Урок развития навыков чтения по теме "Благотворительность", 7 класс

Урок по чтению по английскому языку по теме: «Благотворительность» для 7 класса.


  1. Улучшение произносительных навыков (тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции).

  2. Активизация лексического материала по теме «Благотворительность».

  3. Развитие умений и навыков чтения и слушания с общим охватом содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

  4. Повторение и активизация грамматического материала (пассивный залог).

  5. Совершенствование речевых навыков и навыков письма.


I. Introduction. Today we get acquainted with a woman who devoted her life poor people and charity. The objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: I want to begin our lesson with the words of Martin Luther King Jr.:

Returning violence for violence only multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”.

II. Warming – up activities.

My dear friends! Today we are going to talk about charity. What forms of charity do you know? Pupil I: I think charity means the voluntary giving of help to the sick and disabled people.

Pupil: I think most forms of charity are concerned with providing food, water, clothing, and shelter for people in need who took part in the charity organized for children with cancer and eye disease. Russia was represented by the heard of the National football team union Sergey Fursenko and actress Anastassia Zavorotnyuk. During the ceremony money certificates were given to the little patients of the oncologic and ophthalmology clinics and their doctors.

III. Phonetic activities.

Teacher: We`ll start from the text “ Mother Teresa”.

In 1946, a Catholic nun teaching in a girls` school in Calcutta, India heard a call from God, telling her to go and serve amongst the “poorest of the poor”. Mother Teresa headed a worldwide religious organization dedicated to serving the poor. She preached a message of hope, love and dignity to all people everywhere.

On 27 August 1910 a girl called Agnes was born in Skopje,Macedonia, into Albanian Catholic family. By the time she was twelve years old, the young Agnes knew that God had a plan for her life, she would become a missionary nun.

At the age of eighteen Agnes joined an order of nuns in Ireland. Soon she was sent to India, where she adopted the religious name of Sister Teresa. She was later sent to a Catholic girls ` school in Calcutta, where she was a teacher. At first Sister Teresa contented with her life, but after a few years she began to feel that God was calling her to do another job ; to go and work in the slums to “ serve among the poorest of the poor ”. She had a difficult task persuading the church authorities to allow her to go out into the Calcutta streets to work among the poor.

While she waited for permission from the church, she took a course in first aid to be able to care for the sick. She also learnt the local language, Bengalli. Finally, in 1950, Pope Pius XII allowed her to found a religious group The Missionaries of Charity.

The missionaries started simply, running a small school and distributing food and medicines where they were most needed. As their numbers grew they opened homes for the poor and homeless people in Calcutta. They devoted themselves to working whole-heatedly among the poor of all religions. They also ran homes for abandoned children, and clinics and shelters for lepers.

Mother Teresa was awarded many prizes for her work, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She accepted these prizes not for herself, but for the people she served. She said: “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love”.

Pupils read the transcription of the words and expressions and translate them.

Dedicate - посвящать, предназначать.

Preach – проповедовать.

Dignity – достоинство.

Adopt – принимать.

To be contented – быть довольным.

Persuade – убеждать.

Abandon – покидать.

Leper - прокаженный.

IV. Read the text and find in it the answers to these questions:

  1. What was Mother Teresa`s real name and where was she born?

2.What kind of job did she believe to be the right one for herself?

3.What did the missionaries do for the poor and homeless people of Calcutta?

4.What was the most important prize that Mother Teresa got? 5.What was her religion? Did she help only people of her own religion?

V. Teacher: Find the equivalents of the highlighted Russian words:

1. Мать Тереза возглавила всемирную религиозную организацию, предназначенную службе бедным людям.

2.Позже ее послали в католическую школу для девочек в Калькутте.

3.Она оказывала первую помощь больным людям.

4.Они открыли дома для бедных и бездомных.

5.Мать Тереза была награждена многими премиями за свою работу, включая Нобелевскую премию за мир.

VI. Speak about:

  1. Mother Teresa`s childhood.

2. Her group The Missionaries of Charity.

VII. Say “True” , “False” or “I don`t know”.

  1. Mother Teresa headed a religious organization dedicated to serving the rich.

  2. At the age of eighteen she joined the army.

  3. She took a course in first aid to be able to care for the sick.

  4. She founded a religious group “Red Christ”.

  5. The group The Missionaries of Charity opened homes for the poor and homeless people.

  6. She helped only people of her own religion.

VIII. Find in the text Past Simple Active and Passive Voice.

Put simple past passive verbs into these sentences.

  1. Our passports _______________by a tall woman in a uniform. (take)

  2. These books ________________in the classroom yesterday. (leave)

  3. I don’t think this room ______________yesterday. (clean)

  4. We ___________at the airport by a driver from the university.(meet)

  5. Nobody _______________what was happening. (tell)

  6. He _______________away to school when he was twelve. (send)

IX. The conclusion of the lesson.

X. Homework: repeat the irregular verbs.

Сведения об авторе:

Владимирова Светлана Григорьевна, учитель английского языка ГОУ СОШ № 599, г. Москва.

Предоставленный материал:

Урок по чтению по английскому языку по теме “Благотворительность” для учащихся 7 классов. Тема актуальна в наши дни, способствует развитию у учащихся чувства милосердия, сострадания, помощи другим людям через самопожертвование. Воспитывает чувство доброты.

Цель урока:

Умение извлечь из текста нужную информацию, развить знания учащихся о благотворительной деятельности других людей, воспитать чувство доброты и толерантности по отношению к другим людям.

Задачи урока:

Развить навыки чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации к поставленным вопросам, совершенствовать навыки устной речи по теме, повторить грамматический материал “Пассивный залог”.

Источник информации:

Книга для чтения к учебнику английского языка для 7 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. Автор О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова К.М. с.

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Автор: Владимирова Светлана Григорьевна  mountain
06.11.2011 1 5506 857

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