Презентация по английскому языку "What should a citizen of the 21st century be like?" для 9 класса.

Слайд 1
tive a n i g Ima ative v inno tive n inve ant… r igno
Слайд 2
It i s n o c oinciden ce that the words citizensh ip and ci ty are simil ar. Both com e from the Latin word for “city.” In ancien t Greece a n d R om citizens e were the free inhabitan ts of a ci ty, or, more properly, of a citystate. The citystate wa a self-go s verning c ommunit that cam y e m a ny c enturies before th e develo pment of nation s.
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Слайд 7
Ecological problems: global warming, air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, endangered animals, birds,
Слайд 8
To become a real citiz of the 21st century should a student lear things which are … different or very differe differ similar or somewhat sim from what a student nee to learn 10 years ago? different similar don’t know
Слайд 9
Murmansk Тамбов Nyzhny Саранск Novgorod Sarov Voronezh Snezhinsk Novorossiisk Omsk Vladivostok
Слайд 10
r o t er k hin n n e r T e z t e i v t v en l n it r n d I e o n e C d l S d e pe a a e u al t L d t In r e m y b n r o S e v g t o e l l n l a Bra u b u g m G H f o i ti e t r r r s g h P e e r ve ed g e l r v p m w e u a In o s e o n r Ex b s K O lD u u Th f o r e r i e e v r h i op erPow s Se ept t o i r hil c W P r l e v a er i Pe n t n i n i s or Pla ig t P r e a v O ov ct i u n r t n lI on s a C erer tim v o c p s i O ss D e l r r o a t e a r F llabo o C e l b Flexi t Skilful Specialis Optimistic Creator Cooperative Student Inspire d Adm irer Arg Since um re Fri ent end ativ e Ta lk
Слайд 11

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Автор: Митина Эльвира Николаевна  alice
18.08.2009 2 7290 2632

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