Методическое пособие "Обучение навыкам письменной речи в 5-7 классах"



И.Г. Назарова, учитель английского языка,

Л.А. Деева, учитель английского языка,

ГБОУ «Академическая гимназия № 56» Санкт-Петербурга












Методическое пособие


Обучение навыкам письменной речи

на уроках английского языка

в 5-х, 6-х и 7-х классах


УМК New Challenges

УМК Английский язык Афанасьевой, Притыкиной





















ГБОУ «Академическая гимназия № 56»

Санкт-Петербург 2021год



Пояснительная записка


Общая характеристика учебной ситуации

относительно навыка письма


Работая в средней школе с учениками 5-7 классов, мы столкнулись со следующей проблемой:

Наши ученики имеют серьёзные сложности в формировании навыка письма. Причём, речь идёт о ребятах, мотивированных учится. Значит, причина тому не в отсутствии интереса и прилежания у учеников, а в объективных трудностях, которые возникают при формировании у ребят навыка письменной речи.


Исследуя эту проблему, мы нашли подтверждение своим предположениям. Ситуация развивалась по классическому сценарию. Ребята, в целом, неплохо справляются с репродуктивными навыками (чтение, аудирование), но испытывают значительное затруднение, если задание связано с написанием письма (открытки, короткого рассказа) или подготовкой устного сообщения (монолога) или беседы (диалога). Как известно, письмо и говорение – это продуктивная речевая деятельность, и она объективно сложнее, чем репродуктивная.


Этот факт, к сожалению, неизбежен в большинстве случаев и закономерен, т.к. продуктивные виды речевой деятельности предъявляют ученику владение несколькими навыками одновременно. При написании письма или попытке говорить в рамках предложенного контекста, ученик должен удержать в фокусе несколько навыков, без которых письмо и говорение попросту теряют смысл:


- умение концентрироваться на цели

- умение учитывать предложенные обстоятельства при написании письма или подготовке к устному сообщению.

- умение применять изученные грамматические правила, структуры и конструкции

- владение лексикой в предлагаемом объёме

- умение произнести звуки правильно, и сохранить при этом нужную интонацию

- умение следовать логике изложения в стремлении быть понятым верно.


Что касается формирования навыка устной речи – здесь удачно корректируют ситуацию наши сборники с устными темами, бренд нашей гимназии. Однако, проблема формирования навыка письма требовала найти путь её решения.


Способ решения проблемы

МО средней школы приняло решение разработать методическое пособие для формирования навыка письма у учащихся 5-7 классов. Тому способствовала учебная ситуация в средней школе – новый учебник Challenges был взят за основу курса изучения английского языка. Таким образом, наличие методического пособия, разработанного на базе УМК Challenges, могло бы существенно помочь как учителям, так и ученикам. Причём, это пособие должно отвечать следующим требованиям:

  1. Простота и удобство в использовании всеми учителями во всех группах, со всеми детьми.

  2. Чёткий и понятный формат, приближающий ребят к формату личного письма (ОГЭ, ЕГЭ).

  3. Единство критериев в оценивании письменных работ.




Разработчики приняли решение отойти от жёсткого формата ОГЭ и ЕГЭ относительно

объёма письма. Наша задача – научить писать личное письмо, следуя логике этого формата. На этапе обучения иностранному языку в средней школе, подсчёт слов и стремление любым способом попасть в требуемый размер, могут, скорее, навредить. Составители данного пособия учли психологические особенности возраста, искреннюю заинтересованность у многих ребят новым видом деятельности или же страх у неуверенных учеников. Поэтому объём письма может варьироваться от небольшого, до внушительного, в зависимости от способностей и писательского таланта автора (ученика).



Рекомендуемые этапы работы


Следует учитывать, что с помощью данного пособия можно и учить писать письмо и контролировать результат. Необходимо проводить этот тип сложный вид работы на сдвоенных занятиях, где у ребят будет возможность погружения в процесс написания письма.

Учитель, в свою очередь, имеет возможность снять все возможные сложности и обсудить детали (помочь) индивидуально каждому.


1этап. Чтение письма-стимула вслух, обязательно с переводом на русский язык.

2 этап. Обсуждение задания

3 этап. Совместное изучение и обсуждение предложенного плана написания письма.

4 этап. Написание письма. Дети работают в индивидуальном режиме. Результат (письмо) важно сдать в этот же день учителю. Иначе объективность результата оказывается под сомнением.


В дальнейшем, когда ребята усвоят принцип написания письма, учитель может дать им возможность работать индивидуально, в своём режиме. Однако, это целиком зависит от учебной ситуации, уровня группы и отдельных учеников.


Использование учебников при написании письма


Использование учебников при написании письма – тоже на усмотрение учителя. Если помимо всего есть цель - контроль знания лексики наизусть, её правописание и применение, то в этом случае учебниками (словарями и прочими записями) пользоваться нельзя.

Если же цель – научить писать письмо и проконтролировать результат, учебники и словари разрешаются.


Типы письменных работ и формируемые навыки


За курс изучения английского языка ребята учатся писать не только письма другу, но и рассказы, ревю фильмов и книг, что отвечает требованиям ФГОС.

При системной работе с данным пособием у учеников формируются следующие навыки:


- описание человека (места, события, фотографии, погоды, итд.)

- описание своего отношения к человеку (событию, фильму, итд.)

- умение принять предложение или отказать, с объяснением причины

- умение рассказать о своих планах

- умение запросить информацию и расспросить о чём-либо

- умение грамотно и логично писать личное письмо, на основе усвоенного лексико-грамматического материала


Оценивание письма


Письмо оценивается по двум критериям: содержание и грамотность.




I четверть 5 класс


  1. Read Kims letter.




September, 7

Dear John,


Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.

In your letter you asked me about my interests. My favourite things are art and music. I can draw and paint.

My mum is a music teacher. She can sing and she can play the piano. My sister and I can play the guitar. I’m not very good at sports. I can’t ride a bike or play tennis but I can do other practical things. I can cook and I can use the Internet.

. What are you into? Do you like sports? Please tell me about your mother and father. What are they good at?

By the way, I had my birthday yesterday. Guess what! I have got a pet as a present from my parents.

Sorry, I must finish as my mum is calling me. Please write me soon.


Best wishes,




  1. Write a personal letter to Kim. Use her letter as an example.

In your letter:

answer all her questions and write about your mother and father

ask 3 questions about her pet

use this plan:




October, ….

Dear Kim,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with

my studies.

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my hobbies and my family. … (I can/ I can’t/ I’m

into…/ I’m interested in…)

para 3 The other members of my family are very talented too. (tell about your family:

be into…/ be good at…/ be bad at…/ be interested in…)

para 4 It’s great that you have got a pet. (Your 3 questions to Kim about her pet: what

pet/its size / its name/its colour)

para 5 Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my homework. Please write back soon.


Best wishes,


(Your short name)


Remember! You must use: Present Simple

have got

can/ can’t




II четверть 5 класс


  1. Read Laura’s letter to James.




November, 25

Dear James,


Thanks for your letter. Your story was lovely. It made me laugh.

By the way, today it is Saturday and it’s my favourite day! I don’t go to school. I get up at 9.30, and then I have a shower. My mum makes breakfast and then my dad does the washing up. My brother and I don’t do homework. We usually hang out at the local park. We see our friends there and ride our bikes.

In the afternoon my family and I go shopping. There is a big shopping centre next to our house. I often look in the clothes and music shops there.

In the evening I spend time with my family at home. I chat to my mum and dad after dinner. Some- times we go to the cinema together.

Is your family large? What do you usually do at the weekends? Are there a lot of places to go to in your city?

Anyway, I must finish as my mum is calling me. Please write soon.


Best wishes,



  1. Write a personal letter to Laura. Use her letter as an example.

In your letter:

answer her questions about your weekends

ask Laura 3 questions about her school life

use this plan:





Dear Laura,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my family. My family is … . There are …. of us: … (name the family members).

para 3 We like spending weekends together. We usually (name activities)

para 4 Luckily there are many places to go in St.Petersburg. They are … (name the places).

Also we can go to …. (name the places or activities)

para 5 It’s great that you don’t go to school on Saturdays. Please write me about your school life. (Ask Laura 3 questions about her favourite subjects, teachers and classmates.)

para 6 Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my homework. Please write back soon.


Best wishes,


(Your short name)


Remember! You must use: Present Simple / have got / there is/ there are

III четверть 5 класс


1. Read Ellen’s letter about her holiday.




March, 7

Dear Mike,


Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. Guess what? Last week our class decided to go on an activity holiday! We travelled by bus for five hours and arrived at the activity centre at night. We were all tired but very excited.

The next day the activities started very early. In the morning we walked for two hours along the river. Luckily, the weather wasn’t bad there – it didn’t rain but there were some clouds in the sky. We watched animals and birds, and then we returned to the centre by bike.

In the afternoon I rode a horse. My best friend Mary crossed the river in a canoe. We stayed at the centre for five days and I loved every minute!

By the way, there is some information about the trip on our school website. Why don’t you look at it?

There is a photo of me and my friend Mary. I’m riding the horse and she is crossing the river in the canoe!

It’s great that you like travelling. Please tell me about one of your holidays. Sorry, I must finish as my mum is calling me. Please write soon.

Best wishes,



  1. Write a personal letter to Ellen about your holidays. Use her letter as an example and answer her questions.

Ellen’s questions

1. When and where did you go?

2. Who did you travel with?

3. Where did you stay?

4. What was the weather like?

5. What did you do?

6. What did you visit?

7. What did you see there?

8. What did you eat?

9. Did you enjoy your holidays?

10. Do you have any photos?


Use the plan:

Saint Petersburg



March, ….

Dear Ellen,


para 1 Thank you for your letter, I was happy to get it! You are lucky to have these cool holidays. I saw your photos, they are great!

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my holidays. … (Your answers to questions 1, 2, 3)

para 3 The weather … (your answer to question 4) There was a lot to do there. (Your answers

to questions 5, 6, 7)

para 4 We tried a lot of tasty things… (Your answers to questions 8, 9, 10)

para 5 Sorry, I must finish as….. Please write back soon.


Best wishes,

(Your short name)


Remember! You must use: Past Simple



IV четверть 5 класс


  1. Read Tom’s letter.




April, 18

Dear Liz,


Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.

Guess what! I went to a great party last night. We wanted to celebrate the beginning of our holidays. We invited all our school friends! The party was at our under-16s club from 7 to 11 p.m. It was fantastic!

We had some great food – pizzas, hotdogs and hamburgers. There was a DJ and he played excellent music.

We danced for hours. I took a lot of photos, too. Here is a brilliant group photo of all my friends. We are playing games and laughing.

By the way, I’m going to have my birthday party on Saturday. Would you like to come? Tell me about the best party you have ever been to. Do you have any photos?

Sorry, I must finish, my dad is calling me. Please write me soon.

Best wishes,


  1. Write a personal letter to Tom about the best party you have ever been to. Use his letter as an example and answer his questions.


Tom’s questions

  1. What did you celebrate?

  2. Did you invite a lot of people?

  3. Where was the party?

  4. What did you eat and drink? Did you have a cake?

  5. What music did you play?

  6. What did you do?

  7. How many presents did you get?

  8. Are there photos from the party?



Use the plan:

Saint Petersburg



May, ….

Dear Tom,


para 1 I’m glad to get your letter. Thanks for the invitation. I’d love to come to your party!

para 2 In your letter you asked me about the best party and I’m going to tell you about it with pleasure. (Answer the questions 1, 2, 3)

para 3 The party was cool and the food was fantastic. (Answer the questions 4, 5, 6)

para 4 (Answer the questions 7, 8. )My friend has a professional camera, look at the photos he

took! It’s me, I’m…. (describe the photo in short)

para 5 Sorry, I must finish as …. Please write back soon about your summer plans.


Best wishes,


(Your short name)


Remember! You must use: Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous.



I четверть 6 класс


  1. You have received a letter from your new English-speaking pen friend Dave.




September, 15

Dear … ,


Thanks for your letter. I’m glad to be your pen friend.

I’m fourteen and I live in the city called Hereford. It’s in England, and it’s a great place. Maybe you can find it on the map.

I go to a big school. It has nearly 1,000 students but the classes aren’t very big. There are twenty people in mine. I study nine subjects. My favourite subject is Geography. I like languages, too. I study French and German but I don’t study Spanish – sorry!

There are some leisure facilities at my school. I never go to the drama club because I don’t like it, but I often go to the swimming pool. It’s an amazing place and we always have a good time there. We’ve also got a really good concert hall at our school and I often go to concerts there.

I’m into music, especially heavy metal and rock. I can’t play a musical instrument but I can sing.

By the way, what’s your favourite school subject? What leisure facilities are there at your school? Have you got a swimming pool there? Please tell me about your hobby and interests.

I can’t write any more as I have to walk my dog. Please write back soon!


Best wishes,



2. Write a personal letter to Dave. Use his letter as an example.

In your letter:

answer all his questions about your school and your hobby and interests.

ask 3 questions about the city Hereford.

use this plan:

Saint Petersburg



October, ….

Dear Dave,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. I was waiting for answer and I’m really happy to get it!

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my school. (Tell Dave about your school and the leisure facilities there: school subject/ swimming pool/ sports ground/ gym/ football pitch/ dance classes/ drama club/ choir)

para 3 I don’t have much free time as I’m into …(Tell Dave about your hobby and interests)

Also, I’m interested in …. But I’m not very good at …. Many of my classmates are crazy

about …

para 4 I think your school is great. By the way, what about the place you live in? (Ask Dave 3 questions about the size / location / age of Hereford)

para 5 Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work. Please write back soon.


Best wishes,


(Your short name)


Remember! You must use: Present Simple / have got / there is / there are / can


II четверть 6 класс


  1. Read the story.

A day out in London

Last week I went to London for the day with my friend Kate and her family. We got up at six o’clock and the train left at seven o’clock. The journey took three hours.

In the morning we went to the Science museum. It was brilliant, but there was a problem. While we were looking at the airplane models, Kate’s brother Mike got lost.

We stayed there all morning, so at one o’clock we were very hungry. It was a lovely day and we had a picnic in the park. Everything was nice. Though there were too many cheese sandwiches, there was not enough juice. Anyway, we had a great time.

Kate took some photographs in the park and then we went on a boat trip down the River Thames. It was very interesting.

Then we rushed to the station. On the way home Kate and I were listening to the music when I fell asleep. I arrived home at midnight. I was very tired but happy. It was a wonderful day.


  1. Write a story about your trip. Look at Exercise 1 for a model description of a day out.

Write 15-20 sentences. The questions and the expressions can help you.


Para 1: Where and when did you go? (last summer/autumn holidays/ one day/

Who did you go with? to the seaside/ to the Gulf of Finland/ to the country)

How did you go there? (by car/ by train / by bus/ by ship)

What was the weather like? (sunny/ warm/ hot/ cold/ rainy/ windy)


Para 2: What did you do in the morning? (put up a tent/ make the campfire/ go fishing/

What did your relatives/friends do? do water sports/ sit on the beach/ be sunbathing/

gather mushrooms and berries/ cook the food on fire)

Use: at first / then /after that /suddenly

while /when


Para 3: Where did you have lunch? (in a fast food restaurant/ have a picnic on the

beach/ in the forest)

What did you eat and drink?

Did you like it?


Para 4: What did you do in the afternoon? (play volleyball/ play the guitar/ make a sandcastle)

Where did you go?

What did you see?

Use: then / next/ after that / at last/ finally

while/ when


Para 5: How did you feel in the end of the day? (excited/ tired/ happy/ sad/ terrible)

Did you enjoy the day?








Remember! You must use Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses.




III четверть 6 класс



1. Read Max’s letter about his neighbour Ann.




February, 25

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your letter. I’ve seen your favourite film and I really enjoyed it.

Guess what! Last Saturday I was at Ann’s birthday party! We had a great fun. Ann is my new neighbour, you know. Her house is next to ours. She’s older than me – she’s fourteen.

We are both interested in sport, especially tennis and basketball. So we often play tennis at weekends. Besides, Ann’s brilliant at Maths and sometimes helps me with my homework. She’s patient and never gets angry.

By the way, she’s very pretty, I suppose. She’s got big, brown eyes and long, straight hair. You can

look at my webpage. There is a photo of me and Ann at her birthday party. We are dancing and laughing. We are wearing white jeans and white T-shirts because it was a dress code party.

Hope, you’re okay at your new school. Tell me about your best friend.

Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my homework. Please write soon.

Best wishes,


  1. Write a personal letter to Max. Use his letter as an example.

In your letter:

answer all his questions about your best friend


Max’s questions


1. What’s his/her name?

2. How old is he/she?

3. What is he/she into?

4. What do you often do together?



5. How do you help each other? Why?

6. What is he/she like?(tell about his/her traits

of character)

7. What does he/she look like? (describe him/her)

8. What style of clothes does he/she like wearing?


ask 3 questions about clothes and shopping

Saint Petersburg



March, ….

Dear Max,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my best friend. (Answer questions 1, 2, 3)

para 3 We have much in common (Answer questions 4, 5)

para 4 …. is a good friend (Answer question 6)

para 5 By the way, my friend is quite good-looking. (Answer questions 7, 8))

para 6 Do you like trendy clothes? (Ask Max 3 questions about clothes and shopping)

Sorry, I must finish as.... Please write back soon.


Best wishes,

(Your short name)

Remember! You must use: Present Simple and Present Perfect


IV четверть 6 класс


  1. Read Grace’s letter from holiday.




May, 5

Dear Rory,


I’m on holiday in Cornwall. I’m having a fantastic time!

On Monday, I had a surfing lesson – it was amazing but (as you said) the weather was VERY cold. Yesterday Mum and I went sailing – it was fantastic too. Lydia has spent some time with us. Mum and Dad took us both to an art gallery in St.Ives – it was a bit boring but Lydia loved it.

We are at a mining museum today and it’s horrible. I can’t stand being underground so I’m waiting in the cafe and writing postcards. Lucky Lydia is at the beach with her family. I got a text from Joe this morning – we’ve arranged to meet at the beach tomorrow.

How are you? Write about your summer holidays.

Sorry, I must finish as my Mum is calling. Please write me soon.


See you next week!



  1. Imagine you are on holiday in a different city. Write a personal letter to Grace. Use her letter as an example and answer all her questions about your holidays.

Grace’s questions

1. Where are you?

2. Who are you with?

3. What is the weather like?

4. What do you eat every day?

5. Where did you go yesterday?


6. What did you do there?

7. What are you wearing now?

8. What are you doing at the moment?

9. What haven’t you done yet?

10. What are you going to do?


  1. Use the plan. City




Dear Grace,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. Guess what!

Now I’m on my holiday in … and I’m having a great time here. (Answer questions 2, 3, 7)

para 2 It’s great here, I like the local food. (Answer questions 4, 5, 6)

para 3 You know, holidays are never boring. (Answer questions 8, 9, 10)

para 4 Sorry, I must finish as … Please write back soon and tell me the news. I’ll show you the photos when we meet.


Best wishes,


(Your short name)


Remember! You must use: Present Simple/Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Simple

Be going to + verb



I четверть 7 класс



  1. Read Emma’s letter about her new boarding school.





Dear Simon,

How are you? I’m okay but a bit tired after my first week at boarding school. I arrived last Saturday.

It’s strange to be away from home but I don’t mind the school. It’s got a big sports hall and a new computer room. Guess what! There’s also an outdoor swimming pool! We study the same subjects as other schools but we have a lot of homework. We have lessons on Saturday mornings as well. It’s strange to be in class at weekends!

Everyone here is quite friendly. I’m sharing a room with a girl called Annette. She’s nice but we don’t get together much because she has different interests from me. I’ve joined the drama club. I only have a small part in the play but that’s okay.

It’s great that you have moved to Edinburgh. I hope you are fine. I want to know about your new school. (1) How much time does it take you to get there? (2) Tell about the leisure facilities at your school. (3) What club have you joined? (4) Have you made friends yet?

(5) How many English lessons a week do you have?

Anyway, I have to go now and have my tea. Please write soon.




  1. Imagine you have moved to Edinburgh. Write a personal letter to Emma. Use her letter as an example. In your letter:

answer all her questions about your new school and your leisure activities

ask 3 questions about Brighton and the location of the school.






Dear Emma,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my new school. It’s (not) far from my house. (Answer question 1) My English is getting better day by day, as …. (Answer question 5)

para 3 We have a lot of great leisure facilities. There is/are …. (Answer questions 2, 3 )

para 4 I really miss my friends from Saint Petersburg but the people here are friendly.

para 5 (Answer question 4)

para 6 By the way, what about the place you live in? (Your 3 questions to Emma about Brighton and the school)

para 7 Sorry, It’s time to finish as I have to do my homework. Please write back soon.


Best wishes,


(Your short name)


II четверть 7 класс



  1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Diana who writes:




October, 10

Dear ….,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to get it!

In your letter you asked me about my birthday party. I really had a cool party. It was two

weeks ago. I couldn’t have a party on my birthday because it was a school day. So I had it three days

later, on Saturday. Guess what! There were twenty-three guests! I invited all my classmates. And there are five of us in the family. Actually, I had a huge party.

You know, our house is quite small, we held the party in the garden. Dad borrowed tables and

chairs from some neighbours. My friend Karen helped me to organize the music for dancing.

I got a lot of presents. My parents gave me a CD player. Karen gave me a CD that I really wanted. Alex gave me a poster; Lyn, Dave and Matthew bought me a book about music. And I got lots of other really great gifts. It is the best party I have ever had. Do you like parties? Write about the most exciting party you have ever been to.

Sorry, I must finish as I have to help Dad with dinner. Please write back soon.

Best wishes,


  1. Write a personal letter to Diana. Use her letter as an example and answer all her questions

about the party you have ever been to.

Diana’s questions

1. Whose party was it?

2. Where was the party?

3. Who organized it?

4. What preparations did you make?

5. What clothes did people wear?

6. What did you do?

7. What presents did you get?

8. How did you feel?


  1. use the plan:

Saint Petersburg



December, …

Dear Diana,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. It was really interesting to read about your birthday. Congratulations!

para 2 In your letter you asked me about the best party I had. (Answer questions 1, 2, 3)


para 3 We made a lot of preparations. (go shopping/ buy/ food/ drinks/make a cake/prepare music/ decorate/ a Christmas tree/ the room)

para 4 Everybody looked great and we had a lot of fun. (Answer questions 5, 6)


para 5 My parents (friends) gave me a lot of presents. (Answer questions 7, 8)

para 6 Sorry, I must finish as … Please write back soon.


Best wishes,

…. (Your short name)


Remember! You must use Past Simple and Past continuous.


III четверть 7 класс



  1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary.




February, 18

Dear …,


Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.

In your letter you asked me about my leisure activities. I like going to the cinema. Last Sunday I saw Mission Impossible III. It is the third spy thriller in the series and it stars Tom Cruise as an agent Ethan Hunt.

Ethan Hunt is a trainer of spies. One of his former students is captured by an evil arms dealer. Hunt’s mission in this film is to rescue her. However, the mission goes wrong and Hunt’s girlfriend is in danger.

There are a lot of exciting scenes in the film like explosions and a helicopter chase. The special effects, like the jump from a Shanghai skyscraper, are also good. Though I think the plot is a bit silly. Also, the acting isn’t very convincing.

It’s great that you like watching films, too. Anyway, I would recommend Mission Impossible III, only if you really like spy films. (1) What is your favourite film? (2) What type of film is it?

(3) Who stars in the film? (4) What is it about? (5) Why do you like it?

Sorry, I must finish as I have to do a project work. Please write back soon.

Best wishes,



2. Write a personal letter to Mary and use her letter as an example.

In your letter:

answer all her questions about your favourite film

ask 3 questions about her project work


Use the plan:

Saint Petersburg



March, …

Dear Mary,


para 1 Thanks for your letter. Hope, your busy time is over now.

para 2 In your letter you asked me about my favourite film. (Answer questions 1, 2, 3) Use Present Simple!)

para 3 The plot is thrilling. (Answer question 4 and tell Mary the plot of the film.

Use Present Simple!)

para 4 I feel excited (moved, thrilled, …) when I watch the film because … (Answer

question 5) All in all, I think it’s an excellent film to watch for …. (type of the audience)

para 5 It’s great that you do project works at your school. (Ask 3 questions about

her project)

para 6 Sorry, I must finish as …. Please write back soon.


Best wishes,

(Your short name)


Remember! You must use Present Simple.


IV четверть 7 класс


1. Read Jack’s letter.




May, 5

Dear Stephen,


Thanks for your letter. I’m really looking forward to your visit. I know we’ll have a lot of fun.

I’ve been thinking about what we could do while you’re here. I’ve got a few suggestions. Maybe you could tell me what you think, and perhaps suggest a few other things.

(1) First of all, do you like cycling? There are some really good cycle tracks round here, and we could hire a bike for you if you like. There are lots of great places to visit, and I thought it would be fun to go there by bike.

(2) Secondly, do you like folk music? There’s a festival near here in August. My parents say that we can go if you want to, and if your parents don’t mind. Folk isn’t my favourite kind of music, but I went to the festival last year, and it was a great fun.

(3) I’m sure we’ll spend a day or two in Birmingham, where there are lots of shops as well as cinemas, parks and museums, etc. (4) Also, we could go to the sea for a day, but it’s quite a long way. What do you think of my ideas? Write me all and we’ll discuss.

Anyway, I have to go now as my sisters need my help.

Looking forward for your letter and your coming. See you soon!

Best wishes,



  1. You are going to Jack’s place. Write a personal letter to Jack.

In your letter:

answer all his questions (offers and ideas)

ask 3 questions about his sisters

use the plan

Saint Petersburg



May, …

Dear Jack,


para 1 Thank you for your letter. You’ve really thought of some good ideas!

para 2 (Answer questions 1, 2. Accept or don’t accept Jack’s ideas)

para 3 As for trip to Birmingham and to the sea - I like sightseeing and travelling.

(Accept or don’t accept Jack’s ideas 3, 4. Explain why you accept or don’t accept his offers.) Anyway, all your suggestions are great.

para 4 Besides, why don’t we… (Tell Jack one or two of your own ideas: what about/

we could)

para 5 It’s great that you have sisters. (Ask Jack 3 questions about his sisters)

para 6 Sorry, I must finish as …

Keep in touch.


Best wishes,

…. (Your short name)



Remember! You must use: Present Simple, Future Simple, I Conditional (if necessary)



За образцы писем взяты тексты и письма из следующих источников:


  1. Сборник устных тем для 7 класса. Правила выполнения задания «Напиши личное письмо»

  2. УМК New Challenges 1, 2, 3 (для 5, 6, 7 классов)

  3. УМК In Touch 1, 2, 3 (для 5, 6, 7 классов)


Далее приводятся точные координаты текстов и писем, взятых за образцы.


5 класс

I четверть New Challenges 1 (WB p.14 ex.1, 2)

II четверть New Challenges 1(WB p31, 32)

III четверть New Challenges 1(WB p.58)

IV четверть New Challenges 1 (WB p.78 ex.1)


6 класс

I четверть New Challenges 2 (WB p.28, 29 ex.3, 2)

II четверть In Touch 2 (WB p. 60)

III четверть New Challenges 2 (WB p.70 ex.1)

IV четверть New Challenges 2 (SB p.90 ex.5)


7 класс

I четверть New Challenges 3 (WB p.24 ex.1-5)

II четверть In Touch 3 (SB p.53 ex.3, 5)

III четверть New Challenges 3 (WB p.64 ex.2-4)

IV четверть In Touch 3 (WB p.90)


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