Презентация по английскому языку 10 класс "Как молодёжь выражает свою индивидуальность ?"

Слайд 1
How do teens express their individuality?
Слайд 2
What are the ways of expressing the individuality? Why do young people join the group? What groups are there in the world?
Слайд 3
Teenagers have a particular relationship with the world. They always try to express their individuality. To express it they try to • show off; • show a rebellion against the parents, the regime, society; • reject everything; • join the group or the organization.
Слайд 4
One of the most popular way of expressing the individuality is to join the group or the organization. Teenagers join the group because To achieve something they want: To change the world for the best To try out all sorts of options To be in a collective What other reasons can you suggest?
Слайд 5
There are different groups and organization in the world. They are: • Bikers; • Hippies; • Environmentalists; • Hackers; • Punks; • Ravers; • Scouts; • Volunteers. What other groups do you know?
Слайд 6
Each group has its own values. “the values of environmentalists are to help nature, to change the world for the best . They do not protest against their parents but they protest against organisations that pollute nature” “ skinheads are extremely nationalistic. They are aggressive. They don’t conform to society standards” What can you say about other groups? What are their values?

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Автор: Яковченко Ирина Александровна  irinayaya
10.02.2010 1 13018 4747

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