Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку в 6 классе "D.Defoe"
Daniel Defoe
The son of a London butcher, and educated at a Dissenters' academy,
he was typical of the new kind of man reaching prominence in England
in the 18th cent.-self-reliant, industrious, possessing a strong
notion of personal and moral responsibility. Although intended for
the Presbyterian ministry, he had by 1683 set himself up as a
merchant dealing in many different commodities. In spite of his own
considerable savings and his wife's dowry, Defoe went bankrupt in
1692. Although he paid his creditors, he was never entirely free from
debt again.
Defoe's first important publication was An Essay
upon Projects (1698), but it was not until the poem The True-born
Englishman (1701), a defense of William III from his attackers, that
he received any real fame. An ill-timed satire early in Queen Anne's
reign, The Shortest Way with Dissenters (1702), an ironic defense of
High Church animosity against nonconformists, resulted in Defoe's
being imprisoned. He was rescued by Robert Harley and subsequently
served the statesman as a political agent.
Defoe has been called
the father of modern journalism; during his lifetime he was
associated with 26 periodicals. From 1704 to 1713 he published and
wrote a Review, a miscellaneous journal concerned with the affairs of
Europe; this was an incredibly ambitious undertaking for one man.
was nearly sixty when he turned to writing novels. In 1719 he
published his famous Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of
Robinson Crusoe, followed by two less engrossing sequels. Based in
part on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk, Robinson Crusoe
describes the daily life of a man marooned on a desert island.
Although there are exciting episodes in the novel-Crusoe rescuing his
man Friday from cannibals-its main interest derives from the way in
which Crusoe overcomes the extraordinary difficulties of life on the
island while preserving his human integrity. Robinson Crusoe is
considered by some critics to be the first true novel in
Defoe's great novels were not published under his name
but as authentic memoirs, with the intention of gulling his readers
into thinking his fictions true. Two excellent examples of his
semihistorical recreations are the picaresque adventure Moll Flanders
(1722), the story of a London prostitute and thief, and an account of
the 1665 great plague in London entitled A Journal of the Plague Year
Defoe's writing is always straightforward and vivid,
with an astonishing concern for circumstantial detail. His other
major works include Captain Singleton (1720), Colonel Jack (1722),
Roxana (1724), and A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain
(1724-27). In 1724 A General History of the Pyrates by a Captain
Charles Johnson was published; it was not until 200 years later that
Defoe was discovered to be the true author of the work (see edition
by Manuel Schonhorn, 1972).
Daniel Defoe chronological notes
1660. Daniel Foe born in London, son of a tallow-chandler and butcher.
1671. Studies at religious academies in preparation for a career in the Presbyterian ministry.
1682. Established as a merchant in the hosiery trade.
1684. Marries Mary Tuffley and receives dowry of £3,700. They have seven children.
1685. Brief involvement as a supporter of Monmouth's rebellion.
1685. Merchant dealing in wine, tobacco, and general goods. Travels extensively in France, Holland, Italy, and Spain.
1688. Publishes a political tract: A Letter to a Dissenter from his Friend at the Hague.
1692. Bankrupt for £17,000: agrees to pay his creditors in full.
1697. Agent for William III in England and Scotland.
1701. The True-Born Englishman
1702. The Shortest Way with the Dissenters - an ironic tract which misfired.
1703. Arrested and put in pillory for The Shortest Way. His imprisonment leads to the failure of his brick and tile factory. Robert Harley (moderate Tory minister) arranges for Defoe's release.
1704. For ten years Defoe single-handedly produces The Review, a thrice-weekly newspaper.
1705. Government agent under Harley, serving as pamphleteer, reporter, and advisor. He travels widely in England and Scotland, promoting the cause of the Anglo-Scottish union.
1713. Twice arrested for debt and publishing ironical political pamphlets.
1719. First novel Robinson Crusoe successful - but not the sequels which he wrote.
1722. Moll Flanders, A Journal of the Plague Year, Colonel Jack [a busy year!].
1724. Roxana, A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain
1725. Goes on producing pamphlets, biographies, fiction, homilies, political tracts at a prodigious rate.
1731. Defoe dies at his lodgings in Ropemaker's Alley, Moorfields. He is buried in the cemetery at Bunhill Fields, in the city of London.
Daniel Defoe
(1660 – 1731)
Методическая разработка
урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме
“Чтение и работа с текстом ”
Учитель английского языка МАОУ «Лицей № 62» Лучкина А.В.
Цель урока:
Обучение чтению и пониманию текста без словаря и работа с прочитанным текстом
Познавательная – создание условий для развития духовной сферы учащихся, приобщения к мировой культуре посредством английского языка
Воспитательная – создание условий для воспитания уважительного отношения к другой культуре, способности к сопереживанию, толерантного отношения к другому мнению.
Развивающая - создание условий, предоставляющих ученику возможность для проявления инициативы, развития психических процессов (памяти, внимания, мышления) и рефлексивных умений по отношению к усвоенным знаниям, собственной деятельности.
Практическая – создание условий для развития речевой компетенции учащихся и формирования коммуникативных умений в разных видах речевой деятельности (аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме), практиковать навык отбора необходимой информации.
План урока
Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Доклад о жизни и творчестве Д. Дефо.
Чтение текста “Робинзон Крузо”.
Работа с текстом.
Ответы на вопросы
Поиск необходимой информации
Пересказ текста
Выполнение письменных упражнений по тексту
Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов.
Оснащение урока
Фотографии Д. Дефо, листы с текстом, картинки по тексту, опорный материал для пересказа, карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока
Teacher: So, let’s begin our work. But first Denis has prepared a small story about Daniel Defoe. Please, speak about him. (Ученик рассказывает о жизни и творчестве Даниэля Дэфо)
Teacher: Thank you very much. I think you listened very attentive. And now answer my questions please:
When and where was Daniel Defoe born?
When did he begin to write stories?
When did Defoe write his novel “Robinson Crusoe”?
Did people in England and other countries like the novel?
And what about you?
Teacher: So pupils tell me please have you ever read the novel “Robinson Crusoe” in Russian language? What can you say about this novel according to the title?
(Ученики высказывают свои мнения о романе “Робинзон Крузо”)
Teacher: Ok, thank you. Now I give you some time to read the short passage from this novel. There are some new words:
novel – роман
sailor – моряк
a desert island – необитаемый остров
to be at sea – быть в море
were drowned – утонули
tool – инструмент
raft – плот
wreck – крушение
Ученики читают текст.
Teacher: Are you ready with reading? Now find answers on my questions in the text and read them aloud.
Where did Robinson Crusoe live when he was young?
What was his profession? Did he like it?
What happened one day when the ship was at sea?
How did he get to the shore?
What did he see in the next morning?
Why did he get to the ship after its wreck?
Teacher: And now say whether or not the following statements are similar in meaning to the sentences from the passage. If not, correct them please.
Robinson Crusoe wanted to be a tailor. (-)
He was drowned because he can’t swim very well. (-)
Robinson found some tools on the ship and began to make a raft. (+)
Soon he saw that he was on a big island. (-)
Robinson brought many other things to the island from the ship. (+)
Robinson decided to take a dog and two cats to the island too. (+)
To his happiness the island wasn’t desert. (-)
Robinson didn’t want to sleep in an open place, so he built a small house. (-)
Teacher: You are very attentive! Now the next task for you. There are pictures illustrated some events from this passage. Put them in their logical order. (Ученики раскладывают картинки в их логической последовательности)
And now select the sentence which is most accurate to the one picture:
Robinson began to make a raft.
Robinson swam to the ship and got it on.
Robinson put the raft on the water.
The sea was low and Robinson saw their ship.
He found some tools on the ship.
Robinson jumped on the raft and went to the shore.
The raft was ready.
Robinson put the boxes on the raft.
Teacher: Look through the words in the list and choose Robinson Crusoe’s describing:
clever, silly, lazy, skillful, calm, cowardly, unhappy, optimistic, rough, stingy, brave, shy
Teacher: And now I need 5 pupils which try to retell the story of Robinson Crusoe. I’ll give you cards with words which can help you to retell.
to live in York captain a small boy a sailor |
to live captain a small boy a sailor |
at sea was a great storm was not drowned swim island |
ship shore found some tools to make a raft boxes |
came back island different things decided to take friends |
Exercises in writing:
1. Match the sentence beginnings to their endings
The ship broke and Then he found two large boxes Then he wanted to know where he was They were very happy to see a man But to his disappointment |
and Robinson decided to take them to the island. the island was desert. all the people were drowned. put there a lot of necessary things. so he began to walk on the shore. |
Captain took the two boys on his ship Now Robinson had Soon he saw that he It was not very difficult for him It was evening already and time |
because of his ability to swim well. when it went to London. was on a small island. to find a place for sleeping. three good friends with him. |
2. Complete the sentences with the missing words
When … was ready, he put it … the water.
The ship broke and all the people … .
Robinson found some … and began to make … .
Robinson … the water for … time.
Robinson Crusoe lived in the … of York England.
When it was …, Robinson … see the ship.
At this moment Robinson had … to swim to the ship and … on it.
During one of … to the ship he found a … and … cats.
He was not … because he can … very well.
He saw … good … on the ship which he could take to … .
He had … whose … was captain of a ship.
6. He put … on the raft, jumped on … and … to the shore.
3. Write at list events which happened to Robinson Crusoe.
Teacher: Out time is up. We have had a good time. You all worked well. Thank you. And now put down your home task:
If you read this novel in Russian language write a small composition how Robinson Crusoe left this desert island.
The lesson is out. Good bye.
Robinson began to make a raft.
Robinson swam to the ship and got it on.
Robinson put the raft on the water.
The sea was low and Robinson saw their ship.
He found some tools on the ship.
Robinson jumped on the raft and went to the shore.
The raft was ready.
Robinson put the boxes on the raft.
Daniel Defoe
(1660 – 1731)
Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. When he was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After he finished school the young man began to write articles for newspapers. Defoe went to other countries and met many people. That helped him to write his stories. His famous novel “Robinson Crusoe” was written in 1719 and many people in England and in many other countries liked this novel. He told the true story of a sailor who lived on an island for 4 years where there were no other people. Robinson Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for 28 years. He worked all the time and learned to make useful things.
Robinson Crusoe
(Daniel Defoe)
Robinson Crusoe lived in the town of York England. When he was a small boy, he wanted to go to sea. He had a friend whose father was captain of a ship. The captain took the two boys on his ship when it went to London. After that Robinson went to sea many times. Now he was a sailor. He liked his work very much.
One day when his ship was at sea, there was a great storm. The ship broke and all the people were drowned. Robinson was in the water for a long time. He was not drowned because he can swim very well and the sea carried him to the shore. Robinson sat on the shore for a long time. Then he wanted to know where he was, so he began to walk on the shore. Soon he saw that he was on a small island. He walked in all parts of it to find any people or any sailors from the ship. But to his disappointment the island was desert. It was evening already and time to find a place for sleeping. Robinson didn’t want to sleep in an open place, so he got into a tree and slept there.
In the morning the storm was over, the sea was low and Robinson saw his ship. It was not very far from the shore and one its part was not in the water. At this moment Robinson had an idea to swim to the ship and get on it. It was not very difficult for him because of his ability to swim well. He saw many good things on the ship which he could take to the island. Robinson found some tools and began to make a raft. When the raft was ready, he put it on the water. Then he found two large boxes and put a lot of necessary things which could be useful into them. He put the boxes on the raft, jumped on it and went to the shore.
Robinson came back to the ship every day and brought many other things to the island. So he brought clothes, dishes, an English flag, lamps, kitchen things and, of course, things which he could eat. During one of his visits to the ship he found a dog and two cats. They were very happy to see a man and Robinson decided to take them to the island too. Now Robinson had three good friends with him.
He was on the desert island for when another storm came. When it was over, Robinson couldn’t see the ship. It was now under the water.
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Автор: Лучкина Анна Владимировна
→ lannetta 19.05.2011 2 3775 643 |
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