Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Merry Easter"; 4 класс

Макаренко М.В. – учитель английского языка

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

для 4 класса "Merry Easter"


Цель мероприятия: Знакомство с историей и традициями проведения праздника- Пасхи в Британии.



  • развитие коммуникативных умений по теме «Пасха в Великобритании»

  • формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка


  • развитие творческих способностей обучающихся


  • воспитание у учащихся уважительного отношения к культуре и национальным традициям страны изучаемого языка


  • активизация и расширение лексического запаса

  • формирование и развитие навыков монологической речи, чтения


  • мультимедийный проектор

  • фломастеры, 2 картинки- разукрашки

  • корзина, карточки с названием команд

  • магнитофон

  • доска, мел

(Звучит музыка, дети входят в класс)

Teacher: Good afternoon, children! Welcome to our party! Today we're going to speak about Easter in Britain. You will play different games, sing songs and dance! And now pupils present you some information about Easter! Look at the screen, please!

(Двое учеников представляют презентацию «История праздника Пасхи». Один на англ. яз., др. на русском)

Teacher: Thank you very much for your informative presentation! Now let's see how you remember Easter symbols in Britain. Ann, Sasha, Misha, Dima and Veronica will tell us about them. Please, you are welcome!

Sasha: (1 слайд Hot cross buns)

Hot cross buns are special Easter cakes with a cross on it. The Cross is a symbol of Christ's victory over the death.

Ann: (2 слайд Easter eggs)

Egss are one of the most important symbols of Easter symbolize life. In Britain people usually exchange chocolate eggs.

Misha: (3 слайд Easter Bunny)

Easter Bunny is a rabbit that brings chocolate eggs to children. He hides egg for children on Easter morning.

Dima: (4 слайд Easter tree)

Easter tree is a tree which people in Britain decorate with the Easter eggs.

Veronica: (5 слайд Bonnet)

Easter Bonnet is a symbol of  new clothes wearing on this holiday. He hides the eggs on Easter morning.

Teacher: Thank you so much! How do you think what British peole usually do on Easter?

1 Pupil: They exchange eggs.

2 Pupil: They cook tasty dinner.

3Pupil: They spend this holiday with relatives and friends.

Teacher: Right you are! But! British people like playing different Easter games, such as Egg Rolling and Easter Egg Hunt.  And now I invite you to play “Easter Hunt”. Let's divide into three teams. Each team must find Easter eggs of such colour (red, green, yellow) that a ribbon on the basket and put them there. You will play this game to music. As soon as the misic stops, you should take your seats. That quickest team which puts all the eggs to the basket will get a present.

(поощрительные призы получают все игроки)

Teacher: Great! What sportive pupils you are!!!! Let's look at eggs in your baskets. There's an egg with the task in each your basket. Find them, please!

(дети ищут яйцо с заданием)

Teacher: Red team, read the task, please.

Red Team: Decorate the Easter tree.

(все команды украшают яйцами из корзины свое пасхальное дерево)

Teacher: It's a very beautiful Easter tree!!! Red team, tell us the poem about Easter, please.

Red team:

Easter eggs yellow and blue,

Easter eggs for me and you,

Easter eggs and candy sweets,

Easter eggs are good to eat,

Easter eggs pretty and funny,

Where, oh...Where is an Easter Bunny?

Teacher: Thank you for your poem. I like it very much. Green Team, read the task, please.

Green Team: Sing Easter song.

Teacher: Stand up children. Let's sing the song “Easter Bunny Bop” and dance!!!

(все команды поют и танцуют)

Teacher: It's a very merry song. I like it! Good of you! Green Team, tell us a poem, please.

Green Team:

Spring is here! Spring is here!

Winter is gone and flowers appear.

Three little robbins begin to sing.

Four bicycle rings begin to ring.

Five children come out and jump the rope.

Spring is here now! I hope! I hope!

Teacher: Thank you. It's a very beautiful poem about spring. Now Yellow Team, read the task, please.

Yellow Team: Colour the picture.


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Автор: Макаренко Мария Васильевна  Публикатор
28.01.2020 0 3526 405

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