Презентация по английскому языку "Стихотворение "This is the Key of the Kingdom" для 5-6 класса.

Слайд 1
Слайд 2
This is the key of the kingdom,
Слайд 3
there is a city,  In that kingdom 
Слайд 4
In that city there is a town, 
Слайд 5
In that town  there is a street, 
Слайд 6
In that street  there is a lane,
Слайд 7
In that lane  there is a yard, 
Слайд 8
In that yard  there is a house,
Слайд 9
In that house  there is a room, 
Слайд 10
In that room  there is a bed, 
Слайд 11
In that bed  there is a basket,
Слайд 12
In that basket  there are some flowers.
Слайд 13
Flowers in a basket,
Слайд 14
Basket in the bed, 
Слайд 15
Bed in the room,
Слайд 16
Room in the house,
Слайд 17
House in the yard,
Слайд 18
Yard in the lane,
Слайд 19
Lane in the street,
Слайд 20
Street in the town,
Слайд 21
Town in the city,
Слайд 22
City in the kingdom.
Слайд 23
Of that kingdom this is the key.
Слайд 24
Слайд 25
Стихотворение учащихся his is the key of my country, Computer on a table, n my country there is a city, Table in the classroom, n that city there is a town, Classroom in the corridor, n that town there is a street, Corridor in the school, n that street there is a lane, School in the yard, n that lane there is a yard, Yard in the lane, n that yard there is a school, Lane in the street, n that school there is a corridor, Street in the town, n that corridor there is a classroom, Town in the city, n that classroom there is a table, City in my country. On that table there is a computer. Of my country this is the key.

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Автор: Митина Эльвира Николаевна  alice
14.08.2009 2 18106 3839

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