Открытый урок английского языка в 7-ом классе на тему "Real Peace" ("Истинный покой")
Данный открытый урок домашнего чтения был составлен на основе концепции
ценностно-ориентированного подхода в обучении. На уроке рассматривалась
общечеловеческая ценность Мир (покой) и её практический аспект -
внутреннее спокойствие.
Model Lesson
Human Value: Peace
Practical value: Calmness
Form 7 (age – 12-13 years)
1. to work on the story "Real Peace” (SSEHV home-reading lessons compiled by Y. Semendueva): training reading, speaking and listening skills of the students;
2. to sum up children’s knowledge on Human Value Peace;
3. to stimulate children’s inner ability to experience inner peace.
Lesson Plan
I. Greeting.
T: Hello, boys and girls!
Ps: Hello, teacher!
II. Silent sitting.
T: Take your seats. Sit straight, please. Close your eyes, please, and listen to your heart. Imagine the Light in your head and in your heart (students sit silently for 2-3 minutes).
T: Now say, please:
Ps: "I am in the Light, the Light is in me, I am the Light”. (3 times)
T: Now open your eyes, please, and say our student – teacher’s prayer.
Ps: "May we both, teacher and disciple, have glory and refulgence born of holy life and study”.
(Slide # 2)
III. Introduction.
T: Today we’re having home-reading lesson on Human Value Peace. Our story is titled "Real Peace”. So, we’ll look into the meaning of Real Peace. We’ll do the following:
Group singing "Deep Peace”
The inner significance of Value Peace
Practical aspects of Value Peace
Story "Real Peace”
Group activity "Give the right description”
Questions to the story
Means to attain the Real Peace
Guided visualization on Universal Light
Home task
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Автор: Семендуева Юлия Петровна
→ Джула 19.03.2012 1 3024 464 |
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