Презентация "Путеводитель по Лондону"; 5-10 класс

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Презентация «Путеводитель по Лондону»

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: Знакомство со столицей Великобритании. Путеводитель по Лондону.

Класс: 5-10 класс

Аннотация: УМК Биболетова М.З , «Английский с удовольствием ,»

Цели: ознакомление с лингвострановедческими понятиями по теме «Лондон» ,совершенствование навыков чтения на английском языке, развитие поискового чтения и языковой догадки.


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Авторский медиапродукт – презентация, 9 слайдов

Таким образом, ученик может ознакомиться с лингвострановедческим материалом по теме «Лондон» ,продолжить развивать навыки чтения на английском языке . На каждом слайде – фото одного из интереснейших мест Лондона и краткое содержание . На предпоследний слад следует кликать несколько раз – «фото фейерверк» из фотографий столицы Великобритании.

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Источники указаны в презентации.

Слайд 1
Конкурс презентаций «ИНТЕРАКТИВНАЯ МОЗАИКА» http://pedsovet.su • Автор презентации: Михалёва Анжелика • Место учёбы : МОУ Лицей № 6 г.Качканар • Класс : 10 а
Слайд 2
Guide of London`s sights Pupil: Michaleva Angelika 10 a form Kachkanar
Слайд 3
Buckingham Palace More than 50,000 people visit the Palace each year as guests to banquets, lunches, and dinners.
Слайд 4
St Katharine Docks • • • • • • St Katharine Docks, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, were one of the commercial docks serving London, on the north side of the river Thames just east (downstream) of the Tower of London and Tower Bridge. They were part of the Port of London, in the area now known as the Docklands, and are now a popular housing and leisure complex. he docks were officially opened on 25 October 1828. Although well used, they were not a great commercial success and were unable to accommodate large ships • The St Katharine Docks were badly damaged by German bombing during the Second World War and never fully recovered thereafter. • Most ofthe original warehouses were demolished and mostly replaced by modern commercial buildings in the early 1970s, with the docks themselves becoming a marina •
Слайд 5
Westminster • • • • • • • Westminster Abbey is England's main religious building. Originally built in Saxon times in the 7th Century, its real importance dates from 1065 with Edward the Confessor setting up his throne here. The present church was begun by Henry III in 1245. By the 16th Century in Tudor times, Westminster Abbey had become the setting for coronations, royal marriages and funerals. The first documented coronation here was that of William the Conqueror in 1066, the most recent was that of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953 Westminster Hall has the largest clearspan medieval roof in England, measuring 20.7 by 73.2 metres (68 by 240 ft)
Слайд 6
Whitehall • • • • • • • The name is taken from the vast Palace of Whitehall that used to occupy the area but which was largely destroyed by fire in 1698. Whitehall was originally a wide road that ran up to the front of the palace. Trafalgar Square was built at its northern extremity in the early 19th century Whitehall is a street in central London running from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament and containing many important buildings and government offices, such as the Treasury, Admiralty and others. In the centre of the roadway stands the Cenotaph, the memorial to the fallen of both world wars. The Prime Minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street is directly connected to Whitehall.
Слайд 7
Trafalgar Square • • • The name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar (1805), a British naval victory of the Napoleonic Wars. The original name was to have been "King William the Fourth's Square", but George Ledwell Taylor suggested the name "Trafalgar Square" • The present architecture of the square is due to Sir Charles Barry and was completed in 1845. • The battle took place at Cape Trafalgar in the mouth of the Straits of Gibraltar and lasted several hours; Nelson was fatally wounded by a shot which broke his backbone; He died on board his flagship the Victory, but not before being told that he had won the battle. • • • • • • • Nelson's Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on top, rises in the centre of Trafalgar Square. This most impressive monument is 170 feet (about 52 m) tall. The statue of Nelson, placed facing towards the sea he loved, measures 17 feet (more than 5 m) in height. There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them. Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of peace all over the world.
Слайд 8
It `s very interesting to visit London`s sights. Enjoy the travelling!!!
Слайд 9
Список источников иллюстраций: Buckingham palace http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=buckingham%20palace%20%D1%84%D0%BE %D1%82%D0%BE&p=52&img_url=iguide.travel%2Fphotos%2FLondon-27.jpg&rpt=simage http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=buckingham%20palace%20%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE&p= 0&img_url=img56.imageshack.us%2Fimg56%2F5668%2Fthebuckinghampalace9ld.jpg&rpt=simage St.Katharine Docks http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=St.Katharine%20Docks&p=96&img_url=geoid.ru%2Fstatic%2Fu ser%2Fphotos%2Fthumbs3%2F155232.jpg&rpt=simage Wetminster http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=westminster%20abbey%20%D1%84%D0%BE %D1%82%D0%BE&p=128&img_url=bontravel.com.ua%2Fimg%2Fresorts%2F9%2F2.jpg&rpt=simage Whitehall http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=Whitehall%20double%20decker %20buses&p=1&img_url=a-a-ah.ru%2Fdata%2Fplace%2Fm1%2Fm1-1%2F1098%2Fimages %2F4db2c24c619d2707037615.550x340c.jpg%3F393613d557d23e137b8d5489ffc02cf0&rpt=simage Trafalgar Square http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=trafalgar%20square%20%D1%84%D0%BE %D1%82%D0%BE&p=6&img_url=www.bigfoto.com%2Feurope%2Flondon%2Ftrafalgar-squareu5.jpg&rpt=simage

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Автор: Михалёва Анжелика  Екатерина_Пашкова
17.06.2011 3 6818 1813

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