Заключительный урок по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона» 6 класс
Кондратьева Ольга Петровна
учитель английского языка
МОУ «Порошинская СОШ»
МО «Камышловский МР»
Заключительный урок по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона» - 6 класс
Форма проведения: « A Star Hour » - (звездный час)
Theme: “London: History. Sights. Famous People”.
Прививать интерес учащихся к английскому языку и стране изучаемого языка.
Совершенствовать навыки и умения в устной речи и аудировании.
Развивать внимание и память.
10 кубиков, на каждой стороне которых написаны английские буквы английского алфавита
70 звездочек вырезанных из картона
75 указателей
листок плотной бумаги, на котором написано слово “demonstration” (для четвертого тура)
картинки с видами Лондона
таблицы с вариантами ответов
Ход урока:
Today we have an unusual lesson. It is a star hour.
“Вы в Лондоне, в пучине, чей прибой –
Одновременно громкий и глухой,
И на берег обломки извергает,
И хочет новых жертв, ревет, играет,
Но сколько там сокровищ в глубине”
As you understood the theme of today’s star hour is London: Its history, sights and famous people.
You must remember everything you have learnt about London for 2 years. You must remember sights, some dates from British history and British famous people.
You must be attentive. You must think quickly and give the right answer.
And now let’s start. Good luck.
First of all introduce yourself and tell us some interesting things about yourself and your hobbies. Those who will impress me most of all will get a star. You must try hard, because I can give stars only to two pupils. Start.
/ I give stars to…/
The first period
On your tables you have pointers with numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. At the blackboard there are pictures of London’s sights. I’ll read short texts, listen to me attentively and raise the pointer with the number of the right answer.
Let’s start.
1. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home.
/Buckingham Palace/
2. It is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people.
/Westminster Abbey/
3. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.
/The Tower of London/
4. It is the meeting point of six streets.
/Piccadilly Circus/
5. There is a column on it. There is a statue of Admiral Nelson in the centre of the column.
/Trafalgar Square/
/ Now let’s count how many stars everybody has /
/ ……have least stars. We have to part with them /
The second period
You can see 10 letters on the bricks. You must make up a word as long as possible. I give you two minutes. Start.
Your time is out.
/ I give stars to …
And we have to part with…/
The third period
Listen to me attentively. Find the right answer and raise the pointer with the number of the answer. You’ll get a star for each right answer.
How old is
London? /2000/
The Towers of London? /900/
What colour are
the taxies in Gr. Britain? /black/
the buses in Gr. Britain? /red/
When was
the first underground railway in the world opened in London? /1863/
the Battle of Trafalgar in which Admiral Nelson defeated the French? /1805/
Who is he
The architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
/Sir Christopher Wren/
He discovered penicillin.
/Alexander Fleming/
He was born in Stratford-on-Avon. He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.
/William Shakespeare/
He invented the telephone.
/Alexander Bell/
He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes.
/Arthur Conan-Doyle/
Where can you see
life- size wax figures of famous people.
/Madame Tussaud’s/
a large collection of toys: dolls, doll’s houses, toys, games.
/Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood/
a fine collection of European paintings.
/National Gallery/
collections of zoology and botany.
/The Natural HistoryMuseum/
collections of guns.
/The Tower of London/
What is it?
The centre of journalists and newspaper men. The centre of British national newspapers.
/Fleet Street/
A very democratic park. Anyone can stand up and say what they want.
/Hyde Park/
One of the largest Zoos in the world there.
/Regent’s Park/
One of the royal parks where tourists can see pelicans and ducks.
/St. James’s Park/
/Let’s count how many stars everybody has.
We have to part with…/
The fourth (last) period
Here is the word “demonstration”. You must make up as many words as possible using the letters of the word “demonstration”.
I give you 2 minutes. Start.
Your time is out.
Let’s check up what you have done.
Read in turn.
The winner of today’s star hour is…
He gets the main prize. The rest participants get consoling prizes.
Thank you for you interesting game.
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Автор: Кондратьева Ольга Петровна
→ poroshino 02.11.2011 1 4520 1043 |
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