Презентация по английскому языку "Easter"

Слайд 1
Easter Выполнила: АМБАРЦУМОВА АННА ПАВЛОВНА Учитель английского языка МОУ «КСОШ №1» Ленинградская область г. Кингисепп LOGO
Слайд 2
Easter is celebrated every spring. It is always celebrated on a Sunday. Easter has its roots in many traditions gathered from many parts of the globe.
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There are many symbols of Easter. German settlers to Pennsylvania brought with them the story of the Easter Bunny. Children believed that if they were good, the Easter Bunny would lay a nest of colored eggs. Because rabbits are known for producing a lot of young, especially in the springtime, they symbolize new life. As the Easter Bunny custom spread across the country, it led to other traditions such as Easter baskets and gift giving.
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Birds lay a great number of colorful eggs in the spring which has brought about the use of Easter eggs, egg dyeing and egg hunts. Long ago, the egg was honored during many springtime festivals. Egg dyeing was popular in ancient times and continues to be popular today. To the Christian, the egg represents the rebirth of the earth and of man.
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Ham is the traditional food of Easter. This type of pork is popular throughout the world. In many cultures, the pig is a symbol of prosperity.
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Аnswer the questions 1.On what day of the week is Easter celebrated? 2.What symbol of Easter did the German settlers bring with them? 2. What do rabbits symbolize? 3. What are two other customs that came from the Easter Bunny tradition? 4. What does the egg represent to the Christian? 5. What do Americans traditionally eat on Easter?
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http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRQC85VEeaYQhGCTF 0LEdYDQkB_j077WL2mnhU7DDS36xlLHTMO http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-NOijmOuhub_botR mxKCupmNK4jah4iaBZxOpHqRG-WcbeapE http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJqu8if1AL9F53pFRy UgIIo8NRq9ujo4aIZ8pgTqrISug35xbw7Q http://t1.gstatic.com/images? q=tbn:ANd9GcTtORDOu2Fg8fk_35jT1i090Kd4EbvaWlMzS1q6jqw0 4VOhFVI0 http://flowersnamess.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/EasterFlowers.jpg

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Автор: Амбарцумова Анна Павловна  hunny
03.06.2011 4 10255 2411

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