Презентация по английскому языку "Haggis"; 6 класс


In Scotland, Burns Night celebrations take place on 25th January, which is the birthday of the country’s most famous poet, Robert Burns (1759-96). They usually take the form of a supper at which some of Burns’s most popular poems are recited and traditional Scottish music is played by a bagpiper, wearing traditional Highland dress. Food and drink are also important on Burns Night: a lot of whisky is drunk, and a traditional but rather unusual dish called haggis is eaten.

Haggis looks like a very fat sausage, with the filling (начинка) consisting of pieces of sheep’s heart, liver and lungs mixed with onions (лук), oats (овес) and spices. The skin of the haggis used to be made from sheep’s stomach, but that isn’t so common nowadays. The haggis is boiled (варится) in water for about an hour, then eaten with ’neeps and tatties’. ‘Neeps” are turnips (репа) and ‘tatties’ are potatoes.

Some Scottish people also enjoy telling foreign visitors that the haggis is a very rare wild animal, only found in Scotland. There are always some tourists who only realize it was a joke when they arrive at the tourist information office to book a place on a ‘haggis hunt’.

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f o t r a pa s? e h t o l c a rare wild animal? ak ind spo of rt? кроссворд для учащихся 6 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка
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What is Haggis? Haggis is a typical Scottish food. Read the text about one of the most traditional Scottish dishes and check yourself by completing the crossword.
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1 2 B U R N S 3 4 5 8 7 6 The Scottish most famous poet is Robert ……
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1 2 B U R N S S T OM A C H 3 4 5 8 7 6 The skin of the haggis used to be made from sheep’s …
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1 2 4 B U R N S S T OM A C H 3 N I G H T 5 8 7 6 The haggis is eaten on Burns …
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1 2 4 S T O 3 N T U R N 5 8 7 M I I B U R N S A G P C H H T S 6 “Neeps” is known in Scotland as …
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1 2 4 S T OM 3 N I T U R N I 5 WH 8 7 6 B U R N S A G P I P C H S S O H T K Y T A T O E S The haggis is eaten with turnips and …
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1 2 4 S T OM 3 N I T U R N I 5 WH 8 7 6 B U R N S A G P I P C H S S O H T K Y T A T O E S H E A R T The haggis consists of pieces of sheep’s …
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1 2 4 S T OM 3 N I T U R N I 5 WH 8 B U R N S C H S S O H T 6 A G P I P H SA U E S A A R G 7 K Y T A T O E S T E The haggis looks like a very fat …
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1B 2 4 S T OM 3 N I T U R N I 5 WH 8 U R N S C H S S O H T 6 A G P I P H S A U E S A A R G 7 K Y T A T O E S T E
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Слайд 14
Источник основного содержания www.insideout.net. текст для чтения “Haggis”Haggis”
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Список источников http://www.lenagold.ru/fon/geom/kle.html - фон слайдов иллюстраций http://koducey.com.ua/kontent/poleznie-statii/204-11-let-za-partoi-plusi-minusi слайд №2 http://www.fife.50megs.com/Tour%20Scotland%20Cameron/pages/Scottish%20 Haggis_jpg.htm – слайд №3 http://arizer.ru/Gallery/G_burns.htm - слайд №4 http://unamusementpark.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/turnips.jpg - слайд №7 http://www.whisky-drinker.com/pages/wpcontent/uploads/2011/05/reynalds.png слайд №8 http://www.life123.com/food/sides/potatoes/types-of-potatoes.shtml - слайд №9 http://joycelyn-ainee.blogspot.com/2011/04/you-know-i-still-love-you.html - слайд №10 http://www.beepworld.de/members60/happywoldtown/1000xgewogen.htm слайд №11
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http://west-tv.ru/news/news.php?page=14 – слайд №12 http://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&langpair=en|ru&u= http://www.canstockphoto.com/images-photos/bagpiper.html - мальчик-волынщик http://s244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/vann_014/?action=view&current=goodjob.gifслайд №13

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Автор: Кушнаренко Стелла Александровна  st@ella
10.06.2011 9 11132 1569

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