Использование Jazz Chants на уроках английского языка, для 5 – 9 классов
Борисова Юлия Николаевна
учитель английского языка
МОУ "СОШ с.Весёлый Яр", Приморский край
Использование Jazz Chants на уроках английского языка, для 5 – 9 классов
Jazz Chant I have a headache
(из материалов onestopenglish.com, все ссылки даны на последней странице)
После того, как на уроке по теме "Здоровье" в 6 классе мы использовали ее для изучения новой лексики, стали использовать для динамической паузы.
Задание: необходимо изобразить исполнителей (как у них голова болит, зубы и т.д.)
I have a headache
Head, head, I have a headache.
I have a headache,
And my eyes hurt!
Stomach, stomach, I have a stomach ache.
I have a stomach ache,
And I have the flu!
Ear, ear, I have an earache.
I have an earache,
And I have a fever!
Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache.
I have a toothache,
And a sore throat!
Back, back, I have a backache.
I have a backache,
And my knee hurts!
I have a headache, I have an earache,
A toothache, a backache,
And a sore throat.
My eyes hurt, my knee hurts, I have a stomach ache.
I have a fever,
And I have the flu!
Oh, dear. Next, please!
Всем известная песенка используется на моих уроках для работы с лексикой (лексических зарядок, в работе с новой лексикой, для музыкальной паузы)
I bought a pretty cat
(из материалов onestopenglish.com)
I bought a pretty cat
My cat pleased me
I fed my cat under that old tree
My cat says ‘Fiddle-I-fee!’
I bought a pretty duck
My duck pleased me
I fed my duck under that old tree
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle–I–fee!
Эту песенку мы переделываем в такие вот забавные Jazz Chants:
I bought a pair of shoes
My shoes pleased me.
I wore my shoes for my PE
My shoes said quack, quack
My shoes said quack, quack
I can't wear them any more.
I bought some tasty fruit
My fruit pleased me
I brought my fruit to my family
My family said wow! wow!
My family said wow! wow!
and ate my fruit immediately
Сочинять можно бесконечно на любую тему. Если нет рифмы, не страшно, главное сохранять ритм.
Для изучения времени Present Progressive у нас есть замечательная песенка из материалов britishcouncil.org
Over the mountains
I'm driving in a car I'm driving in a car I'm driving in a car I'm driving in a car
Over the mountains Through the trees Travel the world And the seven seas
I'm sailing on a ship I'm sailing on a ship I'm sailing on a ship I'm sailing on a ship I'm sailing on a ship I'm driving in a car and
Over the mountains Through the trees Travel the world And the seven seas
I'm travelling on a train I'm travelling on a train I'm travelling on a train I'm travelling on a train I'm travelling on a train I'm sailing on a ship I'm driving in a car and
Over the mountains Through the trees Travel the world And the seven seas
I'm riding on a horse I'm riding on a horse I'm riding on a horse I'm riding on a horse I'm riding on a horse
I'm travelling on a train I'm sailing on a ship I'm driving in a car and
Over the mountains Through the trees Travel the world And the seven seas
подставляем разные местоимения и соответствующую форму to be: We're driving in a car He is driving in a car etc. также в прошедшем времени I was driving in a car They were driving in a car etc.
Также используем другие глаголы. Например:
I'm flying in a plane ….. Over the mountains Over the trees Travel the world And the seven seas
или в Past Progressive
I was walking in the park … Over the bushes Through the trees Walking the park and couldn't find you
На основе Jazz Chant Where can I buy a ticket (из материалов onestopenglish.com) мы сделали небольшую сценку. На партах разместили таблички объектов.
Потом изменили вопрос и расположение объектов.
Очень подходит для изучения предлогов места.
Where can I buy a ticket
Excuse me, where's the coffee shop?
Not here! It's behind the ticket office.
Excuse me, where's the coffee shop?
Not here! It's across from the exit.
Excuse me, where's the coffee shop?
Not here! It's between the phone booths
and the luggage lockers.
Excuse me, where's the coffee shop?
Not here! It's in front of the restrooms.
Excuse me, is this the coffee shop?
Yes, it is. But sorry, it's closed!
Jazz Chant I feel so embarrassed для составления предложений в Present Perfect и тренировки в речи прилагательных, обозначающих чувства.
I feel so embarrassed
I'm frustrated! My computer's been crashing all day.
I'm heartbroken. I've been fighting with my girlfriend again.
I'm lonely. I've been living on my own for years.
I'm confident. I've been studying really hard.
I'm furious. Someone's been using my car.
I'm exhausted. I've been running in the park for an hour.
I'm excited. I've been thinking about my vacation.
I'm irritated. He's been playing that music for hours.'
I'm confused. I've been trying to read this book.
I'm embarrassed. I've been wearing my jacket inside out.
У меня работа складывается из двух этапов (в 9 классе):
на 1 уроке в качестве аудио-лексической зарядки:
пишу на доске I'm frustrated! I'm heartbroken. …etc.
При прослушивании определяем (догадываемся) значение прилагательного.
В д/з добавляю задание: выучить данные прилагательные.
на 2 уроке в качестве грамматической зарядки:
задание - составить свои предложения
Ссылки на использованные источки:
На странице приведен фрагмент.
Автор: Борисова Юлия Николаевна
→ Юнга 27.06.2011 1 10471 1128 |
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