Обобщение изученного материала в начальной школе "Рождество в Англии"

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Christmas tree, Christmas tree What is there under the tree? Presents, candles, coloured lights Always make the children smile.
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The 25 of December, Christmas Tree, greeting th
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We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year!
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Mary and Joseph were Christ's parents. They went to Bethlehem. Their way was dangerous and very long. It was getting darker and darker.
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They didn't know where to go. A lot of bright stars appeared in the sky. Suddenly Mary saw a cave. “Let's have a sleep in this place,” she said to her husband.
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st they found a place where Mary gave a birth to he was a boy.
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A lot of people came to see him. They brought many presents for him.
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Many bright stars appeared in the sky when Christ was born. But among them was the biggest and the brightest star that showed the way to his
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The origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicolas. He was a very kind man and he loved children very much.
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Christmas Tree is another Symbol of Christmas. There
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A fir tree is the sign of everlasting life because It`s leaves are always green. An evergreen tree shows us God`s
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Christmas Tree in London in Trafalgar Square.
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Christmas Wreaths. It is usually hung on the door of a house. Many centuries ago the wreaths were presented as gifts on Christmas.
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Christmas Star A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his birth.
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Christmas Candles The Bible says that Mary had trouble finding shelter on the night Jesus was born. So on Christmas Eve, some people light candles in the window. They
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Christmas Stockings cording to the legend, one kind man d three daughters. His wife died. The ughters wanted to get presents on ristmas but their father didn`t ve money. Kind St. Nicolas heard e girl`s plight and at night he ew three gold coins down the mney where they fell into their ockings the girls had hung the fireplace to dry.
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25th of December is The a) Christmas Day b) New Year c) Boxing Day
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On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the … a) bed b) table c) New Year Tree
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Father Christmas puts his presents … a) under the New Year`s tree b) in bags c) in children`s stockings
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Every year there is a big New Year`s tree in … square a) Trafalgar b) Times c) Red
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The New Years Tree is a present from people of … to the people of Great Britain. a) Norway b) Russia c) America
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For Christmas dinner the English eat … a) Pizza b) hamburgers c) turkey
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The day after Christmas is … a) New Year b) Boxing Day c) Mother`s Day
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Автор: Абрамова Татьяна Ивановна  rambov
04.11.2009 10 18092 6733

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