Test Unit 2. Being happy in the country and in the city 4 class Biboletova

Кузьмина Светлана Георгиевна, учитель английского языка,

МБОУ" Михайловская ООШ"Цивильского района Чувашской Республики

Test Unit 2. Being happy in the country and in the city

1. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1) sheep, horse, cow, pig, crocodile

2) river, hill, field, chair, garden

3) yellow, grey, wide, black, green

4) capital, city, town, flat

2. Заполни таблицу.



the longest

the best




the nicest



the worst

3. Выбери нужное слово.

1) The mouse is --------- ( smaller/ smallest ) than the cat.

2) Russia is the --------- ( larger/ largest ) country.

3) Ted is the --------- ( worse/ worst ) pupil in our class.

4. Вставьте нужные слова в предложения.

1) … lives in the sea.

2) Horses eat … .

3) A giraffe is … animal in the world.

4) A camel lives in … .

( a dolphin, in the desert, grass, the tallest )

Test Unit 2. Being happy in the country and in the city

1. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1) sheep, horse, cow, pig, crocodile

2) river, hill, field, chair, garden

3) yellow, grey, wide, black, green

4) capital, city, town, flat

2. Заполни таблицу.



the longest

the best




the nicest



the worst

3. Выбери нужное слово.

1) The mouse is --------- ( smaller/ smallest ) than the cat.

2) Russia is the --------- ( larger/ largest ) country.

3) Ted is the --------- ( worse/ worst ) pupil in our class.

4. Вставьте нужные слова в предложения.

1) … lives in the sea.

2) Horses eat … .

3) A giraffe is … animal in the world.

4) A camel lives in … .

( a dolphin, in the desert, grass, the tallest )

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Автор: Кузьмина Светлана Георгиевна  svetik-semitsvetik
01.11.2012 6468 1675

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