контрольная работа для 6 классов за 3 четверть

Цель: контроль навыков употребления артиклей a, an, the, а также употребление лексики по теме “Home, sweet home”, контроль навыков употребления настоящего простого времени и вводной конструкции there is, there are.

Задачи: определить уровень сформированности грамматических и лексических навыков.

I. Translate the words into English:

1- диван 6- кресло

2- шкаф для одежды 7- письменный стол

3- шкаф для посуды 8- отопление

4- кровать 9- холодильник

5- стул 10- занавески

II. Fill in the gaps using a/an or the where it is necessary.

We have got (1)________house.(2)___ house is big. I have got (3)_____big bag.(4) ______my books are in (5)_____ bag. I have got(6) English book.(7)_____ book is(8) ______very nice. I've got (9)_____brother and(10)_____ sister. They are (11) _____pupils. They are at school. His sister is(12)_____pupil. She goes to(13) _______school. She is (14) _____nice girl. Would you like (15)______apple or (16)_____orange? I don't like (17)_____apples. I like (18)_____bananas.(19)_____Mr. Brown has got(20)_____son.(21)_____Browns are from Britain. Show me(22)_____photo of(23)______your house. He can play (24) _______hockey. Can he play football? Can you play (25)____chess? We don't go to (26)_____ school in July. I like to play with (27)_____Ann's kittens.(28)__kittens are very funny.

III. Open the brackets, using the Present Simple Tense.

a. They (go) to the South next month.
b. Our grandmother (not/hear) this song for ages.
c. Ken is in his room, he (read) a book.
d. The river Amazon (flow) into the Atlantic Ocean.
e. There (be) a very big piano in the sitting-room.
f. There (be) some beautiful pictures on the wall.
IV. Fill in the gaps using
there is or there are.

1. …a cat in the room

2. …many wolves in the forest.

3. … no cat in the room

4. … no pens in pencil-case

5. …an apple on the plate

6. …no lamp on the table.

7. … a book on the table.
8. … notebooks on the table.

9. ...no question of anything solid.

10. ...five chairs in our kitchen.

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Автор: Ахтямиева Гульнара Назиевна  Gulen4ik
09.05.2012 0 13180 1345

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