Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Страны и национальности"; 7 класс

Открытый урок в 7б классе по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №5»

Цели и задачи урока:

- образовательная : повторение стран, национальностей и языков мира

-познавательная : знакомство с использованием определённого артикля с национальностями

-развивающая : развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, языковой догадки

-практическая : совершенствование навыков построения устного высказывания, навыков аудирования и письма

Ход урока

1.Орг. момент

Речевая зарядка (рапорт дежурного)

Объявление темы и целей урока

-Nice to meet you. Sit down, please.

-Answer my questions.

What day/date is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

-At the previous lesson we spoke about different countries and their nationalities. Today we shall continue speaking about nationalities and languages. We’ll check homework, write a test paper, work in your textbooks and workbooks and listen to the stories.

2.Основная часть

Проверка д/з

Повторение материала

Самостоятельная работа

Работа по учебникам (аудирование)

Работа по рабочим тетрадям

Повторение грамматического материала (определённый артикль с национальностями)

Работа по рабочим тетрадям

Повторение грамматического материала (степени сравнения прилагательных)

*Работа по учебникам

-Now let’s check the homework. (SB ex.12 p.37, WB ex 1,2 p.25)

-I’ll name the country and you should name the language spoken in these countries.(Russia, the UK, the Netherlands, France, Japan, China, Portugal, Armenia, Sweden, Georgia)

-Now you’ll write a test paper. Write the language.

Hungary- Hungarian

France- French “5”- 8 answers

Greece- Greek ”4”-7-6 answers

Finland- Finnish ”3”-5-4 answers

Denmark- Danish ”2”- 3-0 answers

Norway- Norwegian

The Netherlands- Dutch

China- Chinese

-Now I want you to listen to the conference participants say about their countries. Try to guess what country they are from. Say why you think so. (SB ex 9 p.36)

Alison is from …because she …

Sam is from …because he …

Melissa is from …because she …

-Tell in which countries you know that people speak English. Listen and check your guesses.(SB ex.11 p.36)

(the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

-Look at your textbooks (ex.13 p.37) and answer the questions. Listen and check.

1. Chinese

2 .Hindi

3. English

4. Russian

5. Spanish

-Guess what country the children have been to? Complete the sentences.(WB ex.2 p.27)

2. Paula was in the UK.

3. Alex was in Russia.

4. George was in Italy.

5. Alison was in Egypt.

6. Kevin was in China.

-Use the article “THE” correctly.

The Russians - the people of Russia

The English - the people of England

-Compare the people from different countries. Use I think, I believe. (WB ex.3 p.27) Translate.

-Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1. I think the French are more talkative than the Finnish.

2. I think the Italians are more romantic than the Germans.

3. I think the Japanese are more reserved than the Russians.

4. I think the Americans are less conservative than the English.

5. I think the Chinese are more creative than the Danish.

-SB ex.17 p.37. Listen, read and act out.

3.Постановка д/з

Объявление отметок


Прощание с классом

-Your hometask will be dictation, SB ex.7 p.56

Your marks for the lesson are…

-What did we do at the lesson?

-The lesson is over. Thanks. Goodbye.


  1. Write the languages

  1. Hungary -

  2. France - “5”- 8 answers

  3. Greece - ”4”-7-6 answers

  4. Finland - ”3”-5-4 answers

  5. Denmark - ”2”- 3-0 answers

  6. Norway -

  7. The Netherlands -

  8. China -

  1. Listen and complete

Alison is from … because she …

Sam is from … because he …

Melissa is from … because she …


  1. Write the languages

1. Hungary -

2. France - “5”- 8 answers

3. Greece - ”4”-7-6 answers

4. Finland - ”3”-5-4 answers

5. Denmark - ”2”- 3-0 answers

6. Norway -

7. The Netherlands -

8. China -

  1. Listen and complete

Alison is from … because she …

Sam is from … because he …

Melissa is from … because she …

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Автор: Суворова Наталья Геннадьевна  Публикатор
17.11.2016 0 2766 172

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