План - конспект урока по английскому языку: урок – «защита проекта» по теме“Welcome to Astrakhan. The local man-made wonders”для 10 класса.
МОУ «СОШ с. Тамбовки», Харабалинского района, Астраханской области.
Конспект урока по теме:
“Welcome to Astrakhan. The local man-made wonders”
для 10 класса.
(УМК «Enjoy English-10 кл», под редакцией М.З. Биболетова, Е.Е.Бабушис, Н.Д.Снежко.)
форма: «защита проекта»
Выполнила: Владимирова Людмила Алексеевна
учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ с. Тамбовки», Харабалинского района
Астраханской области.
2010 – 2011 уч.год.
План - конспект урока по теме: урок – «защита проекта» “Welcome to Astrakhan. The local man-made wonders”для 10 класса.
(УМК “Enjoy English”для 10 класса, под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой, Е.Е.Бабушис, Н.Д.Снежко)
Автор: Владимирова Людмила Алексеевна, учитель английского языка.
Название ОУ: МОУ «СОШ с. Тамбовки», Харабалинского района, Астраханской области.
Форма: «защита проекта»
Образовательные цели: обобщение и закрепление материала по теме:
“Man-made wonders of the world”;
Развивающие цели: развитие произносительных и лексических умений и навыков; развитие умений групповой дискуссии; развитие умений спонтанного говорения; умений письменной речи; развитие творческой и познавательной активности;
Воспитательные цели: воспитание толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры; развитие общего культурного кругозора; воспитание качеств патриота, гражданина; воспитание любви к родному краю, к прекрасному.
Оборудование: проекты учащихся, музыкальное оформление, плакаты, выставка книг «Astrakhan», мультимедийная доска, раздаточный дидактический материал.
Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент. (Т - СL), звучит музыка.
T: Hello, dear friends, hello our guests. I am glad to see you. Let’s start our English lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Welcome to Astrakhan. The local man-made wonders”. Today, we get acquainted with Barbara Claydon. She is from New York. Barbara will visit our school. We’ll show her our native city and our beautiful architectural wonders. Also we must decide which of them can truly be called “A Wonder of the World”.
2. T: Let’s repeat words and phrases that we now need for our discussion:
a ticket; a seat; a non-smoking section; welcome aboard; a vacation; a native city; a local wonder; a historical monument; an architectural monument; unique; ancient; an airplane.
(T- Cl; T-P1P2P3)
3. Conversation Practice (Р1–P2–P3)
The dialogue “On the airplane”
(доносится звук самолёта, появляется стюардесса и два пассажира).
Stewardess: Hello! May I see your ticket, please?
Igor: Hello! Here it is.
Stewardess: Thank you. Your seat is 22A. It’s on the right in the non-smoking section. Welcome aboard!
Igor: Thank you. Excuse me. Is this seat 22A? (Обращается к пассажирке)
Barbara: Yes, I think so.
Igor: I’m afraid you are sitting in my seat.
Barbara: Oh, I’m sorry! You are right my ticket is for seat 22B.
Igor: That’s Okay.
Barbara: My name is Barbara Claydon. What’s your name?
Igor: My name is Igor Pavlenko. Please call me Igor.
Barbara: It’s nice to meet you Igor. Where are you from, Igor?
Igor: I’m from Astrakhan. Where are you from?
Barbara: I’m from New York. I was on vacation in Moscow with my parents. We visited friends there. And now I’m going to Astrakhan. I will live there with an Astrakhan family.
Igor: great! Astrakhan is my native city. Have you ever been in Astrakhan?
Barbara: No, this will be my first time in this city.
Igor: You’ll have a great time. I’ll show you our beautiful historical monuments in Astrakhan and of course, my native school.
Barbara: All right! You speak English very well.
Igor: Thank you.
4. Conversation Practice (Р1–P2–P3)
The dialogue “In Astrakhan Airport”
Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen! We are in Astrakhan. Have a good time in Astrakhan!
Barbara: I enjoyed sitting with you, Igor.
Igor: Me, too. It was fun. Thank you for teaching me American English. I hope, I’ll see you again in my school. We’ll speak about our wonderful historical monuments, our local wonders. Would you like to come with me?
Barbara: Yes, I’d love too.
5. Звучит музыка, слайд «Школа»
Conversation Practice (Р1–P2–P3)
The dialogue: “Our school”
Igor: This is my school. My first class is English. We study English all year. Let me introduce you to my classmates and my teacher.
Barbara: That’s great.
Igor: (обращается к учителю и учащимся) Hello! This is Barbara Claydon. Barbara is from New York.
Barbara: How do you do. Nice to meet you.
Cl: Nice to meet you, too.
Teacher: Sit down, Barbara. Nice to meet you. Do you speak Russian?
Barbara: Yes.
Teacher: All right. Dear friends, please read these proverbs and try to translate them.
6. Please read these proverbs and try to translate them. (P1,P2,P3 – CL)
“East or West Home is best”;
“A man’s home is his castle”;
“There is no place like home”;
“Art is long, life is short”;
“Respect should be earned by actions and not acquired by years”.
T: What can you say about these proverbs?
P1: It is true that there is no place like home.
P2: Every person is precious place where he was born. My hometown is Astrakhan. I love my city. Without a doubt, that “A man’s home is his castle”
T: Is Astrakhan beautiful?
P3: Yes, of course. This city is really beautiful.
T: Are there many wonderful historical monuments in Astrakhan? What are they?
P4: Yes. There are many historical monuments in our city. They are the Troitsk Cathedral, the Astrakhan Kremlin and its towers.
P5: The Uspensky Cathedral, the Kremlin belltower.
P6: We must say about the Red gate, the Water gate and the Nikolskys gate.
7. (на доске слайды «Астрахань») (T- Cl; T-P1P2P3)
Astrakhan is a unique city!
It has risen in lower reaches of
Volga, on the river on which since ancient times there passed
cultural border between Europe and Asia, between the West and the
East. (
высказывания учащихся об Астрахани:
– CL)
P1: Yes, for this reason it is possible to name Astrakhan the corner of Russia from different directions surrounded with Asia.
P2: Together cultures, adverbs, beliefs here have merged having given to Astrakhan original and picturesque shape which is swept up literally everywhere and in all.
8. T- Cl: As you say, there are many historical monuments in our city. Working in group you have prepared a presentation about the man-made wonders in our city. Before then we have reviewed the projects in our city. Let’s repeat the expression that will help us in our conversation.
a) T: Let’s repeat the expressions:
I believe that …
In my opinion …
It is really fantastic/ original/ splendid/ wonderful.
b) T: Now your attention the students projects. Please ask your questions and choose the best architectural monument of Astrakhan. Which of them is really a man-made wonder?
For what the monument will you vote?
c) T: “Man - made wonders of Astrakhan.
The Kremlin belltower or the Prechistensky gate”
- Where is the Kremlin belltower situated?
- Is the Kremlin belltower visible people practically from any point of a city?
- What can you say about the history of the Kremlin belltower?
- Who was the architect of it?
- Is this the man-made wonder of Astrakhan?
- Why do you vote for the Kremlin Belltower?
d) T: “Man- made wonders of Astrakhan: The Red gate, the Water gate, the Nikolskys gate”
- What can you say about the Red gate?
- The tower served as command point of all Kremlin defense, didn’t it?
- What do you say about the history of the Water gate?
- What do you know about Nikolskys gate?
- Say, some words about the history of the Nikolskys gate?
P: Astrakhan Kremlin is really fantastic and unique, isn’t it?
e) T: “Man- made wonders of Astrakhan.
The Uspensky Cathedral is the main cathedral of the Kremlin”.
- The Uspensky Cathedral is one of the best examples of Russian ecclesiastical architecture of the beginning of the 18 century, isn’t it?
- What do you know about the history of the Cathedral?
- Who was the architect of the Cathedral?
- The Uspensky Cathedral is unique, isn’t it?
- Why must we vote for this cathedral?
9. T: Whose project is the best? (T- P1; P; 2; P3) Your opinion.
P1: I think all projects are the best.
P2: I believe that, the Uspensky Cathedral is fantastic and wonderful.
P3: I consist that all historical monuments are splendid. They are situated on the Kremlin’s territory. Astrakhan Kremlin is unique.
T: Let’s vote for the local wonder! (Учащиеся голосуют, подсчитывают голоса)
10. Т: (обращается к Барбаре) Barbara, do you get any information about our native city?
Astrakhan is a wonderful city, isn’t it?
Barbara: Of course, it is a wonderful city. There are many beautiful places and historical monuments. Astrakhan Kremlin is really unique. I also vote for all its architectural monuments.
P: (обращается кучащимся и гостям) I want to read you this poem about Astrakhan.
“My bow to Astrakhan
For songs of meadows
For snow white and blue
My dear Astrakhan
I love you”.
T: We want to give our guests small calendars with views of our native city. Our city is fantastic, isn’t it?
(Гостям дарят буклеты «Астрахань»)
11. Т-Р (обращается к Игорю)
T: Igor, what can you says about the result of our voting?
Igor: The local man-made wonder is Astrakhan Kremlin with its architectural monuments: the Uspensky cathedral, the gates of Kremlin, the Kremlin Belltower. All of them are beautiful.
12. (T- Cl; T-P1P2P3) Итог урока, оценки.
T: Our lesson is over. Dear friends: What emotions do you feel about our lesson? Are your emotions positive or negative? Choose the cards.
(Приложение 1)
Используемая литература:
1.М.З. Биболетова, Е.Е.Бабушис, Н.Д.Снежко «Enjoy English»: Учебник английского языка для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2009г.
2. аудиокассета к УМК «Enjoy English» для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2009г.
3.Т.Клементьева, Джил Шэннон «Happy English – 2»: Учебник английского языка для 7-9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 1997г.
4. Фото Астрахань.http://meteocenter.net/astphoto.htm
5. Галерея Астраханского кремля. http:// povolgie-info.com/?p=46
Приложение 1
Negative feelings What emotions do you feel?
Sadness; fear; anxiety; unsatisfaction; boredom.
Positive emotions What emotions do you feel?
Satisfaction; happiness; joy; success; admiration; proud; surprise.
I feel …; Why?; Because I … was (not) bored; … worked hard; … was active, emotional; …answered properly; …received a good mark; fulfilled the task.
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Автор: Владимирова Людмила Алексеевна
→ Lujdochka 09.04.2011 1 8585 499 |
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