Progress Check 3 form (3rd term)

Минашкина Ольга Алексеевна

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ лицей № 22

Progress Check – 3 (the 3rd term)

1. Прочитай письмо, которое пришло в лесную школу и выполни задания.

14 March

Dear pen friend,

My name is Alice. I am a girl. I am ten. I am from the USA. I live with my mum and dad. My favorite holiday is my birthday. My birthday is on the 7th of September. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a cat, a dog and a parrot. My cat is grey. Its name is Kitty. Kitty likes fish, meat and milk. My dog is black and white. Its name is Jack. My parrot is red, yellow, green and blue. My parrot’s name is Rocky. I like to play with me pets. I would like to have a bird. Have you got a pet? Is it funny?

My favorite sport is basketball. I can play basketball very well. But I can’t play chess. I like to draw, read and write fairy tales, listen to music and play computer games. I don’t like to watch TV. On Sundays I run in the park with my dad. In spring and autumn I like to ride a bike with my friends. In winter I like to ski and skate. In summer I like to swim in the river. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

Alice Brown

1)Закончи предложение.

  1. Alice’s birthday is ……

  1. on the seventeenth of September.

  2. on the seventh of September.

  3. on the seventeenth of October.

  1. Alice’s birthday is ……

  1. in spring.

  2. in summer.

  3. in autumn.

  4. in winter.

  1. Alice lives……

  1. with her grandmother and grandfather.

  2. with her mother and father.

  3. with her mother and grandmother.

  1. Alice has got…..

  1. a cat, a dog and a bird.

  2. a cat, a dog and a parrot.

  3. a cat, a dog and a fish.

2)Найди и обведи правильный ответ на вопросы:

  1. What can Alice do?

  1. She can play basketball, play chess, swim, ski, skate, and ride a bike.

  2. She can play basketball, swim, ski, skate, and ride a bike.

  3. She can play basketball, play chess, swim, ski and skate.

  1. What does Alice like to do?

  1. She likes to draw, read and write fairy tales, listen to music, play computer games and to watch TV.

  2. She likes to draw, listen to music, play computer games and to watch TV.

  3. She likes to draw, read and write fairy tales, listen to music and play computer games.

3) Найди и обведи правильный ответ:

  1. Alice is eleven years old.

  1. True b) False c) Not stated.

  1. Alice lives in America.

  1. True b) False c) Not stated.

  1. Alice has got three pets.

  1. True b) False c) Not stated.

  1. Alice likes to play table tennis.

  1. True b) False c) Not stated.

  1. On Sundays Alice runs in the park with her mother.

  1. True b) False c) Not stated.

4) Ответь на вопросы *.

  1. How old is Alice?___________________________________________

  2. Where is Alice from? _______________________________________

  3. When is Alices birthday? ___________________________________

  4. How many pets has Alice got? ___________________________

  5. What doesn’t she like to do? ________________________

2 Выбери нужное слово и обведи его.

1) My dogs are/is funny.

2) Tim likes/like autumn.

3) Do you run/runs in the park?

4) Does Alice rides/ride a bike every Sunday?

5) March is the second/third month of the year.

3 Выбери и обведи подходящий перевод к предложению:

1) The boy’s postcards are beautiful.

a) Открытки мальчиков красивые.

b) Открытки мальчика красивые.

c) Открытка мальчика красивая.

2) The girls’ dolls are nice.

a) Куклы девочек красивые.

b) Куклы девочки красивые.

c) Кукла девочек красивая.

4 Составь вопросы.

1) you, to do, What, like, do?

2) is, When, your, birthday?

3) Who, fairy tales, writes?

4) Why, Tom, does, autumn, like?

5 Прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова:

second, swim, run, school, beautiful.

I like summer. I don’t go to ….. in June, July and August. Summer is nice and bright. You can see a lot of …….. flowers. You can….. in the river in summer. You can … the park with friends. My birthday is in summer too. It is in the …. summer month. What month is it?

5 Ответь на письмо.


Dear pen friend,

I am…._____________________________

I am from…..________________________

I live with ……______________________

My birthday……_____________________

My favourite ….._____________________

I can……___________________________

I can’t……._________________________

I like to do….._______________________

Your pen friend,……..________________

Список используемой литературы:

  1. Enjoy English . Биболетова М. З., Добрынина Н. В., Трубанева Н.Н: Учебник англ. яз. для 3 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.– Обнинск: Титул, 2010. – 144с.: ил.

  2. Английский язык. 2-3 классы. Тесты. Дидактические материалы к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Е.Л. Ленской «Enjoy English»/ Е. Г. Воронова. – 3-е изд. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2010. 160с.

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Автор: Минашкина Ольга Алексеевна  oadoa
13.03.2013 0 7968 1228

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