Тест по английскому языку "Австралийский мир диких животных" (Excel)
1 Australia is the birhplace of this birds?
2 The most colourful birds
3 The name is translated "don't drink"
4 The animal like as a nedgehog
5 The male can kill a small dog, or cause pain among humans.
6 The largest flightless bird
7 The big, dangerous animals look like a wolf
8 The animal is placed on the Australian Coat of Arm of Australia
9 The animal was pictured on Australia's two cent coin
10 The species was referred to as “old people’s food” by the aborigines
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Автор: Грибанова Наталья Анатольевна
→ гриб3546 21.05.2012 0 3234 502 |
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