Открытый урок английского языка в 7-ом классе на тему "Real Peace" ("Истинный покой")

Данный открытый урок домашнего чтения был составлен на основе концепции ценностно-ориентированного подхода в обучении. На уроке рассматривалась общечеловеческая ценность Мир (покой) и её практический аспект - внутреннее спокойствие.

Model Lesson

Human Value: Peace
Practical value: Calmness
Form 7 (age – 12-13 years)

1. to work on the story "Real Peace” (SSEHV home-reading lessons compiled by Y. Semendueva): training reading, speaking and listening skills of the students;
2. to sum up children’s knowledge on Human Value Peace;
3. to stimulate children’s inner ability to experience inner peace.
Lesson Plan
I. Greeting.
T: Hello, boys and girls!
Ps: Hello, teacher!

II. Silent sitting.
T: Take your seats. Sit straight, please. Close your eyes, please, and listen to your heart. Imagine the Light in your head and in your heart (students sit silently for 2-3 minutes).
T: Now say, please:
Ps: "I am in the Light, the Light is in me, I am the Light”. (3 times)
T: Now open your eyes, please, and say our student – teacher’s prayer.
Ps: "May we both, teacher and disciple, have glory and refulgence born of holy life and study”.
(Slide # 2)

III. Introduction.
T: Today we’re having home-reading lesson on Human Value Peace. Our story is titled "Real Peace”. So, we’ll look into the meaning of Real Peace. We’ll do the following:
 Group singing "Deep Peace”
 Quotation
 The inner significance of Value Peace
 Practical aspects of Value Peace
 Story "Real Peace”
 Group activity "Give the right description”
 Questions to the story
 Means to attain the Real Peace
 Guided visualization on Universal Light
 Feedback
 Home task

Полный текст материала Открытый урок английского языка в 7-ом классе на тему "Real Peace" ("Истинный покой") смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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Автор: Семендуева Юлия Петровна  Джула
19.03.2012 1 3024 464

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