Контрольная за 4 четверть и итоговая контрольная работы для 6 класса
Информация об авторе:
Ф.И.О. Исаева Альбина Салимовна
Место работы: МАОУ «СОШ № 1» г. Верещагино, Пермский край.
Должность: учитель английского языка
Квалификация: 1 категория
Источники информации:
1. Биболетова М.З., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н.
Enjoy English – 3: Учебник англ. яз. для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – 2-е изд.,
испр. – Обнинск: Титул, 2004.
Итоговая контрольная работа
(6 класс, учебник М.З.Биболетовой)
Task 1. Use a/an, the or no article.
1. … Pacific ocean is … biggest ocean in … world.
2. … D.Defoe was … famous English writer of … 18th century.
3. … Browns moved abroad two years ago.
4. My uncle is … lawyer.
5. … Volga is … longest river in Russia.
Task 2. Choose the right letter.
1. They ……. it today.
a) did b) do c) have done
2. Listen! My sister ……. the piano.
a) plays b) is playing c) play
3. He ……. the test yet.
a) haven’t write b) hasn’t written c) didn’t write
4. ……. you ……. an apple pie tomorrow?
a) Will … cook b) Did … cook c) Do … cook
5. My friends ……. the Zoological Society three months ago.
a) joined b) have joined c) will join
Task 3. Ask special questions to the underlined words.
1. Jim has recently bought a new car.
2. Tom’s father is fond of collecting coins.
3. They live in the centre of town.
4. My family bought a new house a year ago.
5. We are walking in the park.
Task 4. Use Reflexive Pronouns.
1. Can you arrange the party … or shall I help you?
2. I always make my bed …….
3. Jill walked her dog …….
4. We cooked the pie …….
5. These boys are so lazy that never clear the table …….
Task 5. Fill in the missing letters.
A_tist, cent_ry, mus_c_an, ro_al, pro_ect, s_ciety, s_ve, alr_ _dy, p_e, a_nt,
ru_ _ish, a_thor, so_p, gar_e_ing.
Контрольная работа за IV четверть
(6 класс, учебник М.З.Биболетовой)
1. Complete the sentences with the following pronouns: myself, herself, himself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
1) My mother sets the table …………….
2) He did his homework ………………...
3) Can you do this work ………….. or shall I help you?
4) They prepared dinner ………………..
5) I made this nice dress ………………..
6) We couldn’t do the test ……………...
2. Choose the right variant.
1) I ……. my Math. I can go for a walk.
a) did b) has done c) have done
2) Peter …….. home two minutes ago.
a) will come b) came c) has come
3) My friends ………. to play hockey in winter.
a) like b) are liking c) likes
4) She ……. a very interesting book recently.
a) have read b) reads c) has read
5) Listen! Our mother ……. a popular song.
a) sings b) is singing c) sing
3. Ask the following questions.
1) We have lunch at one o’clock every day. (When …?)
2) She got a lot of postcards on her birthday last year. (What …?)
3) Ann has never been to London. (Has…?)
4) Timoty will go abroad next year. (Where …?)
5) He is watching TV now. (Who …?)
4. Translate the words.
Example: club – клуб; ship – корабль.
Автор, comedy, садоводство, horseracing, model, путешествие, collect, популярный, to be fond of, хранить, have a lot in common, открытый воздух.
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Автор: Исаева Альбина Салимовна
→ bina 13.04.2013 1 39631 3134 |
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