Презентация к уроку английского языка "Let's celebrate St. Valentine's Day"; 5 - 6 классы

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Valentine's Day is a day of love Where love is as bright as the sun. We share kisses, and even a hug With people we call our loved ones… Lord Byron
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On February 14th many people around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. . This is a special date to celebrate love and friendship. Children write “valentines” to their friends, classmates and to their parents. A Valentine card usually has a poem and this question: will you be my Valentine? When people think
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Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day.  St. Valentine’s Day is now a day for sweethearts. Most people send «valentines», sentimental greeting cards.
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S T E E W S s d r a c FL O W ER S TO YS
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«Valentine’s» words         Heart — сердце Hug — объятие Kiss — поцелуй Love — любовь Red — красный Rose — роза Sweet — сладкий Valentine — валентинка  Arrow — стрела  Candy — конфеты  Card — открытка  Chocolate — шоколад  Cupid — Амур  bouquet - букет  chocolate -шоколад  present подарок
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 Roses are red, Violets are blue, Honey’s sweets And so are you.  I dream about you Every night. Be my Valentine And hold me tight.
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What Do You Think of St. Valentine’s Day?  I HATE Valentine’s Day. I always end up stressing about whether I’ll get a card, and sometimes I only get one from my mum or my sister!  I LOVE Valentine’s Day. My boyfriend always sends me a huge card with a poem in it. And flowers and chocolate. And takes me out to dinner!  I see Valentine’s Day just as any other day. If I have a valentine, that’s cool, if I don’t then I don’t stress about it!
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Автор: Макарова Дарья Сергеевна  Публикатор
16.03.2018 0 2194 48

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