Обучение монологу-описанию по картинке в начальной школе

Обучение монологу-описанию по картинке в начальной школе.

Крукович Наталия Николаевна
учитель английского языка ГОУ Прогимназия 1768
г. Москва

На ранних этапах изучения иностранного языка самым эффективным приемом семантизации лексики является предметная картинка. Иллюстрации к рифмовкам, песням, сказкам и рассказам позволяют использовать беспереводной способ, тем самым развивая языковую догадку и приближая учащихся к естественной ситуации общения. Научить младших школьников монологу-описанию по картинке является задачей учителя. Согласно новой модели итоговой аттестации по английскому языку в начальной школе именно это умение оценивается по следующим критериям:

- содержание монолога;

- логичность высказывания;

- лексический репертуар;

- языковая грамотность.

Таким образом умение описать картинку(фотографию) с опорой на предложенные вопросы свидетельствует о сформированности навыка говорения на начальном этапе.

Для того чтобы учащиеся полюбили и научились описывать картинки, необходимо на каждом уроке, на разных его этапах, использовать элементы описания согласно поставленной цели занятия. Ни одна картинка в учебнике не должна остаться без внимания детей. Задача учителя увидеть скрытый на первый взгляд лексический, грамматический и фонетический материал, научить детей видеть все, что изображено на картинке, направляя их своими вопросами, заставляя их рассуждать, обращая внимание на содержание, логику и грамотное оформление речи.

Большинство УМК для начальной школы предлагает модульное обучение по темам. Наряду с иллюстративным материалом учебника целесообразно использовать тематические картинки для обобщающего урока по окончании модуля. На таком уроке я использую презентации в PowerPoint. Покажем на примере картинки «At a birthday party» (из учебника Young Learners English. Starters. Practice Tests by Sandra Fox, издательство Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011, стр. 44-45) разнообразие приемов работы по картинке, исходя из уровня подготовленности учащихся.

Classroom activities

  1. I spy

Teacher: I spy with my little eyes something beginning with
M… (monster)
C…(cake, candle, chair, camera)
T…(table, telephone)
F…(fruit, fridge)

  1. What am I?

Teacher reads the descriptions and asks the pupils to guess what it is.

I can take a photo of you. Smile, please. Say cheese. – What am I? (I’m a camera.)
I can be big or small. I can have lots of arms or legs. I can have lots of eyes. I look scary but I’m friendly. – What am I? (I’m a monster
I’ m square. I have got four legs. You can’t sit on me. You can have meals at me. – What am I? (I’m a table
You can see me on a birthday cake. You can blow me out and make a wish. You can eat me. – What am I? (I’m a candle
I’m a secret. You can’t see me but you want me very much. Open the box and here I am. – What am I? (I’m a birthday present

  1. Guessing game
    Teacher gives a description of the characters and asks pupils to point to the characters.

  1. Paul is a birthday boy. He is the boy sitting at the table.

  2. Lucy is sitting at the table next to her brother.

  3. Mark is taking a picture of his son.

  4. Stella is holding a birthday cake in her hands.

  5. Polly is giving a present to her grandson.

  1. Guessing game
    Teacher gives a description of the characters and asks pupils to write down the characters’ names.

  1. He is a birthday boy. He is the boy sitting at the table. (Paul)

  2. She is sitting at the table next to her brother. (Lucy)

  3. He is taking a picture of his son. (Mark)

  4. She is holding a birthday cake in her hands. (Stella)

  5. She is giving a present to her grandson. (Polly)

  1. True or False
    Teacher asks pupils to write Yes or No.

  1. I can see 5 people in the picture. ______________

  2. They are in the living room. ______________

  3. The boy is six years old. _____________

  4. There is a present in a red box. ___________

  5. There is a monster on the table. ___________

  6. The boy looks sad. ___________

  7. Grandmother is wearing glasses. ___________

  1. Correcting. Spot the mistake.
    Teacher asks pupils to correct the statements.

  1. Father has got a computer. (a camera)

  2. The monster has got one eye. (three eyes)

  3. There are five sandwiches (three sandwiches)

  4. The box is purple. (blue)

  5. Mother is crying. (smiling)

  6. The boy’s sister is eating a banana. (She isn’t eating)

  7. Grandma isn’t sitting at the table. (She is sitting)

  1. Speaking on the picture.
    Teacher asks pupils to act out the dialogue. Imagine you are Paul and answer the questions.

  1. What is your name? (Paul)

  2. How old are you today? (four)

  3. Are you having a birthday party? (Yes, I am)

  4. Do you like you presents? (Yes, I do)

  5. What present have you got? (a green monster)

  6. What present is there in the blue box? What do you think? (a helicopter, a plane, a train, a car)

  7. Are you happy today? (Yes, I am)

  1. Drawing and colouring.
    Teacher asks pupils to draw a present in the blue box and colour it. Pupils express their opinion: I think there is a(an) … in the blue box.

  2. Acting out.
    Teacher asks pupils to imagine they are the characters and match speech bubbles with their names.

1) Paul

a) Blow out the candles, make a birthday wish!

2) Lucy

b) Smile, please! Say cheese!

3) Mark

c) This is for you. Here you are.

4) Stella

d) Thank you, granny!

5) Polly

e) Happy birthday, dear Paul! My little brother, I want you to be happy today and always.

Paul says: “Thank you, granny!”

  1. Speaking on the picture.
    Teacher asks pupils to describe the picture using the questions.

  1. Who can you see in the picture?

  2. Where are they? Why do think so?

  3. How old is the birthday boy?

  4. What does the boy look like?

  5. What is the boy doing? What is his sister (mum, dad, grandma) doing?

  6. Does he like his presents?

  7. How many presents has he got?

  8. What is there in the blue box? Why do you think so? What do boys like?

  9. When is you birthday?

  10. Do you have birthday parties with your family? Do you have a great time?

  11. What do you eat? What do you drink?

  12. Do you blow out candles and make a birthday wish?

  13. What present do you want to get for your next birthday?

  14. Do you know any birthday songs or poems?

  15. Can you sing a song or recite a poem?

Key words: a birthday cake, a birthday boy, a candle, a present, a box, a monster, a camera, a kitchen, a birthday wish, a party, a birthday card, father, mother, sister, brother, grandma, fruit (a banana, a pear, an orange, grapes), a sandwich, have a lot of fun, have a good time, take a photo, blow out candles, make a wish, sing a song, look happy, smile, laugh, wear, think

Grammar items: there is/there are, have got/has got, to be (am, is, are), Present Simple, Present Continuous, prepositions of place, nouns in singular and plural, can


  1. Английский язык. Итоговая аттестация за курс начальной школы (базовый уровень): типовые тестовые задания/ Е.Н. Соловова, А.Б. Година, Е.А. Пореченкова. – М.: Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2011. – 96 с.

  2. Young Learners English. Starters. Practice Tests by Sandra Fox - Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011 – 72р.

  3. http://www.CambridgeESOL.org

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