Презентация и музыкальные файлы к уроку о группе "Биттлз"

Слайд 1
The Beatles
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Слайд 6
Yesterday • All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they're here to stay, Oh, I believe in yesterday. Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, There's a shadow hanging over me, Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Слайд 7
Why she Had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say. I said, Something wrong, now I long for yesterday. Yesterday, Love was such an easy game to play, Now I need a place to hide away, Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Слайд 8
Why she Had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say. I said, Something wrong, now I long for yesterday. Yesterday, Love was such an easy game to play, Now I need a place to hide away, Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Слайд 9
Слайд 10
Can you put the names and the surnames? John Ringo George Paul Starr Harrison McCartney Lennon
Слайд 11
Where do they come from? a) London b) Manchester c) Liverpool
Слайд 12
What was the first name of the group? a) Jonny and the Moondogs b) The Quarry Men c) The silver Beatles
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What was their first big hit? a) “Please Please Me” b)“Imagine” c) “Love me Do”
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The year of the first hit 1970 1962 1948
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What was the name of the manager? Dick James George Martin Brian Epstein
Слайд 16
To whom did Paul devoted his song “and I love her”? Jane Asher Madonna Linda McCartney
Слайд 17
What was their first film? A Day in the Life Across the Universe A Hard Day’s Night Magical Mystery
Слайд 18
And I love her • I give her all my love, That's all I do, And if you saw my love You'd love her too, And I love her. • She gives me everything And tenderly The kiss my lover bring She brings to me And I love her.
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• A love like ours Could never die As long as I have you near me. • Bright are the stars that shine Dark is the sky, I know that love of mine Will never die, And I love her.
Слайд 20
• Я дарю ей все свою любовь, Вот всё, что я делаю, И если бы вы увидели мою возлюбленную, Вы бы тоже в нее влюбились, И я люблю её. • Она дает мне все, что нужно, И она дарит мне это Нежностью Поцелуев, И я люблю её. • Наша любовь Никогда не умрёт, Пока ты рядом. • Ярки те звезды, что сияют В темном небе, Я знаю, моя любовь Никогда не угаснет, Ведь я люблю её.

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Автор: Демченко Анна Александровна  Аннушка
27.06.2009 4 8200 3169

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