Презентация "Спортивные события в Великобритании / Great British Sporting Events"; 10 класс

Слайд 1
What sports country do they originate? Which need this equipment? Great Britain ball &&gates rackets & gloves racquet ball ball bat, brooms & stone clubs shuttlecocks boxing football cricket badminton curling rugby tennis golf 1
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Great British Sporting Events English lesson, form 10, Module 2 Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English teacher of Secondary school № 15, Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk Region 3/31/18
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Journey route Cambridge Oxford Ascot London 3
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London Marathon Take part in London Marathon! London Marathon usually takes place in April. It is a serious athletic competition which offers big prize money for the winners. The majority of runners do it for fun or to raise money for charity. People can run 26 miles (about 42 km) About Start 40,000 runners Tower Cutty Westminster Having Running Buckingham Winners Medals Finish Sark Bridge fun with for fun Palace Prince 4
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Wimbledon Championship The winners of tournament with their trophies Wimbledon Spectators queues Central court World’s top player World’s top player Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova won Wimbledon Championship “While the players are swinging their racquets on the in 2004 court, the spectators are consuming some 28,000 World’s kilograms World’s of strawberries topped with 7,000 litres of top player dairy cream over two weeks.” top player Wimbledon 2012 Traditional snack Open courtsChampionship courts Sydney Morning Herald 5
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Royal Ascot Race A hat ALadies hat Hats A hat Royal Ascot, 1836 Horse racing A hat Racecourse Royal Family Royal Family Royal Pair Race Horses and jockeysout the Opening People Winner circle Racing Gentlemen The Queen holding trophies ceremony 6
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Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race Racecourse Two boats A dates lotand ofdates spectators 16 paddles Cambridge University back Oxford University back to theto Finish What blue are you? down the th 13th century. Under the bridges the Cambridge is located 12 century. Oxford is situated in the river Thames in the county Cambridgeshire county Oxfordshire Push Winners Before the start Rowing boat race 9 members for each crew 7
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Which event … 845… … … 10 3is is is… 6… popular aassociated … 79 is competition has 1… … 2… has attended … takes lasts thousand offers with lasts onlyplace for with the 18 athe by between cash two competitors? fashion strawberry British of longest? incompetitors? weeks? spring? prize? two royalty? designers? teams? snack? 8
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Speaking Imagine you are a radio presenter. Choose one of the sporting events and present it to the class. You have 5 minutes for preparing! 9
Слайд 10
Russian sporting events White a short text about a famous event (50-60 words)! Use the plan: - name - type - place - time - competitors - spectators - prizes - any interesting information 10

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Автор: Лобанова Елена Александровна  Lobanova
03.07.2015 3 10001 1291

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