Шекспировский фестиваль; 9-11 классы

Валетко Светлана Афанасьевна,

учитель английского языка

МОУ «СОШ № 77 с углубленным

изучением английского языка

г. Пермь

William Shakespeare Festival

(Сценарий Фестиваля, посвященного Уильяму Шекспиру)

Фестиваль предполагает целый ряд мероприятий, посвященных творчеству Шекспира:

Шекспировские уроки в 7-11 классах

Конкурс иллюстраций к произведениям Шекспира

Конкурс на лучший перевод отрывка из пьесы “Cymbeline” (Song)

Конкурс чтецов сонетов

Викторину “He was not of an age, but for all time”

Конкурс на лучший репортаж о вечере, посвященном Шекспиру.

(На заднике сцены – большой портрет Шекспира, около него – изречения из его пьес. Открывается занавес. На сцене в костюмах, застыв в разных позах, сидят/стоят герои шекспировских произведений. По очереди произносят «крылатые фразы» из пьес Шекспира и принимают обычную позу, становятся лицом к зрителям).

1. To be or not to be,

That is the question.

2. Have more than you show

Say less than you know.

3. How much sharper than a serpent’s tooth

It is to have a thankless child.

4. What’s in a name? That which we call

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

5. A horse! A Kingdom for a horse!

6. Brevity is the soul of wit.

7. Much ado about nothing.

8. All world is a theatre.

9. She loved me for the dangers I had passed

And I loved her that she did pity them.

10. There is no darkness

But ignorance.

11. All that glistens is not gold.

12. All’s well that ends well.

13. There is a history in all men’s lives.

(На сцену выходят ведущие).

1 ведущий: William Shakespeare! The best known and yet the most mysterious poet and writer.

2 ведущий: William Shakespeare! The author of “King Lear” and “Macbeth”, “Othello” and “Richard III”, “Romeo & Juliet” and “Henry VIII”.

1 Ведущий: To you we dedicate today’s Festival!

(Под музыку «актёры» спускаются в зал, садятся на места. (Возможно, ставят подсвечники со свечами возле портрета Шекспира).

(Пролог к Генриху V)1

O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention,
A kingdom for a stage, princes to act
And monarchs to behold the swelling scene!

2. Ведущий: The year of 1587. William Shakespeare is 23 year old. He is already married, has got 3 children and is fond of theatrical performances.

(Действие происходит в Стратфорде. Входит молодой Шекспир и его друг Тоби).

William: How did you like the play, Toby?

Toby: Oh, I laughed a lot. The Queen’s Men are more entertaining than the other companies we saw. Don’t you think so?

William: The actors are good, but the play itself is stupid, not a word of poetry in it.

Toby: Why don’t you write a play yourself?

William: Write a play? Anne would never talk to me again. You know her puritan family.

Toby: Oh, I see. Bye, Bill.

(Шекспир и его жена Анна).

Anne: What’s the matter with you, William? You look sad; even the children can’t make you feel happy.

William: Look here, Anne! I’ve got to go away.

Anne: Why? What do you mean?

William: Stratford’s too small. Too slow. Too quiet. Too boring. I’m going to live in London. I want to be an actor, and to write plays, if I can.

Anne: Plays! Acting! Actors are dirty wicked people! They are all thieves and criminals! They drink all day and they never go to church!

William: Don’t be stupid, Anne. You know that’s not true.

Anne: How can you do this to me? And to our children?

William: I’ll come home when I can. But I must go to London. I can’t do anything in Stratford.

1 Ведущий: In London Shakespeare joined the theatre company of the “Lord Chamberlain’s Men”.

2 Ведущий: Chronicles say his first job in the theatre was to “hold the horses”. Does it mean he worked outside the theatre, looking after the horses?

1 Ведущий: No, that wasn’t so. In those days the principal actors, such as Richard Burbage, were called “grooms” and the ordinary actors – “horses”.

2 Ведущий: So it’s the nick name of actors!

1 Ведущий: Right. And the first job of W. Shakespeare in the playhouse was to direct the actors when their turn to get onto the stage came.

2 Ведущий: Later everybody saw that William was a good actor himself. But he became still better known as a play-writer, as he improved the dramas that were being staged.

1 Ведущий: After a while his own comedies were staged and some time later - his historical plays. One of them was “Julius Caesar”.

2 Ведущий: Monologue of Mark Anthony.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest--
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men--
Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.

1 Ведущий: Shakespeare’s plays of the first period are written in the bright spirit of the Renaissance. Even the tragedy “Romeo & Juliet” has an optimistic touch.

SCENE II. Capulet's orchard (Enter ROMEO).


He jests at scars that never felt a wound.JULIET appears above at a window

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!

1 Ведущий: Shakespeare’s comedies are all written in his playful manner, and the brilliant poetry often takes the spectator away to Italy -

2 Ведущий: - as in the play “The Taming of the Shrew”.


I will attend her here,
And woo her with some spirit when she comes.
Say that she rail; why then I'll tell her plain
She sings as sweetly as a nightingale:
Say that she frown, I'll say she looks as clear
As morning roses newly wash'd with dew:
Say she be mute and will not speak a word;
Then I'll commend her volubility,
And say she uttereth piercing eloquence:


Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing:
They call me Katharina that do talk of me.


1 Ведущий: The monologue of Julia from the play “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.

JULIA (After having torn the letter):


Nay, would I were so anger'd with the same!
O hateful hands, to tear such loving words!
Injurious wasps, to feed on such sweet honey
And kill the bees that yield it with your stings!
I'll kiss each several paper for amends.
Look, here is writ 'kind Julia.' Unkind Julia!
As in revenge of thy ingratitude,

(Играет тихая музыка, в глубине сцены Шекспир пишет и бросает листы. Задумчив.

Входит Тоби, поднимает один из скомканных листов, читает).

Toby: Sonnet 90. “Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, how…”

So gloomy! After yesterday’s triumph of your “Comedy of Errors” in the Globe!”

William: This sonnet is not quite ready yet.

Toby: Still, my friend, read what you’ve got.

William: Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss:
Ah! do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of a conquered woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out a purposed overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come: so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might;
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee, will not seem so.

Toby: What play are you working at? Another comedy?

William: No, Toby. There is too much suffering in this world. Something must be done to change the world, the laws, and the moral. To be or not to be, that is the question.

Toby:(читает) Whether ‘tis noble in the mind, to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune…

William: Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And, by opposing, end them? – To die, - to sleep, -

No more…

Toby: Great! What will it be?

William: A new tragedy, “Hamlet”. I hope it won’t leave anybody indifferent.

1. Ведущий: “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”. There wasn’t an actor, who wouldn’t dream of playing the part of Hamlet.

From 1600 to 1608 the dramatist reaches his full maturity.

He presents great human problems in his plays: honor and dignity, humanism and intolerance towards injustice.

2 Ведущий: “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, “Anthony and Cleopatra” and other wonderful plays were written in that period.


Enter Lady Macbeth.

How now, what news?
LADY MACBETH. He has almost supp'd. Why have you left the
MACBETH. Hath he ask'd for me?
LADY MACBETH. Know you not he has?
MACBETH. We will proceed no further in this business:
He hath honor'd me of late, and I have bought
Golden opinions from all sorts of people,
Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,
Not cast aside so soon.
LADY MACBETH. Was the hope drunk
Wherein you dress'd yourself?

1 Ведущий: One of the plays, notable for the light wit and optimism, is the comedy “The Twelfth Night”.

2 Ведущий: As in many other comedies, the characters are the creators of their own fate; they rely on their own cleverness to achieve happiness.

(Сцены из комедии «Двенадцатая ночь». Перед каждой сценой звучит музыка).


Does not our life consist of the
four elements?


Faith, so they say; but I think it rather consists
of eating and drinking.


Thou'rt a scholar; let us therefore eat and drink.
Marian, I say! a stoup of wine!

Enter Clown


Here comes the fool, i' faith.


How now, my hearts! did you never see the picture
of 'we three'?


My masters, are you mad? or what are you? Have ye
no wit, manners, nor honesty, but to gabble like
tinkers at this time of night? Do ye make an
alehouse of my lady's house, that ye squeak out your
coziers' catches without any mitigation or remorse
of voice? Is there no respect of place, persons, nor
time in you?


1. Ведущий: In the last period of his creative work William Shakespeare wrote Romantic Dramas: “The Winter’s Tale”, “The Tempest”, “Cymbeline”

SONG (from “Cymbeline”)

2. Ведущий: The author transfers his readers to the world of fantasy and allegory. The emotional and ideological conflicts are less strong now.

1. Ведущий: Why do we still admire Shakespeare’s works, more than 400 years after they were written?

2. Ведущий: Because his themes are eternal, because he believed in man’s virtue.

1. Ведущий: He was a great humanist and created realistic characters of great depth and unusual intellect…

2. Ведущий: He was a great master of the plot and the first dramatist to mix up tragedy and comedy.

1. Ведущий: 37 plays and 154 sonnets had been written by the great master!

2. Ведущий: And in every play, in each peace of poetry he writes about such eternal things as friendship and love.

1. Ведущий: Tender love, passionate love, happy and tragic, but always inspiring!

(На сцену выходят 3 чтеца, читают сонеты XXI, CXVI, CXXX)

(Под музыку все участники поднимаются на сцену, 4 из них читают стихотворение Мильтона по куплету).

An Epitaph on the admirable Dramaticke Poet, William' Sheakespeare.

Hat neede my Shakespeare for his honoured bones,
The labour of an age, in piled stones,
Or that his hallow'd Relikes should be hid,
Vnder a starre-ypointing Pyramid?
Deare Sonne of Memory, great heire of Fame,
What needs thou such weake witnesse of thy name,
Thou in our wonder and astoneshment,
Hast built thy selfe a live-long Monument:
For whilst to th'shame of slow endevouring Art,
Thy easie numbers flow, and that each heart,
Hath from the leaves of thy unvalu'd Booke,
Thoase Delphicke lines with deepe Impression tooke.
Then thou our fancy of our selfe bereaving,
Dost make us marble with too much conceiving,
And so Sepulcher'd in such pompe doth lie,
That Kings for such a Tombe would wish to die.

(Возможно, все «артисты» кладут цветы к портрету Шекспира. После этого выходят на поклон).

1 Здесь и далее дается только начало отрывка из пьесы. Дальше – см. текст в любом издании пьес У. Шекспира.

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Автор: Валетко Светлана Афанасьевна  grandma
04.02.2012 1 8813 2088

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