Итоговый урок по теме" School" к учебнику Биболетовой М.З.; 4 класс
Конспект итогового урока английского языка по теме « School» в 4 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М. З.
Учитель английского языка Гусева Т. В. МОУ Лукояновская СОШ № 1
Основная задача: Закрепление лексико-грамматического материала по теме “School” , контроль уровня сформированности языковых и речевых навыков.
Оснащение урока : тематические картинки, сумка с набором школьных принадлежностей, вывеска для диалога « In the shop», письмо от Хоббита (плакат с текстом).
Ход урока.
1. Орг. момент.
1.1 Фонетическая зарядка. Стихотворение I come to school….
I come to school at 8 o`clock
I read and write and talk.
I come from school at 12 o`clock and do my homework.
I have my dinner, watch TV,
I help my Mum and Dad.
I go to bed at 9 o`clock,
What nice day I have had!
1.2. Речевая зарядка. Игра Guess what is in my bag.
T.-Let`s play the game Guess what there is in the bag . One of the pupils will take the bag with the things you need at school and you`ll find out what there are in the bag asking him « Is there a ….. in the bag or Do you have a …..in the bag?»
Ps – Is there a ruler in the bag? (Do you have a ruler in the bag) ets.
2.1 Основная часть урока.
We have to buy some things in the shop. But first you have to guess the riddles and write down the list of the things you`ll buy.
You need it for cleaning (a rubber)
You need it for counting ( a ruler )
You need it for carrying things ( a bag)
You need it for writing( a pen, a pencil)
You need it for reading ( a textbook)
You need it for drawing (paints)
2.2 Acting the dialogue “ In the shop”( На доске картинки со школьными принадлежностями и вывеска).
Sample dialogue:
-Hello, can I help you?
- Do you have any rubbers?
- Yes, we have nice rubbers.
-I`d like this one.How much is it?
- Two pounds.
- Here you are. Thank you.
-You are welcome.
2.3. Reading the text and filling the gaps.
We`ve got a letter from little Hobbit. But the rain`s spoilt the letter. You have to restore the missed words and write the answer to the letter.
(На доске плакат с текстом письма с кляксами на месте пропущенных слов)
The letter:
Hello Friends,
I`d like to tell you about my school. We have four ------ every day. My favorite lesson is English. We have English -------- Monday and Friday. At the lesson we ----- new words, -------- questions, and ------- English texts. Sometimes we ------ poems by heart. I like to ------ the teacher`s questions. And I like Maths. We usually ------ at this lesson. During the breaks we usually ---- with friends, ---- apples and chocolate and ---- orange juice. We ------ a good time at school.
What is your favorite lesson? What do you during the breaks?
Love, Hobbit.
2.4. Writing the answer.
-Now we have to write the answer to Hobbit`s letter. Write it in your exercise-books and then we`ll choose the best letter and we`ll send it to Hobbit.
3.Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание: Повторить лексику, подготовиться к контрольной работе.
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Автор: Гусева Татьяна Викторовна
→ tangus 06.05.2011 2 4924 1286 |
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