Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку в 6 классе за 1 полугодие

зработан для проверки лексики по темам "Известные Люди", "Достопримечательности Лондона", "Животные"; грамматических навыков по темам Артикли, Времена английского глагола, Разделительный вопрос, Настоящее совершенное время. Данный материал можно использовать как итоговый тест за полугодие, так и отдельно по четвертям.

Favourite animals _________
Your hobby. I like ____________

Выполните тест:
1. Did you travel to … North?
a) - b) a c) the

2. Washington is … capital of … USA.
a) -, the b) the, the c) -,-

3. …Serovs are our friends.
a) - b) a c) the

4. … John Lennon is a famous English musician.
a) a b) – c) the

5. Ann lives …Baker Street in … London.
a) -,- b) a, a c) the, the

6. My friend wants to be … policeman.
a) - b) a c) the

7. Charlie Chaplin is famous for his … .
a) books b) songs c) films

8. V. Putin is … president of …Russian Federation.
a) -,- b) the, - c) the, the

9. Sir Winston Churchill was a famous British… .
a) writer b) scientist c) politician

10. You haven’t been to Buckingham Palace, …?
a) have you b) haven`t you c) haven`t I

11. Londoners are proud of their parks, …?
a) are Londoners b) do they c) aren`t they?

12. We have visited the British Museum, …?
a) haven`t we b) have we c) we have

13. There are three … at the Zoo.
a) wolfs b) wolves c) wolfes

14. The Zoological Society of London is fighting to save … animals.
a) wild b) domestic c) endangered

15. … like bananas very much.
a) crocodiles b) monkeys c) whales
16. Watch …! There`s an elephant coming.
a) of b) out c) for

17. Can visitors of the Zoo … animals?
a) stay b) feed c) go

18. I … to the wild animal park yesterday.
a) go b) will go c) went

19. Have you ever … poems?
a) translate b) translated c) to translate

20. She … just joined the Zoological society.
a) has b) have c) had

21. Children… their Granny three days ago.
a) have visited b) visited c) visit

22. Elephants and mice are of the same colour. They are…
a) black b) grey c) yellow

23. I… my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
a) have done b) did c) have did

24. The eagle … its wings.
a) have just stretched b) has just stretched c) just has stretched

25. Leopards belong to the… family.
a) dog b) fish c) cat

26. I … to Trafalgar Square.
a) have never been b) didn`t be c) did never be

27. Mike… a letter twenty minutes ago.
a) have written b) wrote c) will write

28. Children all … the world like animals.
a) in b) over c) of

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Автор: Виноградова Евгения Анатольевна  vea0603
30.12.2014 3 11684 1310

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