Презентация к уроку по теме "Films" по УМК "Английский в фокусе" для 9 класса

Слайд 1
Vocabulary and Speaking Тюменцева Ирина Николаевна учитель английского языка ГБОШИ «Школа одаренных детей им. А.П. Гужвина» г. Астрахань
Слайд 2
make, produce, shoot mystery comedy verb s star in, act romance types Films review actress action peopl e director, producer wester n science fiction adventure costume designer set designer make-up artist camera operator scriptwriter
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Слайд 4
Bollywoo H d Have you ever seen any Indian films? Did you like them? What do you know about Bollywood? 1899 colourful costumes Hollywood kidnappers Britain
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Bollywood Bollywood productions Indian films film industry named after the largest film industry musicals about love, marriage, family and crime popular around the world
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I prefer eating Italian food to eating Chinese food. General preference I would prefer to go swimming ( rather) than sunbathe all day. Specific preference I would rather/sooner go swimming than play basketball.
Слайд 7
 Describing the film I really like/love …, which is a film about/ set in ….  I think … is an amazing film.  … is one of my favourite films. It focuses on … .      Giving reasons … because I always really enjoy comedies/action films. I think the special effects/costumes/scenery /acting is(are) amazing. I think … is an amazing actor/actress. I find the film really exciting/action-packed/ moving. What I like best about … the special effects/ graphics/sound effects/stunts.
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comedy romance
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United States, 1999 Cast: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, Hugo Weaving, Julian Arahanga Directors: Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski Producer: Joel Silver a science fiction thriller Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves) /lead/ a double life. A hard-working computer programmer/work/ a major software corporation. a hacker/ named Neo/ dissatisfied with his existence Be contacted by /a mysterious computer presence known as Morpheus. Begin/ an amazing odyssey for/ Neo and the audience.
Слайд 10
What Happens in Vegas (2008) Director: Tom Vaughan Cast: Cameron Diaz, Rob Corddry, Treat Williams, Queen Latifah, Ashton Kutcher, Genre(s): Comedy Diaz/ career woman Joy decide/ to let her hair down /Vegas Be dumped by her boyfriend meet /Kutcher/layabout/ Jack. husband and wife Jack /win/the jackpot /use/Joy’s quarter divorce/get half a judge/ freeze/ the winnings /order/the bickering pair to make a go of /marriage.
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blog.cooarts.wisc.edu/2010/01/22/what-do-you-think-most-important-films-of-decade/ www.exeter.ac.uk/fch/first-year-programme/film-studies.php https://files.nyu.edu/aj1047/public/bollywood.html www.brothersoft.com/eat-pray-love-italy-404455.html www.moviewallpapers.net/wallpaper/5273/live-free-or-die-hard.html pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Pirates _of_the_Caribbean:_At_World’s_End letsnottalkaboutmovies.blogspot.com/2009/12/sherlock-holmes/html ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Матрица_(фильм) www.possumtracker.com/viewtorrent_17858.php www.imdb.com/title/tt1033643/ www.expressentree.com/italian-food-delivery.asp www.sodahead.com/living/chineese-food-or-japineese-food/question-1691669/ therun.ru/images/plavanie-1.php blog.seattlecoffeegear.com/2008/12/03/health-watch-caffeine-skin-cancer/ «Учебное пособие для подготовки к ПЕГЭ по английскому языку: Чтение. Письмо» (Мальком Манн, Стив Тейлор-Ноулс), Оксфорд, 2006.

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Автор: Тюменцева Ирина Николаевна  iranik
08.01.2012 1 12748 3312

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