of its setting up?
Слайд 5
Democratic structure The Committee of Ministers The Parliamentary Of Assembly The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Слайд 6
Practical actions     European Conventions The European Conventions on Human Rights The European Social Charter The European Cultural Convention
Слайд 7
Priority objectives Human rights Media and communication Social and economic affairs Education Culture and heritage Sport Youth Health Environment Local and regional government Legal questions
Слайд 8
European Symbols European Anthem (1972) European Flag (1955) Europe Day (May 5)
Слайд 9
Complete the table about the Council of Europe 1) Forms of activity 2) Results of activity 3) Priority objectives 4)European symbols
Слайд 10
Слайд 11
Слайд 12
Домашнее задание. 1. 2. Упр. №9 стр. 181. Заполнить таблицу: Complete the table about the Council of 1) Forms of activityEurope 2) Results of activity 3) Priority objectives 4)European symbols
Слайд 13
Используемые Интернет-ресурсы: http://ru.wikipedia.org. http://translate.google.ru

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Автор: Боярчук Наталья Григорьевна  natalia11
28.02.2011 1 2434 463

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