Упражнения на тренировку правописания окончаний форм глагола, существительного, наречия "The Spelling in English"

The Spelling in English.

  1. Plural nouns.

We add –S to a noun to form the plural:

A car two cars, some cars.

  1. после –s, -sh, -ch, -x es [ iz ]

glass glasses;

box boxes.

  1. некоторые существительные на –о:

-s: discos, kilos, photos, pianos, radios, stereos, studios, zoos;

-es: heroes, potatoes, tomatoes.

  1. существительные на у ies:

penny pennies;

после гласной у сохраняется:

day days.

Exercise 1. Build up plural forms of the following nouns.

Glass, journey, penny, story, radio, piano, stereo, photo, studio, kilo, zoo, disco, Sunday, spy, monkey, fly, convoy, storey, story, Gypsy, butlery, sky, ski, Mary, solo, hero, echo, potato, cuckoo, leaf, wolf, safe, February, kangaroo.

Exercise 1. ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glasses, journeys, pennies, stories, radios, pianos, stereos, photos, studios, kilos, zoos, discos, Sundays, spies, monkeys, flies, convoys, storeys, stories, Gypsies/ Gypsys, butleries, skies, skis, Maries/ Marys, solos, heroes, echoes, potatoes, cuckoos, leaves, wolves, safes, Februarys, kangaroo.

  1. The Present Simple –s ending.

We add –S to a verb in the 3-rd person singular to form the Present Simple tense form:

I know he knows.

  1. после –s, -sh, -ch, -x es [ iz ]

pass passes.

  1. некоторые на –о es:

go goes;

do does.

  1. на у ies:

hurry hurries;

после гласной у сохраняется:

stay stays.

Exercise 2. Build up Present Simple 3-rd person Sg. Of the following verbs.

Work, drive, run, do, go, kiss, rush, watch, fix, buzz, carry, copy, say, obey, earn, open, take, miss, switch.

Exercise 2. ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Works, drives, runs, does, goes, kisses, rushes, watches, fixes, buzzes, carries, copies, says, obeys, earns, opens, takes, misses, switches.

  1. The –ed ending.

The –ed ending we add to a verb in the past simple tense form (regular verbs):

Look looked.

  1. если глагол оканчивается на –е, мы прибавляем –d:


  1. на у ied:

hurry hurried.

  1. иногда последняя согласная удваивается. Это происходит, когда односложный глагол оканчивается на одну гласную и одну согласную, e.g. beg; plan:

beg begged.

  1. если глагол оканчивается на –с, то при добавлении окончания –ed c cked:

panic panicked.

Exercise 3. Build up Past Simple tense forms of the following verbs.

Change, dance, hurry, study, stop, plan, admit, omit, limit, occur, prefer, retire, offer, conquer, perform, panic, picnic, travel, quarrel, look, call, hope, save, beg, stay, enjoy, pass, watch, switch, mix, switch.

Exercise 3. ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Changed, danced, hurried, studied, stopped, planned, admitted, omitted, limited, occurred, preferred, retired, offered, conquered, performed, panicked, picnicked, traveled, quarreled, looked, called, hoped, saved, begged, stayed, enjoyed, passed, watched, switched, mixed, switched.

  1. The –ing ending

  1. конечная –е у глагола исчезает:

take taking;

НО!!! Двойное –ее не исчезает:

See seeing.

  1. когда глагол оканчивается на –ie, то окончание меняется на –ying: ie ying

die dying.

НО!!! –y сохраняется:

Try trying.

  1. Иногда удваивается последняя согласная. Это происходит, когда односложный глагол оканчивается на одну гласную и одну согласную.

Win winning.

4. если глагол оканчивается на –с, то при добавлении окончания –ing c cking:

panic panicking.

Exercise 4.

Build up Participle1 of the following verbs.

Take, make, wait, use, sit, stop, run, plan, admit, omit, limit, prefer, occur, refer, offer, differ, conquer, perform, picnic, panic, travel, quarrel, hope, save, beg, study, play, enjoy, stay, pay, convey, pass, watch.

Exercise 4. ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Build Participle1 of the following verbs.

Taking, making, waiting, using, sitting, stopping, running, planning, admitting, omitting, limiting, preferring, occurring, referring, offering, differing, conquering, performing, picnicking, panicking, traveling//lling, quarreling//lling, hoping, saving, begging, studying, playing, enjoying, staying, paying, conveying, passing, watching.

  1. Adverbs


Slow slowly, calm calmly…

  1. передly –e сохраняется:

safe safely.

НО!!! Есть несколько исключений:

Due duly,

True truly,

Whole wholly.

  1. если прилагательное оканчивается на –уб то у ily:

angry angrily;

Исключение: shy shyly.

  1. когда прилагательное оканчивается на –le: e y:

probable probably.

  1. когда прилагательное оканчивается на –ic, мs прибавляем –ally:

automatic automatically;

Исключение: public publicly.

Exercise 5.

Build up adverbs from the following adjectives.

Safe, strange, due, true, whole, angry, happy, shy, probable, sensible, automatic, romantic, public, heavy, possible, comfortable, reasonable, sensible, terrible, dramatic, scientific, quiet, expensive, slow, fortunate.

Exercise 5.

Build up adverbs from the following adjectives.

Safely, strangely, duly, truly, wholly, angrily, happily, shyly, probably, sensibly, automatically, romantically, publicly, heavily, possibly, comfortably, reasonably, sensibly, terribly, dramatically, scientifically, quietly, expensively, slowly, fortunately.

Spelling rules. CARD!!!

Exercise 1. Build up plural forms of the following nouns.

Glass, journey, penny, story, radio, piano, stereo, photo, studio, kilo, zoo, disco, Sunday, spy, monkey, fly, convoy, storey, story, Gypsy, butlery, sky, ski, Mary, solo, hero, echo, potato, cuckoo, leaf, wolf, safe, February, kangaroo.

Exercise 2. Build up Present Simple 3-rd person Sg. Of the following verbs.

Work, drive, run, do, go, kiss, rush, watch, fix, buzz, carry, copy, say, obey, earn, open, take, miss, switch.

Exercise 3. Build up Past Simple tense forms of the following verbs.

Change, dance, hurry, study, stop, plan, admit, omit, limit, occur, prefer, retire, offer, conquer, perform, panic, picnic, travel, quarrel, look, call, hope, save, beg, stay, enjoy, pass, watch, switch, mix, switch.

Exercise 4.Build up Participle1 of the following verbs.

Take, make, wait, use, sit, stop, run, plan, admit, omit, limit, prefer, occur, refer, offer, differ, conquer, perform, picnic, panic, travel, quarrel, hope, save, beg, study, play, enjoy, stay, pay, convey, pass, watch.

Exercise 5.Build up adverbs from the following adjectives.

Safe, strange, due, true, whole, angry, happy, shy, probable, sensible, automatic, romantic, public, heavy, possible, comfortable, reasonable, sensible, terrible, dramatic, scientific, quiet, expensive, slow, fortunate.


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Автор: Толкач Юлия Ивановна  Yulya
15.11.2009 0 4624 1452

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