Презентация для внеклассной работы по английскому языку "Своя игра"

Пояснительная записка

Автор работы: Полякова Галина Александровна, учитель английского языка, МОУ Избердеевская сош, Тамбовская область, с. Петровское.

Название работы: “Своя игра”

Аннотация: Внеклассное мероприятие

Содержание работы: Презентация об истории, географии, столицах англо-говорящих стран.

Слайд 1
Your Game ( History) Round 2 Полякова Галина Александровна учитель английского языка МОУ Избердеевская сош с. Петровское Тамбовская область
Слайд 2
Round 2 Russia 10 40 70 100 The UK 10 40 70 100 The USA 10 40 70 100
Слайд 3
Russia 10$ • 1) The State Moscow University was founded by … a) G. Derzhavin; b) M. Lomonosov; назад c) A. Pushkin; d) M. Kutuzov.
Слайд 4
Russia 40$ • 2) Moscow was founded by … a) Yuri Dolgoruky; c) King Henry; b) Queen Elizabeth; d) Tsar Alexander назад
Слайд 5
Russia 70$ • 3) Moscow became the capital of Russia again in … a) 1492; b) 1918; назад c) 1812; d) 1994.
Слайд 6
Russia 100$ • 4) Moscow was founded in… a) 1267; c) 1977; b) 1147; d) 1367. назад
Слайд 7
The UK 10$ • 1) The Great Fire of London was in … a) 1066; c) 1106; b) 1766; d) 1666. назад
Слайд 8
The UK 40$ • 2) Sir Chritophen Wren built … a) Buckhingam Palace; b) Westminster Abbey; c) St. Paul`s Cathedral; d) The Tower of London. Назад
Слайд 9
The UK 70$ • 3) William the Conqueror built… as a fortress(крепость). a) Westminster Abbey; b) the Tower of London; c) St. Paul`s Cathedral; d) Buckingham Palace. назад
Слайд 10
The UK 100$ • 4) What was the original name of the British capital? c) England; • A) Londinium; d) the Tower of London. • B) London; назад
Слайд 11
The USA 10$ • 1) America was discovered by … a) Sir Christopher Wren; b) Christopher Columbus; c) Bill Clinton; d) Abraham Lincoln. назад
Слайд 12
The USA 40$ • 2) There were … colonies in America in 1733. a) 13; b) 7; назад c) 21; d) 10.
Слайд 13
The USA 70$ • 3) The first colonies started the tradition of … a) Halloween; c) Thanksgiving Day; b) Independence Day; d) Memorial Day. назад
Слайд 14
The USA 100$ • 4) The first President of the USA was … a) George Washington; b) Jeffrey Jefferson; c) Abraham Lincoln d) Bill Clinton. назад
Слайд 1
Your Game (Capitals) Round 3 Полякова Галина Александровна учитель английского языка МОУ Избердеевская сош с. Петровское Тамбовская область
Слайд 2
Round 3 Russia 10 40 70 100 The UK 10 40 70 100 The USA 10 40 70 100
Слайд 3
Russia 10$ 1) The capital of Russia is … a) Moscow; c) Washington; b) London; d) Paris.  назад
Слайд 4
Russia 40$ 2) If you are fond of … , you can go to the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum. a) paintings; c) reading; b) guns; d) TV.  назад
Слайд 5
Russia 70$ 3) The main square of Moscow is… a) Trafalgar Square; c) Red Square; b) the National Gallery; d) Hyde Park.  назад
Слайд 6
Russia 100$ 4) The largest clock in all of Russia is… a) the Kremlin Chimes( куранты); b) on the main building of Moscow State University.  назад
Слайд 7
The UK 10$ 1) The capital of Great Britain is… a) Moscow; c) Washington; b) London; d) Paris.  назад
Слайд 8
The UK 40$  a) b) c) d) 2) What can you see in Trafalgar Square? Nelson Statue; King Memorial; Queen Memorial; The Statue of Liberty. назад
Слайд 9
The UK 70$  a) b) 3) Nowadays the Tower of London is … a prison; c) a house; a museum; d) a fortress. назад
Слайд 10
The UK 100$  a) b) c) d) 4) The name of the palace where the Queen lives is… the Tower of London; the White House; the Winsor Palace; the Buckingham Palace. назад
Слайд 11
The USA 10$ 1) The capital of the USA is … a) Moscow; c) Washington; b) London; d) Paris.  назад
Слайд 12
The USA 40$  a) b) c) 2) The President of the USA lives in … the Buckingham Palace; the White House; the Capitol Building; назад
Слайд 13
The USA 70$  a) b) c) d) 3)The seat of the Government is … The Capitol Building; The Buckingham Palace; The White House; The Houses of Parliament. назад
Слайд 14
The USA 100$  a) b) c) d) 4) What is the famous library in Washington? Library of the White House; Library of Capitol; Library of Supreme Court; Library of Congress. назад
Слайд 1
Your Game (Symbols & Traditions) Round 4 Полякова Галина Александровна учитель английского языка МОУ Избердеевская сош с. Петровское Тамбовская область
Слайд 2
Round 4 Russia 10 40 70 100 The UK 10 40 70 100 The USA 10 40 70 100
Слайд 3
Russia 10$  a) b) c) d) 1) The Russian flag is … white, blue, red; black, white, blue; red, white, blue; brown, black, yellow. назад
Слайд 4
Russia 40$  a) b) 2) The national symbol of Russia is … a willow; c) an oak; a birch; d) a rose. назад
Слайд 5
Russia 70$  a) b) c) d) 3) Independence Day in Russia is on …. The 7th of October; The 12th of June; The 1st of September; The 12th of July. назад
Слайд 6
Russia 100$ 4) It is a traditional holiday in Russia. People say “good-bye” to winter in these days. It lasts for a week. It`s at the end of February or at the beginning of March. a) New Year; c) St. Valentine`s Day; b) Maslenitsa; d) Easter.  назад
Слайд 7
The UK 10$  a) b) c) d) 1) The flag of the UK is often called … the Union Jack; the Stars and Stripes; the Red Dragon; the White Eagle. назад
Слайд 8
The UK 40$  a) b) 2) The national symbol of England is …. a rose; c) a tulip; a daffodil; d) a daisy. назад
Слайд 9
The UK 70$  a) b) 3) The legend says that without them the Tower of London will fall. the pigeons; c) the squirrels; the cats; d) the ravens. назад
Слайд 10
The UK 100$  a) b) c) d) 4) When can you see the flag over the Queen`s Palace? When she is out; When she is abroad; When she has a party; When she is at home. назад
Слайд 11
The USA 10$  a) b) c) d) 1) The American flag is often called … The Union Jack; The Stars and Stripes; The Red Dragon; The White Eagle. назад
Слайд 12
The USA 40$  a) b) 2) The official national symbol of the USA is … the chicken; c) the turkey; the eagle; d) the “Mayflower”. назад
Слайд 13
The USA 70$  a) b) 3) The traditional dish for Thanksgiving Day is .. a chicken; c) a salad; a turkey; d) a sandwich. назад
Слайд 14
The USA 100$  a) b) c) d) 4) …. is Thanksgiving Day. The 1st of September; The last Thursday of November; The first Thursday of November; The 25th of December. назад
Слайд 1
Your Game A game about geography, history, capitals, symbols and traditions of Russia, the UK, the USA. 4 rounds Полякова Галина Александровна учитель английского языка МОУ Избердеевская сош с. Петровское Тамбовская область
Слайд 2
Round 1,Geography. Russia 10 40 70 100 The UK 10 40 70 100 The USA 10 40 70 100
Слайд 3
Russia 10$ • 1) Russia is in … a) Europe; b) Asia; c) Europe and Asia; d) Africa. назад
Слайд 4
Russia 40$ • 2) The name of the river in Moscow is … a) The Volga; c) the Nile; b) the Moskwa River; d) the Thames. назад
Слайд 5
Russia 70$ • 3) The longest river in Russia is … a) the Volga; c) the Ob; b) the Lena; d) the Nile. назад
Слайд 6
Russia 100$ • 4) What mountains separate Europe from Asia? a) the Alps; c) the Caucasus; b) the Urals; d) the Pamirs. назад
Слайд 7
The UK 10$ • 1) The UK is in … a) Europe; c) America; b) Asia; d) Africa. назад
Слайд 8
The UK 40$ • The name of the river in London is … a) the Volga; c) the Nile; b) the Thames; d) the Ob. назад
Слайд 9
The UK 70$ • 3) The UK is divided into … a) three parts; c) four parts; b) five parts; d) two parts. назад
Слайд 10
The UK 100$ • 4) In what country do men wear skirts? a) France; c) Scotland; b) England; d) Norway. назад
Слайд 11
The USA 10$ • 1) The USA is in … a) Europe; c) North America; b) Asia; d) South America; назад
Слайд 12
The USA 40$ • 2) The national language in the USA is … a) English; c) German; b) French; d) Italian. • назад
Слайд 13
The USA 70$ • 3) The biggest USA city is …. • a) London; c) Manchester; • b) Belfast; d) New York. назад
Слайд 14
The USA 100$ • • • • 4) … washes the USA in the east. a) The Atlantic Ocean; b) The Pacific Ocean; c) The Indian Ocean. назад

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Автор: Полякова Галина Александровна  loguna26
02.11.2011 0 10991 3485

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