Игра "Great Britain" 9-11 класс

Слайд 1
• Geographical position • National emblems • History of Great Britain • London • Traditions and customs Пудовкина И.Н. учитель английского языка филиала МОУ Новолядинской сош в с. Столовое
Слайд 2
1.What main regions is the island of Great Britain subdivided into? 2. What is the longest river of Great Britain? 3. What ocean is the western coast of Great Britain washed by? 4.What is the smallest part of the UK? 5. What is its total area? 6. What separates Great Britain from continent of Europe? 7. Where are the Grampians situated? 8. What river flows between Scotland and England? 9. What is the highest peak of Cumbrian mountains? 10. What is the climate influenced by?
Слайд 3
1.What is the national symbol of England? 2. How is England often called? 3. How is the national flag called? 4. What does the word Jack in the name of the flag mean? 5. What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland? 6. Why did the thistle become the national symbol? 7. What two national symbols has Wales? 8.What is the first line of national anthem of Great Britain? 9. What does Albion mean? 10. What is Scotland famous for?
Слайд 4
1.Who lived on the territory of Great Britain about 3000 years B.C.? 2. What tribes came after Iberian? 3. Who conquered Britain in the 1st century A.D.? 4. Why couldn’t Celts keep their land free after Romans? 5. When did the Danes begin to attack Britain? 6. Who was England invaded by in the 11th century? 7. What tragedy happened in 1665? 8. What war is known as the hundred years war? 9. When was the great fire of London? 10. What was Chartism?
Слайд 5
1.What parts is London divided into? 2. Where is the remarkable Whispering Gallery situated? 3. What can we see in the centre of Trafalgar square? 4. What is Westminster Abbey famous for? 5. Why is the clock called Big Ben? 6.Where is the residence of Prime Minister? 7. What is the heart of the West End? 8. What is Regent’s Part famous for? 9. What street is associated with Britain newspapers? 10. What the poorest district of London?
Слайд 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What song do people sing to join their arms at the midnight in New Year? What is the festival of Welsh culture? Where does the Lord Chancellor sit? What ceremony takes places in front of Buckingham Palace every day? What ceremony takes places on the birthday of the Queen? Who is the Tower of London quarded by? What is a typical Englishman associated with? When do people eat special buns marked with a cross on top? What does the Boxing Day mean? When do children go from house to house, knock at the doors and say “Trick or Treat”
Слайд 7
Цель: - формирование страноведческой компетенции; - расширение кругозора. Задачи: - организовать игру в форме викторины; - расширять знания по географии и истории Великобритании; - развивать память, внимание; - практиковать в устной речи.
Слайд 8
• -использованная литература и интернет ресурсы при составлении вопросов: • 1. С.И. Тобольская «Страноведческий справочник» Саратов 2004 • 2. Л.Колодяжная «Познакомьтесь: Великобритания» Москва 2000 • 3.http://www.native-english.ru • 4. http://www.study.ru • 5. http://www.en.wikipedia.org. Оборудование: жетоны для выбора очередности хода, жетоны в форме флага Великобритании за правильные ответы. Оформление: красочное название игры,на доске рубрики викторины и номерами вопросов.
Слайд 9
Правила игры: участники игры выбирают жетоны с номером хода. Участник (или команда) с номером один начинает игру, выбирая рубрику и номер вопроса. Если он(а) не отвечает ход переходит к участнику (команде) с номером два и так далее. Выигрывает участник(команда), который (ая) набирает большее количество жетонов.
Слайд 10

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Автор: Пудовкина Инна Николаевна  pina
17.03.2010 5 10722 2837

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