Конспект урока английского языка во 2 классе "Путешествие в Англию с Мери Поппинс"

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Разработка урока во 2 классе по теме

« Путешествие в Англию с Мери Поппинс»


учитель английского языка

Майорова О.В.

п. Умет

2013 г.

Обобщающий урок по теме « Путешествие в Англию с Мери Поппинс.


  • Поддерживать интерес к интеллектуальной деятельности, изучению английского языка с помощью развивающих игр.

  • Побуждать проявлять находчивость, настойчивость, целеустремленность, смекалку, взаимопомощь, выполняя задания по английскому языку.

  • Воспитывать коммуникативную личность.


  • обеспечить практическую направленность обучения, закрепив лексику по изученным темам;

  • активизировать употребление лексики в изученных грамматических структурах;

  • отработать фонетические навыки

Слайд 1

  1. Начало урока.

Учитель: Good morning boys and girls. How are you today? I hope you are fine .Let`s start our English lesson. Children, do you like to travel? Do you want to go to England? Today we`ll have a journey to England and Mary Poppins will be our guide.

( Учитель выходит из класса и заходит в шляпке, изображая Мери Поппинс)

Mary Poppins: Good morning, children! Good morning, guests.

Glad to see you at our lesson. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Mary Poppins. And what are your names?(Ученики отвечают на вопросы Мери Поппинс.What is your name ?How old are you ?Where do you live? Have you got a family? Can you swim? Can you fly? Ит.д.)

Thank you, children. Let`s sing a song “What is your name?”

Входит почтальон.

Post boy. Good morning, children! Good morning, Mary Poppins. I have got a letter from London. Take it, please.

Mary Poppins: Thank you very much. Let’s read the letter.

Dear boys and girls!

My name is Mike. I am 10. I am from London .My favorite sport is football. Come to England, please.

Your friend,


Слайд 2

Mary Poppins: Look at the map, please. England is situated on the British Isles. How can we get there? We have no ship, we have no plane, and we have no train. Oh, I know .I have a magic umbrella. Here it is. (Берет черный зонтик)I need a painter. Who wants to help me? ( Ученик уходит и приносит цветной зонтик. Мери Поппинс раскрывает зонтик.) Чтобы у зонтика появилась волшебная сила надо правильно назвать цвета на зонтике.

Mary Poppins : What color is it ?( Ученики по очереди называют цвета зонтика)

Mary Poppins: Thank you, children. Now, let’s begin our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, wake up.

We stop at the island of the ABC. Слайды 3

To continue our journey we must know the ABC.

Слайды 4,5,6,7,8.

Let`s sing the ABC song.

Mary Poppins: Thank you, children. Now, let`s continue our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three .Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, wake up.

We stop at the Island of Riddles.

Слайд 9

To continue our journey we must guess some riddles. Listen to me attentively.

Mary Poppins: Thank you, children. Now, let`s continue our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three .Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, wake up.

We are at the Olympic Island.

Слайд 10

Look at the blackboard and say what you can do.

Mary Poppins: Children, it`s high time to continue our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me!

Слайд Доктор Айболит посылает нам сигнал СОС. Надо ему помочь .

Something has happened on the island. We must help the doctor Aibolit.

( Бармалей заколдовал зверушек надо их расколдовать)

Let`s play the game “The magic bag” Дети по очереди достают из мешка игрушки и называют их по английски, показывая классу I have a dog. И т.д.

Mary Poppins: Children, it`s time to continue our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me. Children, wake up.

We stop at the island of Fairy Tales.

Слайд 12

Try to guess who are they?

Слайд 14

And now children tell a few words about your families. (Дети рассказывают о своих семьях, с опорой на слайд.)

Слайд 15

Let`s watch the play “A House in the Wood”

Mary Poppins: Children, it`s high time to continue our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, wake up.

Слайды 16,17

We are in England now. London is the capital of England and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many parks in London.


In Regent`s park there is the London Zoo.


Let`s go there and watch the animals.

Слайды 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30

And now let`s watch the film about the elephant.

Слайд 31

As we are in London let`s go the circus. We are at the circus now.


There are many animals and animal trainers here. Who wants to be an animal trainer? (Учитель выбирает дрессировщика. Раздает им маски животных. Дети выполняют команды дрессировщика. Frog, jump! Monkey, climb!

И т.д.)

Mary Poppins: Children, it`s high time to finish our journey. Close your eyes. Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me! Our travels are over. Good- bye.

( Учитель выходит из класса и заходит снова, сняв шляпку)

Учитель: Do you like our journey? I thank you for the lesson. See you tomorrow. Good –bye. Слайд 34

Слайд 1
Слайд 2
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island
Слайд 3
Слайд 4
Слайд 5
Слайд 6
Слайд 7
M F I m f i N G E n g e A B C a b c D K P d k p
Слайд 8
Слайд 9
1.It is orange. It lives in the forest. It can walk, run, jump. 2.It is grey. It is not a cat. It can run. It lives in the house. 3.It is brown. It can walk, run and climb. It cannot swim. It lives in Africa. 4.It is green. It is very long. It can swim and walk. It lives in Africa. 5.It is brown. It can walk, run, jump and climb. 6.It is orange and black. It is a very big cat.
Слайд 10
Слайд 11
Слайд 12
Слайд 13
1. I have a father. I have no mother. I have many friends. 2.I have a mother and a grandmother. I have no father. My grandmother lives in the forest. 3.I have a father. I have no mother but I have two sisters
Слайд 14
I have a...
Слайд 15
Слайд 16
Слайд 17
Слайд 18
Слайд 19
Слайд 20
Слайд 21
Слайд 22
Слайд 23
Слайд 24
Слайд 25
Слайд 26
Слайд 27
Слайд 28
Слайд 29
Слайд 30
Слайд 31
Слайд 32
Слайд 33
Слайд 34
Слайд 35
Учитель английского языка МБОУ» Уметская СОШ» Майорова О.В.

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Автор: Майорова Ольга Владимировна  ольгунчик9167
30.12.2013 2 5843 1440

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