Дидактический материал для 6 класса к УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English"

Дрожжина Ольга Алексеевна

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ лицей № 22

  1. Read the ladder as quickly as you can:

A cup

A ` cup of coffee

A ` cup of ` strong coffee

A ` cup of ` strong ` coffee and a cake

A ` cup of ` strong ` coffee and a ` piece of cake

A ` cup of ` strong ` black ` coffee and a ` piece of cake

I ` like a ` cup of ` strong ` black coffee and a ` piece of cake

I ` like a ` cup of ` strong ` black coffee and a ` piece of ` cake in the morning.

2) Put the following sentences into the right order to learn how to make tea:

Boil the water.

Fill the kettle with cold water.

Warm the pot.

Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

Pour hot water into the pot.

Wait 4 minutes.

Enjoy your tea

The answers:

1.Fill the kettle with cold water.

2. Boil the water.

3. Warm the pot.

4. Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

5. Pour hot water into the pot.

6. Wait 4 minutes.

7. Enjoy your tea!

  1. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Я только что сделала домашнюю работу.

  2. Мы уже накрыли на стол: мама разложила ножи, вилки, тарелки и ложки. А папа собирается убрать со стола после обеда.

  3. Моя тетя вымыла всю посуду.

  4. Мой племянник вынес мусор вчера. Теперь очередь моей племянницы выносить мусор. (It’s my niece’s turn to….)

  5. Ты уже подмела пол?- Еще нет, я только полила цветы.

  1. Open the brackets:

  1. When you (to play) football with your friends?

  2. Jim (to have) breakfast two hours ago.

  3. They already (to go) shopping.

  4. She just (to help) her mother set the table.

  5. Where (to be) you?

  1. Present Perfect. Make up questions from the words.

  1. you, how many, read, this month, have, English books?

  2. she, been, to New York, has, ever?

  3. this magazine, why, you, read, yet, haven’t?

  4. explained, it, who, to you, has, just?

  5. done the washing up, which of your friends , has, today?

  6. Joined, who, just, has, us?

  7. ever, swept, you, the floor, have?

  8. he, looked after, why, hasn’t, his, nephew?

  9. he, has, already, rubbish, taken out?

  10. you, bought, presents, relatives, have, already, for?

Список используемой литературы:

    1. Счастливый английский. Кн.1: Учеб. для 5-6 кл. сред. шк. / Т.Б. Клементьева, Б. Монк . – М.: Просвещение, 1992. – с.88

    2. Грамматика английского языка для школьников: Сборник упражнений. Книга 2. – СПб.: КАРО, 2008. – с. 201

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Автор: Дрожжина Ольга Алексеевна  oadoa
20.02.2012 2 8027 1606

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