Страноведческая викторина (презентация) "Britain and the British" для 8 класса

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Внеклассное мероприятие страноведческая викторина «Britain and the British» рассчитана для проведения в 8 классах по программе В.П.Кузовлева, так как основана на материале учебника, и может проводиться после изучения 1-2 циклов.

  1. Первый тур – отборочный: из всех желающих отбираются трое, набравшие наибольшее количество очков. Можно предложить всем присутствующим ответы писать на листочках, которые затем оценивает жюри и выбирает троих участников викторины. (Слайды 1-14 – вопросы, 15-27 – правильные ответы)

  2. Конкурс на знание грамматики английского языка. (Слайд 28 – вопросы, 29 – правильные ответы)

  3. Конкурс говорения. (Оцениваются навыки устной речи по теме; вопрос предлагается на слайде 30). Участникам дается время на подготовку, в это время с остальными «теоретиками» можно провести игры.

  4. Второй тур. По итогам конкурса грамматики и говорения жюри распределяет места с 1 по 3, что дает участникам возможность выбрать дорожку: красную, желтую или зеленую. На дорожках участники могут выбирать вопросы из предложенных (на слайде 31).

  5. Если после выявления победителя остаются вопросы, то можно дать возможность «теоретикам» заработать фишки (медали и т.д.). Награждаются победитель викторины и наиболее активные зрители.


Учебник «English» для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений./ В.П.Кузовлев и др.















































Слайд 1
Quiz “Britain and the British”. Клековкина Вероника Михайловна учитель английского языка 2 категории МОУ Кизнерская средняя школа № 1 п.Кизнер Удмуртской Республики
Слайд 2
I. Who is the best? 1. Do you know the full official name of Britain? the correct Choose answer: a/ Great Britain. b/ the United Kingdom c/ the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Слайд 3
A) 2. What does the state flag of Great Britain (the Union Jack or the Union flag)B)look like? C)
Слайд 4
3. What is the capital of the United Kingdom? a) Edinburgh b) London c) Cardif
Слайд 5
4. Who is the head of the United Kingdom? a) a queen b) a prince c) a prime minister
Слайд 6
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is made up of … countries.  a) 4 b) 3 c) over 90
Слайд 7
5. What does the United Kingdom look like? Choose the correct map.
Слайд 8
6. What is the floral symbol of Wales? a) a shamrock d) a thistle b) a red rose c) a dafodil
Слайд 9
7. What country is associated with… a kilt a thistle The Loch-Ness monster Edinburgh a bagpipe
Слайд 10
8. What is celebrated on the 25th of December? a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Easter c) Christmas
Слайд 11
9. What is Ben Nevis? b) a clock tower a) a famous person c) a mountain
Слайд 12
10. What is the official royal residence in London? b) Windsor Castle a) Buckingham Palace c) The Tower of London
Слайд 13
England. The modern laws of the game were created in 1863. All English-speaking countries except the UK use also the another name of this game – “soccer”. c) football a) golf b) croquet
Слайд 14
tourist sights in Great Britain. What of them is not in London? a) Tower Bridge c) St.Paul's Cathedral b) Hampton Court Garden
Слайд 15
I. Who is the best? 1. Do you know the full official name of Britain? the correct Choose answer: a/ Great Britain. b/ the United Kingdom c/ the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Слайд 16
A) 2. What does the state flag of Great Britain (the Union Jack or the Union flag)B)look like? C)
Слайд 17
3. What is the capital of the United Kingdom? a) Edinburgh b) London c) Cardif
Слайд 18
4. Who is the head of the United Kingdom? a) a queen b) a prince c) a prime minister
Слайд 19
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is made up of … countries.  a) 4 b) 3 c) over 90
Слайд 20
5. What does the United Kingdom look like? Choose the correct map. correct
Слайд 21
6. What is the floral symbol of Wales? a) a shamrock d) a thistle b) a red rose c) a dafodil
Слайд 22
7. What country is associated with… a kilt The Loch-Ness monster Edinburgh Scotland a thistle a bagpipe
Слайд 23
8. What is celebrated on the 25th of December? a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Easter c) Christmas
Слайд 24
9. What is Ben Nevis? b) a clock tower a) a famous person c) a mountain
Слайд 25
10. What is the official royal residence in London? b) Windsor Castle a) Buckingham Palace c) The Tower of London
Слайд 26
England. The modern laws of the game were created in 1863. All English-speaking countries except the UK use also the another name of this game – “soccer”. c) football a) golf b) croquet
Слайд 27
tourist sights in Great Britain. What of them is not in London? a) Tower Bridge c) St.Paul's Cathedral b) Hampton Court Garden
Слайд 28
Grammar test. Put in the right preposition, if it is necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I was born … the 1st … June … 1995. It often snows … winter. I’d rather travel … train. I’m looking … my CD-player. Where can it be? Please, come … time. I don’t want to miss … the bus. 6. The shop opens … 10 a.m. 7. The group … students is going to travel … Britain.
Слайд 29
Grammar test. Put in the right preposition, if it is necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I was born on the 1st of June in 1995. It often snows in winter. I’d rather travel by train. I’m looking for my CD-player. Where can it be? Please, come in time. I don’t want to miss - the bus. 6. The shop opens at 10 a.m. 7. The group of students is going to travel to Britain.
Слайд 30
Would you like to go to Britain? Why?
Слайд 31
II. Who is the best of the best? 1. Stonehenge. 2. An airport. 3. A young capit al. 4. The greatest w riter. 5. The Union Fla g. 7. A musical ques tion. 8. John Bull. 9. Underground. 10. A palace. 11. A red thing. 12. Charity.
Слайд 32
Stonehenge Stonehenge is one of the Europe’s biggest stone buildings. The Druids priests in Britain used Stonehenge for a calendar. There are Druids in Britain today. The most important moment of the year for the druids is a day when the sun shines on the famous stone – The Heel Stone. What date is it? What is the name of this day?
Слайд 33
An Airport. This is the largest airport in Britain and the busiest one in the world. It is situated about 20 miles east of London. This airport has 28 million passengers per year.
Слайд 34
A Young Capital. This city is the youngest capital of the UK countries. It was made a city in 1905 and proclaimed a capital of Wales in 1955. This city is said to be modern and historical at the same time.
Слайд 35
The Greatest Writ er. This English poet and playwright is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He wrote poems, sonnets and plays, that remain extremely popular today.
Слайд 36
The Union Jack. The Union Jack (or the Union Flag) is an official state flag of the UK. The current design of the Union Flag dates from 1801. As known it consists of red cross of St. George, the cross of St. Patrick and the Satire of St. Andrew. National symbol of what British country is not placed on the Union Jack?
Слайд 37
A Palace. It is a royal palace. It has not been lived in by the British royal family since the 18th century. Today, the palace is open to the public, and is a major tourist attraction. It is cared for by an independent charity.This palace is famous for its Maze.
Слайд 38
John Bull. John Bull is a symbol of the typical Englishman. He is drawn as a big man with a large stomach and round face. He wears high boots, an open jacket and a Union Jack waistcoat. What animal does he often have with him?
Слайд 39
Underground. The first line of London Underground was built in 1863. Now London Underground is the largest in the world. It has 250 metro stations on twelve lines. You know that London Underground has a special name. What is it?
Слайд 40
A red Thing. This red-coloured thing in London streets appeared in 1853 when Queen Victoria was on the throne. A telephone box A double-decker A pillar-
Слайд 41
Charity. This person lived from 1961 till 1997 was involved in many charities. The British respected her because she was helpful and adored her because she was very attractive. She is famous all over the world.
Слайд 42
Listen and answe r. It is an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960, that became one of the most commercially successful in the history of popular music. The band had and still have a lot of fans all over the world.
Слайд 43
Trick or Treat. This holiday is especially beloved by children. They put on spooky costumes, go from house to house and say: “Trick or treat”. The traditional decorations for this holiday are jack-o’-lanterns made of pumpkins. It is believed that the spirits of the dead appear this night. What is the name of the holiday? When is it celebrated?
Слайд 44
Источники  Учебник «English» для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений./ В.П.Кузовлев и др.  http://s53.radikal.ru/i140/1010/9e/e0734948a36c.jpg  http://s40.radikal.ru/i088/1010/7c/04521397eb38.jpg  http://s52.radikal.ru/i135/1010/86/e241643312be.jpg  http://s08.radikal.ru/i181/1010/30/f0f462f4745d.jpg  http://s61.radikal.ru/i171/1010/a6/7780ae61ac82.jpg  http://s47.radikal.ru/i115/1010/fd/f78d9a2eba80.jpg  http://s40.radikal.ru/i087/1010/fd/adc6d75ecffa.jpg  http://i078.radikal.ru/1010/05/be15b4889c79.jpg  http://s42.radikal.ru/i096/1010/e8/882b2260e5f0.jpg  http://s48.radikal.ru/i120/1010/dd/b251bebc043a.jpg  http://s60.radikal.ru/i170/1010/01/cfb8d7c5da90.jpg  http://i062.radikal.ru/1010/ec/b98a3df6c6f9.jpg  http://s49.radikal.ru/i123/1010/b5/273d27b2de92.jpg  http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Британский_флаг
Слайд 45
               http://s03.radikal.ru/i176/1010/ae/dfe869533723.jpg http://s44.radikal.ru/i104/1010/7b/70635fab91b3.jpg http://s001.radikal.ru/i193/1010/f2/91e575048b31.jpg http://s61.radikal.ru/i174/1010/e8/9765fae0299d.jpg http://s56.radikal.ru/i152/1010/c5/90910d26ee15.jpg http://s52.radikal.ru/i135/1010/c5/94441049c509.jpg http://s48.radikal.ru/i120/1010/1a/ab4139e8619c.jpg http://s48.radikal.ru/i119/1010/49/eb45b0cacde7.jpg http://www.beatles.com.ua/gallery/140 http://www.fanpop.com/spots/princessdiana/images/218372/title/princess-diana-wallpaper http://www.omsk.aif.ru/society/news/23890 http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/anmak/post89755331/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GordonBrown1234_cropped_.jpg http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ %D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Yellow_daffodils__floriade_canberra.jpg http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ %D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Four-leaf_clover.jpg
Слайд 46
                 http://s06.radikal.ru/i179/1010/da/28d65287ba52.jpg http://s57.radikal.ru/i157/1010/a1/10fe6217801c.jpg http://s53.radikal.ru/i141/1010/6e/109a3f52fcf9.jpg http://s42.radikal.ru/i095/1010/16/b6d8911a86eb.jpg http://www.freeoboi.ru/wallpaper/volinka.html http://www.kiltmen.com/world.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shakespeare.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BenNevis2005.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Windsor_Castle_at_Sunset_-_Nov_2006.jpg http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ %D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Croquet.jpg http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ %D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Golf_player_putting_green_2003.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hampton_Court_Great_Gatehouse.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HamptonCurt.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:John_Bull__World_War_I_recruiting_poster.jpeg http://s59.radikal.ru/i165/1010/05/e2a5ad8f8b90.jpg http://s05.radikal.ru/i178/1010/59/c5dff73e17d2.jpg http://s49.radikal.ru/i124/1010/38/1afe05cdc49e.jpg

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Автор: Клековкина Вероника Михайловна  Клековкина
13.10.2010 22 17593 3619

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