Презентация по английскому языку по теме "House. Cottage" для 5-9 класса.

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aerial path flowerbed garden shed fence chimney roof loft skylight hedge conservatory drive window garage lawn bay window gate stairs door doorbell doorstep guttering windowsill garden banister landing basement
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aerial a piece of equipment consisting of a long thin piece of metal,
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chimney a tube or passage that takes smoke from a fire up through a building and out through the roof
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roof the top outer part of a building
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hedge a line of bushes or small trees growing close together around a garden or field
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garage a building for keeping a car in, especially one that is connected to or near your house
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lawn an area of grass that is cut short, especially in someone’s garden
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gate a door in a fence or wall that you go through to enter or leave a place
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door a large flat object you open when you want to enter or leave a building, room, or
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stairs a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another
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window a frame in a wall with glass in it that lets light and air into a room and lets you see what is outside
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windowsill a shelf under a window
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fence a flat upright structure made of wood or wire that surrounds an area of land
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flowerbed an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown
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path a way from one place to another that people can walk along
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garden shed a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles, and other equipment
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aerial path flowerbed garden shed fence chimney roof loft skylight hedge conservatory drive window garage lawn bay window gate stairs door doorbell doorstep guttering windowsill garden banister landing basement

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Автор: Митина Эльвира Николаевна  alice
19.08.2009 4 11238 4007

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