Презентация по английскому языку "Australia"; 9-11 классы

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«Конкурс презентаций«Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона» «Сообщество взаимопомощи учителей Pedsovet.su» Крапивина Надежда Николаевна Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №7 Г. Шарья Костромская обл. AUSTRALIA
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What do Australia? you know about
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Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is the world’s driest continent. Huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited. There are rainforests in the north, snowfields in the south-east, desert in the centre and fertile croplands in the south and south-west. Australia is also the flattest continent after Antarctica. Uninhabited – необитаемый Fertile croplands – плодородные земли
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Why did the Aborigines eat Cook? Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770. He was sent to discover the huge land that many people believed was south of the equator. He landed south of the present day Sydney in New South Wales. He claimed this part of the land for the King of England.
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What is the symbol of Australia?
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Australia’s coat of arms consist of a shield containing the badges of six states. The supporters are native Australian fauna – a kangaroo and an emu. A yellow-flowered native plant, wattle, also appears in the design.
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The flag of Australia is the only one to fly over a whole continent. The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, the large seven-pointed star represents the six States and the Territories, and the small stars from the Southern Cross – a prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky.
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Why is January the hottest month in Australia?
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Australia is a continent, a country and a island all at the same time. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent in the world. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. That is why it is summer when we have winter and it has winter when we have summer. It is interesting to know that January is the hottest month in Australia. Hemisphere - полушарие
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Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest?
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Adelaide – capital of South Australia. A pretty and industrial city. Brisbane – capital of Queensland. Tropical climate makes it a year-round vacation place. Darwin – capital and largest city of the Northern Territory. Hobart – capital of the island-state Tasmania. Perth – capital of the state of Western Australia. One of the best climates in Australia. Sydney – capital of New South Wales. Australia’s oldest and largest city. Melbourne – capital of Victoria. Second largest city.
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What is the capital of Australia?
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Canberra – the capital of Australia Canberra is the home of Australia’s government and embassies from around the world. There are many fine museums in Canberra. Australia’s national landmarks are located in Canberra. The National Gallery, the National Science and Technology Centre and the High Court. Canberra is “cyclist’s paradise”.
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Why does Australia have many unique species?
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Australia has been isolated for long period of time, so there has been little exchange of animals with the rest of the world. For example, there are no hoofed animals native to Australia, yet monotremes are found in Australia and New Guinea Hoofed - копытное Monotremes –одноапертурный (Млекопитающее, которое откладывает яйца, а не давая живорождения) 
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What Russian Writers Thought about Australia Anton Chekhov Leo Tolstoy Konstan tin Balmont
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“Your country has every condition in it to establish a truly Christian and brotherly way of life that would free us from the sins of the old world.” Leo Tolstoy “What lovely trees and, essentially, how beautiful life must have been near here!” Anton Chekhov Konstantin Balmont saw that the country with exotic and beautiful nature, unusual birds, plants and animals was also a modern society was disappointed by that fact.
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Австралийский чёрный лебедь на волне, Словно в сказке на картинке, виден мне. Настоящий, проплывает предо мной, Весь змеиный, весь узорный, вырезной. И воистину влечёт меня в игру Настоящими прыжками кенгуру. И в хранимом зачарованном прудке Светят лотосы во влажном цветнике. Голубеет эвкалипта стройный ствол, Куст невиданной акации расцвёл. Как колибри, медонос припал к цветку, Птица – флейта засвирелила тоску. И хохочут зимородки по ветвям, Словно в сказке, что сказали в детстве нам. Только всё это лишь малый уголок – Громче пенья птиц на фабрике гудок. Нет Австралии тех детских наших дней,
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Для создания презентации использованы фотографии с сайтов: massokhin.narod.ru, Rutraveler.ru Webmandry.com/ Surfholidays.ru Godliteratury.ru Planetour.ru Lib.rus.ec B17.ru Basik.ru Tureks.rum-tour.ru En.wikipedia.org Vangoghtour.ru
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Литература: Клементьева Т.Б., Shannon J. A. Счастливый английский. Кн. 3 для 10-11 кл. общеобраз.шк.-Обнинск: Титул, 1998.-352с,:ил.

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Автор: Крапивина Надежда Николаевна  Екатерина_Пашкова
10.07.2015 0 5392 808

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