Страноведческий тест по теме "Нью-Йорк"; 9 класс

Данильченко Александра Викторовна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ «Ковылкинская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4»

New York Quiz

  1. The city of New York is made up of ______ boroughs?

  1. seven

  2. Five

  3. three

  4. four

  1. The largest art museum in the Western Hemisphere is located in NYC, what is its name?

  1. Whitney Museum

  2. Metropolitan Museum of Art

  3. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

  4. Museum of Modern Art

  1. One of the great bridges into Manhattan was designed by John Roebling with Gothic arches, and opened in 1883, it is the ________________?

  1. Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

  2. Manhattan Bridge

  3. Brooklyn Bridge

  4. George Washington Bridge

  1. Manhattan's East and West Sides are primarily divided by which street?

  1. Fifth Avenue

  2. The F.D.R.

  3. Drive Park Avenue

  4. 42nd Street

  1. Which of these bridges connects Manhattan with Queens?

  1. 145th Street Bridge

  2. Third Avenue Bridge

  3. 59th Street Bridge

  4. Madison Avenue Bridge

  1. When was the World Trade Center in New York attacked and destroyed?

  1. 11 September 2001

  2. 11 November 2001

  3. 9 September 2001

  4. 9 November 2001

  1. New York’s financial centre is…

  1. Wall Street

  2. Broadway 

  3. Times Square 

  4. Madison Avenue 

  1. Name the famous New York City building whose construction was completed in 1931.

  1. World Trade Center

  2. Rockefeller Center

  3. Empire State Building

  4. New York Times

  1. The largest city in the United States in terms of population is New York.

  1. True

  2. False

  1. What is the nickname of New York City?

  1. American Pie

  2. Big Ben

  3. Big Apple

  4. Apple Pie

  5. The New York Stock Exchange is the world's largest securities exchange.


  1. Five. The boroughs are: Staten Island, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan.

  2. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  3. The Brooklyn Bridge.

  4. Fifth Avenue.

  5. The 59th Street Bridge.

  6. 11 September 2001.

  7. Wall Street.

  8. The Empire State Building.

  9. True.

  10. Big Apple.


  1. http://aeterna.qip.ru/test/view/68525/

  2. http://www.ourgames.ru/igra/Za-pokupkami-v-Niu-Iork.html?campaignmedium=casualpromo&campaignelement=thumb2&campaignname=gamepromotion

  3. http://www.tourister.ru/world/america/united-states/city/new_york_city

  4. http://aeterna.qip.ru/tests/cat/%D0%BD%D1%8C%D1%8E-%D0%B9%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BA/

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Автор: Данильченко Александра Викторовна  Данильченко2010
24.11.2013 0 7623 749

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