Презентация по теме: " Holidays.Halloween" 8 класс

Слайд 1
Слайд 2
HALLOWEE N PLAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Words Texts Grammar ex. Scanword Play gallows Instruction Results
Слайд 3
                 What is this?
Слайд 4
What is this?
Слайд 5
Scanword e g h o s t e a p c h a n i g h t u a t l w g r o o m r o l i h b t e p s c o t l a n d k o t w c i t s e i u o e h g s p v n l b e e h p o i w s e n s t e e l a
Слайд 6
Scanword e g h o s t e a p c h a n i g h t u a t l w g r o o m r o l i h b t e p s c o t l a n d k ( answers ) o t w c i t s e i u o e h g s p v n l b e e h p o i w s e n s t e e l a
Слайд 7
Fill in 1.The British celebrate Halloween on the 31 of October. 2. They believe … that day the souls of the dead return to place … where they lived. 3. People decorate their houses with pumpkins. 4. In the evening there are a lot of Halloween’s parties. 5. People tell a scary story in a low voice on Halloween night.
Слайд 8
Guess the words N L
Слайд 9
Guess the words H A L L O WE E N
Слайд 10
Guess the words C A N D L E
Слайд 11
The instruction of the lantern 1. Cut the top and the bottom of the pumpkin 2. Take out the pulp from inside the pumpkin 3. Cut two eyes, a nose and a mouth on one side of the pumpkin 4. Stand the candle in the bottom and light the lantern
Слайд 12
Results 1. Halloween - 31 st of October 2. Symbols: pumpkin,costume,lantern,treat,ghost,etc. 3. Customs: “Trick or Treat!”, a scary story, Halloween party
Слайд 13
Halloween, Halloween. It’ s a holiday for all ! Halloween, Halloween. Welcome adults and small. Halloween, Halloween. We like to “trick and treat”. Halloween, Halloween. At home and in the street.

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Автор: Хэллоуин (внеклассное мероприятие)  маргаритка
12.08.2009 8 19856 5367

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