План-конспект игрового урока "Hello, Dr.Drew!" в 6 классе

План-конспект игрового урока английского языка по теме

«Здоровье» в 6 классе.

Lesson Plan

Form 6 A Date 20 April

Subject: “Hellow, Dr. Drew!” – a role play on the topic “Health”

The aims: актуализация изученного материала по теме: «Здоровье»; тренировка навыков диалогической речи; совершенствование навыков аудирования.

Visual aids: tables (таблицы для заполнения по количеству учащихся), cards (карточки с заданием по количеству уч-ся)

Ход урока.

  1. The beginning of the lesson.

Hello, boys & girls! I’m glad to see you again. How are you? Fine?

Oh, no! All of us, but one, are not well today, because we are at “hospital” now. We are “ill”. Dr. Drew will cure us.

1) But before visiting Dr. Drew we should remember all words on the topic.

(Повторение лексики по теме: все встают и по очереди называют слова по теме с переводом. Тот, кто повторит уже кем-то сказанное слово или не назовёт, садится. Остаётся одинпобедитель. Он получает витаминку.)

2) When visiting a doctor we should be polite. What should you say before you come in, when you come in & when you go out? (повторение фраз приветствия, прощания и благодарности).

2. Well, now we are ready to play. (Объяснение правил игры.)

I’m the head of the hospital. Maxim is Dr. Drew. He is “the one” who is well (fine, OK). You, Dr. Drew, must examine your patient, ask about symptoms & give some advice what to do, how to cure this or that disease. All the rest are patients. You, patients, will have a card with a disease, visit the doctor, tell him about your symptoms & ask for help. While one is visiting the doctor, all the other patients have to listen to the conversation between the doctor & the patient & fill in the tables: name of the patient, disease, doctor’s advice. At the end of the lesson I’ll collect your tables (don’t forget to sign them), check them & put a mark for your work.

3. Тhе doctor is waiting for the first patient. (The number of your card is the number of your turn). (Учащиеся по очереди «посещают доктора», cидящего за отдельным столом с вывеской “Dr.Drew”, разыгрывают мини-диалоги и заполняют таблицы.)

4. So, all of you got doctor’s help. I hope his advice will be good for you. Let’s say “thank you” to the doctor once again. Marks for the lesson. (Выставление оценок.)

5. And now listen to the song “I don’t want (Песня «Я не хочу») & tell me what the boy doesn’t want. Take the words of the song, sing & learn it by heart at home, it is your home task, write it down, please.(Домашнее задание.) The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Приложение: 1. Таблица для заполнения.

  1. Карточка пациента.

  2. Песня «Я не хочу».

Источники информации:

  1. Учебник английского языка «Счастливый английский. ру» для 6 класса, авторов К.И. Кауфман и М.Ю. Кауфман

  2. Аудиоприложение к УМК Верещагиной И.Н. по английскому языку для 2 класса.

Автор: Молодых Вера Александровна, учитель английского

языка Порошинской средней школы Камышловского района Свердловской области.


1. Таблица для заполнения

Name of the patient


Doctor’s advice









2. Карточки пациентов:

A patient 1.

You have flue.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 2.

You have a cold.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 3.

You have a sore throat.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 4.

You have a tothache.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 5.

You have an earache.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 6.

You have a stomachache.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 7.

You have a broken leg.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite!

A patient 8.

You have flue.

Describe your symptoms & ask for help.

Be polite

3. Песня «I don’t want»

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a headache, I have a headache

I don’t want to go to bed.

I have a headache, I have a headache

I don’t want to go to bed.

Every time I have a stomachache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a stomachache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a stomachache, I have a stomachache

I don’t want to eat my lunch.

I have a stomachache, I have a stomachache

I don’t want to eat my lunch.

Every time I have a toothache

Mama takes me to the dentist.

Every time I have a toothache

Mama takes me to the dentist.

I have a toothache, I have a toothache

I don’t want to clean my teeth.

I have a toothache, I have a toothache

I don’t want to clean my teeth.


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Автор: Молодых Вера Александровна  sibirjachka
21.11.2011 0 3579 765

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