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МОУ Лицей №6
Учитель английского языка
Егорова Н.Е.
Урок закрепления знаний
7 класс (М.З. Биболетова
“Enjoy English”)Enjoy English”)”)
Школа в
МОУ Лицей №6, г. Невинномысск Ставропольского края
Учитель высшей категории: Егорова Наталья Ефтифиевна
Урок закрепления знаний, формирования умений и навыков в 7 классе по учебнику
М.З. Биболетовой “ Enjoy English-4”
« Школа в нашей жизни»; “School Is Fun If You Are Optimistic”
Задачи урока:
Воспитательные – создать условия для привития уважения к своему речевому партнеру; способствовать формированию положительного отношения к школе.
Развивающие - развивать умение выбирать необходимые вербальные средства для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач в устной и письменной форме; развивать умения использовать такие компенсаторные стратегии как: умение догадываться о значении слов по словообразовательным элементам и сходству со словами родного языка, умение « обходить» незнакомые слова, не мешающие пониманию основного содержания текста, а также умение выражать и обосновывать свою точку зрения.
Образовательные – способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся.
Практические – закрепить фонетические навыки и правила чтения буквосочетаний: ea, ead, ee, ear; сформировать умение кратко высказываться в соответствии с предложенной ситуацией и на заданную тему в устной и письменной форме; практиковать в чтении и аудировании и умении использовать полученную информацию для создания самостоятельных высказываний; формировать умение строить диалог – расспрос по предложенной ситуации.
План урока
Организационный момент
Фонетическая зарядка
Проверка домашнего задания, постановка цели и задач урока.
Речевая зарядка, подготовка к « путешествию», кредо учащегося
Работа с текстом, выполнение задания English in Use
Обучение устной речи (диалоги - расспросы)
Обучение устной речи (работа в группах)
Обучение устной речи (вопросно-ответная работа)
Обучение письменной речи (мнение о своей школе).
Обучение чтению (извлечение информации о том, какой должен быть учитель)
Физкультурная пауза.
Обучение аудированию
Проверка заданий на рабочих листках (ответ на вопрос, поставленный в начале урока).
Домашнее задание.
Оценивание, рефлексия.
1. Организационный момент
Stand up! Stand straight! N, tell us, what have you prepared for the lesson?
I have a textbook, a report book, an exercise book, a work book, a pencil case.
Check up your things, please. Are you ready?
Yes, we are.
Good morning boys and girls! Sit down, please.
N, please, tell us traditional information to begin the lesson.
OK, with pleasure. Today is Saturday, the … of February. … are absent.
Thank you.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
At first I’d like to do a phonetic exercise to warm up our tongues and review some rules of reading.
N, name the sounds we are going to review
ea [ i: ] ee [ i: ] ead [ e ] eal/r [ iə ] ear [ έə ]
Put the symbols according the rules of reading. You can consult your textbooks at page 68 ex. 33.
OK. Now let’s read the words. Please, N, read and we’ll repeat after you.
The next line, you V. Very good!
3. Проверка домашнего задания, постановка цели и задач урока.
And now it’s time to check up your home task. N and M come here. What was your task for today?
To learn a song.
Can you sing it now?
Of course we can.
Listen to them carefully because I’ll ask you some questions after they finish.
My Bonny
My teacher is at the table,
And my thoughts are over the sea,
We are doing just what we are able.
Oh! Bring back my brains to me!
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my brains to me, to me.
Last lesson I slept on my chair,
Last lesson I slept all along,
Last lesson I slept everywhere
And I dreamed that my teacher had gone.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams
I hope that my dreams will come true!
It was wonderful! Thank you. Take your places. And now my questions.
Is this song serious or funny? – It’s funny.
Why are the words in this song so strange? - We don’t like studying. It’s boring.
What would you like to do then? – We’d like to play. We’d like to travel!
OK, today you’ll play and travel!
But you’ll do it to reach the top of this mountain and answer the main question of today’s lesson. And I want you to formulate it.
Look at the replies of ex. 30 p68 and try to make up the question. Your variants?
What do the students think of school?
Let’s check! (снимает вершину горы, где записан вопрос) Yes, that’s right.
On the way to the top a lot of interesting tasks and games will wait for us.
4. Речевая зарядка, подготовка к « путешествию», кредо учащегося
- But it would be very good to start our trip with our Learner’s Creed. Now stand up, all together, 3-4:
I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times.
Because I am responsible for my life and for all of my actions;
I will listen,
I will see,
I will speak,
I will feel,
I will think,
I will reason,
I will read, I will write.
I will do all this things with one purpose in mind:
To do my best and not to waste this day for this day will come no more.
Excellent! Sit down!
And here are your activity or route sheets which you’ll have to fill in while we do tasks at the lesson. They will help you to answer the title question of today’s lesson.
Please, put it down in the first line, it will be the title.
So, off we go.
5. Работа с текстом, выполнение задания English in Use
Well, let’s start our trip with task 1. Read text 1 and fill in the blanks with the right words. Please, do it yourselves. You have 3 minutes for it.
[ word, things, Earth, part, kids ]
School is an important part of our life. Everybody goes to school when they are little kids. There they learn most of the things people need to know. It is at school where we spell our first word, read our first book and learn that the Earth is round. [ ]
Your time is up, let’s check up. Exchange your sheets with your desk mates, look at the screen, there is the key. N, read the text, please.
Count the right answers, this is your mark. Put down the mark here, in the brackets.
6. Обучение устной речи (диалоги - расспросы)
You know there are different opinions about school. Let’s take some of them and explain. Ex.30 at p. 68 . Choose an opinion and prove it to your partner. Work in pairs.
Your time is up. Who is ready to share the ideas? (оценивание уч-ся)
Put down your ideas in your activity sheets ( 2) What have you written?
7. Обучение устной речи (работа в группах)
- And now I’d like us to play. There are scales on the table at the blackboard. I propose you to weigh your opinions about school. There are students who think that school is fun, it’s great. But there are some pupils who don’t like school. You will work in two groups: the first group will give positive reasons about school but the second team- negative ones.
Now make groups and think about as many reasons as you can. Put them down on the weights.
You can see examples.
It’s time to weigh your reasons. Which team would like to start? Your team, OK. Stand up, tell your reason and put in on the scales. Now it’s your turn.
To sum up you can see that … . Please, finish my sentence ( there are more positive reasons).
It’s a very good conclusion. School is really fun and it’s great.
-Put down your ideas in your activity sheets (3) What is your opinion about school?
8. Обучение устной речи (вопросно-ответная работа)
We have spoken a lot about schools in general, but now I’d like to take our school, the school where you go to and I hope you know everything about it.
Who wants to prove it? We’ll ask questions about it and you’ll have to answer them.
I have an unusual magic cap. If you put it on you we’ll know really everything.
N, come here; try to do your best.
Where is your school situated?
When was it founded?
Is it a new building or old one?
Are your classes light and clean?
Does your school have modern equipment?
What are your school traditions?
What extra- classes activities do you have?
What can you say about your teachers?
Thank you, your answers were very good. ( оценивается)
9. Обучение письменной речи (мнение о своей школе).
Hopefully you like your school. Explain why. Ex.31 at p.68 will help you. Think a little.
N, what can you tell us about it?
Now I want you to put down your opinions in your activity sheets (4),
I like my school because … .
While writing I’d like you to tell me your ideas. N, please, Y, Z. Have you finished? OK.
10. Обучение чтению (извлечение информации о том, какой должен быть учитель)
I must say, it’s impossible to imagine any school without teachers. Have you ever thought of a teacher’s job? Can you be a teacher yourself?
Let’s read the questionnaire and clear it up.
Mark your score, read your results.
Finish the last sentence in your activity sheet about teachers:
Teachers should be … .
11. Физкультурная пауза.
12. Обучение аудированию
Have you noticed we go higher and higher so the tasks become more and more difficult.
And now listen to the interview with Angela Bryan who teaches English in a secondary school in London. What does she thinks about this job?
But the text is rather difficult, that’s why before listening let’s do some exercises
Read these words and word combinations:
crucial решающий, главный
to know for sure знать точно. наверняка
encourage ободрять, побуждать, помогать, поощрять
attitude towards отношение к
over strict слишком строгий
passive indifference инертное безразличие
consider полагать, считать
human beings человеческие существа, люди
empty пустой
contribute содействовать, способствовать, сотрудничать
concern касаться, иметь отношение к
- Repeat after me
- Now match them with the right translations.
Let’s check up. N, read the words and their translations. Good.
In this interview there are also some difficult sentences to understand. I want to read and translate them together.
I believe in ways of teaching which consider the whole child as important. The children are human beings first rather than empty things to be filled up with knowledge.
( Я верю в такие способы обучения, которые предполагают, что все в ребенке является важным.)
And it’s easiest for them to contribute with enthusiasm when the lesson concerns something they are interested in: their own lives or their families, or their relatives, or their pets, or where they live.
( Легче всего для учителей пробуждать энтузиазм, когда урок имеет отношение к тому, чем заинтересованы ученики: их жизнью, семьей, близкими, домашними питомцами или местом, где они живут.)
Now read for yourselves the questions of ex.34 at p.69 and get ready to listen to the interview.
(Прослушивание текста)
Let’s answer the questions.
1.Yes, she does. She loves her students. She is proud of her students. She knows they are best. She believes that the best teachers are those who encourage their students and make them enthusiastic.
2.No.she isn’t. She believes that strict teachers don’t create an individuality or enthusiasm.
3.She encourage her students to write things about themselves and to write their own poems. Then the poems are published in their school.
( оценивается каждый ответ)
13. Проверка заданий на рабочих листках (ответ на вопрос, поставленный в начале урока).
I’m glad you have understood the text very well.
So little by little we have reached the top of the mountain. It means only one thing, that is:
now you are able to give full answers to the main question of the lesson
“What do the students think about school?”
Read your activity sheets and give me your answers.
(Учащиеся зачитывают свои ответы)
14. Домашнее задание.
Your home task is to fill in your answers with additional information if you want and to retell them. Open your report books and put down your task.
15. Оценивание, рефлексия.
That’s all for today. We have conquered the mountain but what have you done and learnt today?
We’ve played, discussed positive and negative opinions of school, listened and read information about teacher’s job and of course we have given the answer to the main question of the lesson.
Now your results, your marks.
N, what emotions do you feel? -I feel satisfaction, because I worked hard, was active and got a good mark. Stand up! The lesson is over. Good bye! See you on Monday.
Activity Sheet Full Name: _______________________________
What Do You Think About School?
I. School is an important (1) … of our life.
Everybody goes to school when they are little (2) … . There they learn most of the (3) … people need to know. It is at school where we spell our first (4) … , read our first book and learn that the (5) … is round.
[ word, things, Earth, part, kids ] Mark [ ]
II. My classmates tell that school for them 2* _________________________________________
As for me I think school ( I could agree with them) 3* _______________________________
III.I sometimes think I cannot live without my school and my classmates. I like my school because 4* ____________________________________________________________________
IV. I understand our school life depends on our teachers. We are lucky if our teachers are our good friends.
I think teachers should be 5* ______________________________________________________
Mark [ ]
Exercise 6. Read the transcription. Match the words and word combinations with their meaning.
crucial пустой
to know for sure касаться, иметь отношение к
to encourage человеческие существа, люди
attitude towards полагать, считать
over strict содействовать, способствовать, сотрудничать
passive indifference отношение к
to consider инертное безразличие
human beings ободрять, побуждать, поощрять, помогать
empty решающий, главный
to contribute слишком строгий
to concern знать точно, наверняка
Translate the sentences.
I believe in ways of teaching which consider the whole child as important. The children are human beings first rather than empty things to be filled up with knowledge.
And it’s easiest for them to contribute with enthusiasm when the lesson concerns something they are interested in: their own lives or their families, or their relatives, or their pets, or where they live.
Возможные диалоги ( варианты)
1 - I say, N. I’d like to ask you. What is your opinion about school?
What can I say? I think it’s a place which helps us to find a good job in future and get knowledge.
I share your opinion, but I also think it’s a place where you can make friends.
I agree with you.
2 - N, tell me please, what do you think about school?
I think that firstly, it’s a place where you can make friends. Secondly, it’s also a place which helps you to find a good job in future. And finally, it is fun at school.
OK, I completely agree with you.
3 - N, can I ask you a question?
Yes, of course.
What do you think about school?
I think that it’s a place where it is fun and it’s a place where you learn about people as well as subjects.
Thank you, I am of the same opinion.
4 - I say N, do you share the opinion that school is a place where you take exams and where there are a lot of tests?
To tell you the truth, I am half agree with it. Exams and tests are necessary, because school is where we get knowledge and we must check them.
Thank you
5 - N, can I ask you something about school?
Yes, certainly.
What is your opinion about school?
Well, it’s a place where it’s fun, where we learn people, subjects and make friends.
My school
My school is right in the centre of my town. It is neither new nor old. It was founded in 19___ . It is a repaired building of red brick. It is unusually high to be a school. There are 5 floors in it.
Our school is very well equipped. A lot of computer classes are available for the students to prepare their reports. We also have scanners, printers, TV sets, videos, tape recorders. We have labs for Chemistry, Physics, and Biology experiments. There are two gyms, a stadium, a play ground for sport activities.
Our school offers many out-of-class activities: several clubs, excursions, school theatre.
We have some traditions in our school. For example, we celebrate a Lyceum Day, when our youngest school children join our school family and we have a great performance.
You can get knowledge at school, learn about different subjects.
You can learn about people, communication is very important.
School helps you to find a good job in future.
School is fun. You can make friends and see your friends every day.
The teaching is good. Our teachers are strict, but fair.
There are a lot of interesting after -school activities.
We can celebrate holidays together, because we are like one big family.
We can travel together.
We can take part in different competitions, Olympiads and enjoy our success.
We can get additional education: second foreign language, rhythmic.
We can join different school clubs.
We can invite famous people to school
We can take part in meetings, parades, ceremonies
We can organize concerts, performances.
We have a lot of homework.
Some lessons difficult or boring.
We have to wear a school uniform.
We have to write tests.
We have to take exams.
The teachers are too strict.
Some pupils are unfriendly, they bully other pupils.
We can get knowledge from books, television, computers.
Учебно-методическое обеспечение:
-учебные пособия:
М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. “Enjoy English-4” ( Английский с удовольствием). Учебник английского языка для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Издательство «Титул»,2006
К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман. Рабочая тетрадь для 7-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений к учебному пособию Happy English-2. Издательство «Титул»,2004
-электронные пособия:
-Аудиоприложение к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой. “Enjoy English-4”
-Мультимедийный проектор
-Таблицы (грамматические, фонетические)
- Предметы ( весы, гирьки, элементы костюма: a magic cap, a gown)
-дидактические материалы:
-Activity Sheets (индивидуальные карточки)
-Примеры речевых клише
Автор: Егорова Наталья Ефтифиевна
→ Ефтифиевна 20.10.2011 2 6264 1493 |
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