Сценарий выступления "Золотое кольцо" для 10 человек на англ. яз.

Сценарий выступления Фестиваль «Мир без границ»

Школа №1381 СВАО г. Москва

Тынянская Ксения Владимировна

Учитель иностранного языка


Тема: Золотое кольцо России (“The Golden Ring of Russia”)

Участники выступления:

  1. Мать культура (Mother Culture)

  2. Alien

  3. Матрешка

  4. Хохлома

  5. Гжель

  6. Павло-посадский платок

  7. Тульский пряник

  8. Гусь Хрустальный

  9. Невеста из Иваново

Alien: Where am I? Who knows? What is this place called?

Mother Culture: Oh … you are on the Earth: the name of this wonderful name is Russia.

Alien: And who am I talking to now?

Mother Culture: My name is Mother Culture, I’m very old and wise.

Alien: Mother Culture, look … I have found something little but beautiful on the ground. It shines like the sun.

Mother Culture: I see, it is a ring of solid gold.

Alien: Hm … I heard Russia is very rich in different resources. It is a very wealthy country.

Mother Culture: I’m sure, you are right, but resources are not the only thing people are proud of …

Customs and traditions are real wealth. Don’t you want to have a look at another Golden Ring where you will get to know much about Russian history, culture and habitats of people.

Alien: Of course I do. But whom shall I follow?

Появляются герои выступления под песню «Москва златоглавая»:

The Russians like sweets and buns

And are proud of famous sights,

And we go in slender sleigh

Winter came by the way.

No one who is pale and sad

Everybody is getting red

Russian songs sound clear we dance

At the sound of bells.

Матрешка: We are glad to greet you in Russia! (взмахнув рукой, низко кланяется в пол)

Хохлома: We all are national Russian goods. Have you ever seen such lovely and sometimes tasty things? (выкрикивает пряник)

Гжель: We will be your guides to different places of the Golden Ring, though we came from other towns ourselves.

Павло-посадский платок: We will help you to get acquainted with the old sights of our country.

Тульский пряник: Get ready … !

Гусь Хрустальный: So if you know the Golden Ring includes 12 cities. It is a ring of cities northeast of Moscow, the capital of Russia. They formerly comprised the region known as Zalesye.

Невеста из Иваново: These ancient towns, which also played a significant role in the formation of the Russian history and of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserve the memory of the most important events. The towns have been called “open air museums” and feature unique monuments of Russian architecture of the 12th-18th centuries, including kremlins, monasteries, cathedrals and churches.

These towns are among the most picturesque in Russia and prominently feature Russia’s famous onion domes.

(звук колоколов церквей)

Матрешка: Many of these cities can be found from Yaroslavl Railway Station in Moscow, although there are some discrepancies with respect to the names of the cities that are included in the Ring, because most include:

Появляется Мать культура и звучно перечисляет города, которые появляются на слайде

Mother Culture:

  1. Sergiev-Posad

  2. Pereslavl-Zalessky

  3. Rostov Veliky

  4. Novgorod

  5. Yaroslavl

  6. Vladimir

  7. Ivanovo

  8. Gus Khrustalny

  9. Suzdal

  10. Rybinsk

  11. Kostroma

  12. Uglich

  13. Alexandrov

Хохлома: Dear Mother Culture, let us retell about some of these sights with pleasure and interest, so people will get proud of their national history and beauty.

Гжель: The buildings that gave the region a key place in the history of Russian architecture were constructed before the Tatars came. Vladimir was founded by Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev in 1108 as a fort in the Rostov-Suzdal principality that he gave to one of his youngest sons, Yury Dolgoruky. Under Yury’s son Andrey Bogolyubov it became the capital of the principality in 1157 and capital of all Kievan Rus. Andrey and his brother Vsevolod consolidated themselves as the strongest Russian princes and brought builders and artists from Western Europe. The head of Russian Church resided here from 1300 to 1326 but then moved to Moscow. In the 20th century, Vladimir prospered anew on the back of textile, machine-building and chemical industries. Other attractions are Golden Gate, the Vladimir Region History Museum, the Old Vladimir Exhibition, Embroidery Exhibition, the Princess’ Convent – founded by Bogolyubov’s brother’s wife Maria and many others.

Павлово-посадский платок: And we go to Suzdal now. First mentioned in 1024, Suzdal remained a trade centre even after the Tatar invasions. Under Moscow rule it became a wealthy monastic centre because in the 17th and 18th centuries wealthy merchants paid for 30 little churches, which still adorn. Suzdal Kremlin was founded in the 11th century, today it encloses a few streets with its Virgin Cathedral (Rozhdestvensky Sobor) – blue golden domes, with its Archbishop’s Chambers and many other things. History Exhibition, Torgovaya Ploshchad, the Monastery of Deposition, Alexandrovsky Convent, Cathedral of Transfiguration of the Saviour make us feel silent and great.

Невеста из Иваново : I am a poor girl from Ivanovo. Where can I find a real husband? May be in Vladimir or Suzdal? All right, I will try.

Тульский пряник: Why can’t I be a good husband for you? Look at me, I’m not only handsome, but tasty and smart too.

Невеста из Иваново: Arent you? How can you prove it? Retell then about my home town.

Тульский пряник: Ivanovo is known for two features: its cotton textiles and its women. The town’s female population swelled by textile labour needs. But in appearance it’s a very drab industrial town. Ivanovo is used as a base for groups visiting Palekh, the village famous for icon painters and small boxes, where there is a wonderful museum of local icons and boxes and some terrific churches.

Невеста из Иваново: I see, you have me about learnt much about these Russian towns. But what else…? What can you tell me about my favorite places Kostroma and Yaroslavl?

Тульский пряник: Oh, I would ask my friends to help me with it.

Звучит песня «Кострома»

Гусь Хрустальный: One of the most important cultural and commercial centres is Kostroma city, which lies along the Volga river. The main sight – the Saint Ipaty Monastery – was closely tied to both the Godunov and the Romanov families. Inside are over 80 old frescoes by Kostroma painters. Mikhail Romanov was here at the time he was elected tsar in 1613. So there are a lot of churches, wooden houses, different museums, which are even built without nails. A lot of different films were made in Kostroma city, for example “Marriage of Balsaminov”, “Snegurochka”, “Black Eyes”.

Хохлома: You’re right. But in 1010, the Kievan prince Yaroslav the Wise took an interest in a trading post where the Kotorosl river enters the Volga. According the legend the locals responded by setting a sacred bear on him. Yaroslav killed the bear with his axe and founded a town there. You hardly ever have so many fingers to name all the sights of the city. Monasteries, churches, statues and monuments, art museums and theatres are among them. The world famous theatre is the Volkov’s theatre in Yaroslavl, where many well-known artists started making their future career.

Alien: I can’t say a word. Such great things Russian people have done! What else can I imagine?

Mother Culture: Little friend, you’re tired of our stories but there are still more things to be worth looking at. For example, Rostov Veliky, the father of the Golden Ring, lets you feel a small child when seeing its large Kremlin with churches and chambers of metropolitian and different saints. Uspensky Sobor with its magnificent onion domes and its belfry dominates the Kremlin. It’s famous even outside Russia, the French composer Berlioz came to listen to its 13 bells. A lot of different monasteries, churches, museums of art, places to stay and to rest amuse people every year. And besides from Rostov you can easily reach Uglich, a shabby town on the Volga.

Alien: I see, it was here in 1591 that Ivan the Terrible’s son Dmitry – later to be impersonated by the string of False Dmitrys in the Time of Troubles – was murdered, probably on Boris Godunov’s orders. That’s why we know the red church of St. Dmitry on the Blood (Tserkov Dmitria-na-krovi).

Павло-посадский платок: To sum up we go to Pereslavl Zalessky, that means “beyond the woods”. If you want to soak up the atmosphere of a peaceful old Russian village you must certainly visit it.the southern half of the town is full of izbas with pretty gardens in summer. Lake Pleshcheevo was one of the birthplace of the Russian navy, where Peter the Great developed his obsession with the sea, studing navigation and building a flotilla of over 100 little ships by the time he was 20.

Mother Culture: Sergiev Posad is one of Russia’s most important religious and historical landmarks. The monastery was founded by Sergius of Radonezh in 1340, a monk, who wielded enough moral authority to unite the country against Mongol Tatar rule, blessing Dmitry Donskoy’s army before it gave the Tatars their first beating in 1380. As a lavra, it grew enormously wealthy on the gifts of tsar, nobles and merchants looking for divine support. Lavra consists of many things: towers, chambers, museums, cathedrals and churches. All of them you can’t visit in a day. That’s why we invite you to study in Russia for a year or two…

Alien: With pleasure, but where will I live then?

Невеста из Иваново: Don’t worry I’ll take you to Ivanovo, where you’ll be surprised of many beautiful young girls and won’t leave this place.

Тульский пряник: So we say: “Come with us travelling about Russia, about the Golden Ring and many other sights”.

Гжель: So we say: “Stay with us, come to Russia. Enjoy its beauty and culture”.

Alien: Thank you!

Звучит песня «Москва златоглавая»:

The Russians like sweets and buns

And are proud of famous sights,

And we go in slender sleigh

Winter came by the way.

No one who is pale and sad

Everybody is getting red

Russian songs sound clear we dance

At the sound of bells.

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