Презентация к уроку по теме "Expressing Individuality" (к ОМК В.П.Кузовлева "English 10-11класс")

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Words and phrases you need to achieve smth to show of  to support an attitude  to follow lifestyle  to solve problems  to help nature and people around  to change the world for the best  to express one’s identity   to try out all sort of options  to protest against society  to rebel against the older generation  not to conform to society standards  to reject everything  to difer from other people  to know who they are 
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HIPPIE (flower children)      Slogans: Do you own thing, wherever you have to do it and whenever you want. Leave society. Take it easy. All you need is love.
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     Slogans: Do it youself Don’t sell out No cure Search and Destroy!
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Environmentalism Slogans: Earth first! Green politics! Save nature, save life! Ecology is a permanent economy
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Pink Floyd  Nick Mason  Roger Waters David Gilmour Richard Wright
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Linkin Park Chester Benningt on Mike Shinoda Joe Hahn Brad Delson Rob Bourdon Dave Farrell
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What does self-expression give us?  Enjoyment  Assuarance  Satisfaction  a chance to improve ourselves  a possibility to build our own image  a chance to create our own lifestyle  Personal freedom  or something else?
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ENJOY EXPRESSING YOUR INDIVIDUALITY! Make your life bright! Choose your own ground!

Полный текст материала Презентация к уроку по теме "Expressing Individuality" (к ОМК В.П.Кузовлева "English 10-11класс") смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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Автор: Ивановская Галина Николаевна  Galina_Ivanovskaya
20.03.2013 0 3905 950

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