Скороговорки для фонетической зарядки к уроку английского языка.


My cat is black.

My cat is fat.

M y cat likes rats.

Rats are fat.


T he kite went higher and higher in the bright blue sky.


H ow would Brown work that

problem out?


B arbara is a beautiful blond with

bright blue eyes.


Rain, rain go to Spain!

N ever come back again!

[ υ]

Don’t go home alone. Nobody knows how lonely the road is.


F ine fellows met at five on the first Friday of



H enry has a bad habit of being behind time.


Y our daughter is

fond of walking

on warm

autumn mornings.


D on’t poke your nose into things you don’t know.

[ s]

Sue is sixteen this summer and Cecil was seventeen last Sunday.


If you ever ever ever meet a grizzly bear,

Y ou should never never never

ask him where

He is going.

For if you ever ever dare

to stop a grizzly bear,

You will never meet another grizzly bear.


Whether the weather be fine

Whether the weather be not

Whether the weather be cold

W hether the weather be hot.

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Автор: Благинина Екатерина Александровна  blaginina
16.11.2009 21 48690 13787

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