Презентация по английскому языку "Crossword “Another name to Australia”; 10-11 класс

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Pedsovet.su Конкурс интерактивных презентаций "Интерактивная мозаика" Номинация • интерактивный кроссворд Далёкая Елена Петровна Муниципальное Общеобразовательное Бюджетное Учреждение гимназия № 2 г. Новокубанска Муниципальное Образование Новокубанский район учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории К Р О С С В О Р Д
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DE SE R T S There are 10 of them in Australia Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DE SE R T S POM Informal name of a British immigrant in Australia. Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DE SE R T S POM C O M MO NW E A L T H The official name of Australia is Australian … Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DE SE R T S POM C O M MO NW E A L T H K UR AN D A The name of the native Australian village where you can get only by air to keep the virgin plants Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DE POM C O M MO NW E K UR AN D ME L B UR O SE R T S AL T H A NE There is the world longest network of tram ways in this city Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C O M MO K UR ME L B K DE POM NW E AN D OUR E NG SE R T S AL T H A NE A R OO The name translation of this Australian animal means "don’t understand" Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C O M MO K UR ME L B K P R O DE POM NW E AN D OUR E NG U D L SE R T S AL T H A NE A R OO Y The Australian goods are usually marked with a slogan: "... made in Australia" Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C O M MO K UR ME L B K P R O S DE POM NW E AN D OUR E NG U D L H E E SE R T S AL T H A NE A R OO Y P Quantity of these Australian animals is 7, 5 times more than population of the country Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C O M MO K UR ME L B K P R O S DE POM NW E AN D OUR E NG U D L H E E C R I SE R T S A A N A Y P C L T H E R OO E T The most popular sport in Australia Answ er
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Crossword “Another name to Australia” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C O M MO K UR ME L B K P R O S DE POM NW E AN D OUR E NG U D L H E E C R I SE R T S A A N A Y P C L T H E R OO E T Answ er
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Well done! Welcome to Australia! VIDEO
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What is the meaning of the word “POM” ? The term POM in Australia commonly denotes a person of British (usually of English heritage) origin. Many British people or those of British origin consider the expression offensive or racist when used by people not of British origin to describe English or British people, yet acceptable when used within that community Another unofficial explanation is that P.O.M.E. stands for 'Prisoner of Mother England' or that P.O.H.M.E. stands for 'Prisoner of Her Majesty's Exile'. It has also been suggested that POM stands for Back "product of Mother England".
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What is it “Kuranda ” ? Kuranda is a town or a village in Far North Queensland, Australia. It is surrounded by rainforest. Kuranda was first settled in 1885 and surveyed by Thomas Behan in 1888. A wealth of Australia’s native animals, birds and butterflies can be closely observed in the magnificent habitats in and around the Village. The tropical forest environment is home to many unusual birds: binoculars and keen hearing will bring this world to life. If the gods are smiling, a glimpse of a friendly harmless fresh water crocodile, a playful platypus and a green tree snake will surely reward the observant visitor. Attractions in the town include a regular market, consisting of a range of arts and crafts stalls as well as Back restaurants.
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Список источников основного содержания 1. Клементьева Т.Б., Shannon J.A. Счастливый английский. Книга 3 для 10-11 кл. общеобразовательных школ. – Обнинск: Титул, 2000. 2. http://wikipedia.ru 3. http://www.destinations.ru/fact/39 Интересные факты об Австралии 4. http://molva.by/?p=956 Австралия. Самые интересные факты 5. http://znaeteli.ru/stati/interesnye-fakty-i-novos ti-ob-avstralii/ Интересные факты об Австралии
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Список источников иллюстраций http://www.zooeco.com / strany/str-01-7-3.html http://www.liveinternet .ru/s howjournal.php? journalid= http://www.kto3415682&tagid=6020 takoy.ru/ovca.htm 2 http://www.meridian -express.ru/australia/ excursions/ http://www.flags.net/ COMN.htm http://toemigrate.com/blog/ australia/ http://www.flickr.com/phot os/t ojosan/5152646291/ http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/ sports/chepauk-tendulkars-happyhunting-ground_100274767.html http://www.eryptick net/oz2002/kuranda kuranda.htm http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Immigratio to_Australia

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Автор: Далёкая Елена Петровна  Evgeny
07.06.2011 4 8124 1051

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