Слайд 1
УМК О.В.Афанасьевой , И.В.Михеевой
«Английский язык», изд. «Дрофа»,2007г.
Учителя Москалевой Н.А.ГБОУ школы №
26 , СПб
Контрольно - обобщающий урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме «Мир вокруг меня» по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой , И.В.Михеевой «Английский язык», издательство «Дрофа»2007 г.
Цель: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
Задачи : образовательные 1) активизировать лексические единицы по пройденному материалу , 2) совершенствовать навыки диалогических умений, 3) совершенствовать навыки чтения, 4) развивать аудитивные навыки учащихся; воспитательные 1) развивать интерес к изучению англ.языка, 2) развивать бережное отношение к окружающему миру и воспитывать уважению друг к другу; развивающие 1) развивать умения логического изложения мысли, 2) развивать у учащихся навыки общения, 3) развивать творческие способности учащихся, воображение, внимание.
Презентация, аудиозаписи, магнитофон, карточки-жетоны для подсчета баллов.
Ход урока:
1.Приветствие . Орг.момент.
Т: Good afternoon. Today we are having an unusual lesson. You are supposed to be divided into 2 teams and do different tasks . Each team`ll get stickers for the right answers. One sticker is one point .Thus at the end of the lesson we`ll count them and see who is the winner.
Now, please, make your teams and choose the captains . Now let your captains take one of this cards.(Учитель предлагает учащимся разделиться на команды и вытянуть капитанам карточку с названием команды . ) So the 1st team we have is «Smart pupils» and the 2nd one is «Good learners». ( Учитель ставит карточку с названием команды на их стол. ) You `ll stick your points on these cards.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: We are going to start with a phonetic drill. Рay your attention to the sounds [w], [ ð ]. There is a typed variant on your desks. (приложение 1) .Now listen.
T:Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We` ll be together whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
T: Pronounce the sounds [w], [ ð ]. And in the words: Whether , the weather, together.
Now repeat each line after the speaker.
Учащиеся проговаривают за учителем звуки, слова и затем каждую строчку .
Well, now we pass to the next task.
3. Лексическая разминка. (Чья команда первой ответит , та и получает балл). Look at these words. First we`ll read them and you`ll try to find the odd word in each line.
T: Find the odd word: ( все учащиеся читают хором )
1) hotel, museum, theatre, church, street, shop. (buildings.)
2) sunbathe, wear, shout, public, borrow, draw .( verbs, 1 adj.)
3) hug, wish, ring, choose, dream, rain.( v.+n.)
4) mouth, south, money, mountain, trousers, stout ( [ au])
4. Развитие лексических навыков. ( По командам. Темы « The way we look», « In and out of school») The next task is usually called definition.
1) Guess the word ( definition ):
Chalk - it is a thing that a teacher uses on the lessons, it may be white, red, blue, green, yellow. It lefts traces on your hands so that you want to rub or wash them.
Glue – you need it when it is necessary to stick some parts together , pupils use it on Art and Labour lessons.
Daybook - it is a very important thing in your schoolbags, where write down your hometask, and give to teachers in order to get your marks or his/her comments.
Rubber - we use this thing to erase what we do not need any more, it is made of rubber.
Fashionable (thing) – new, stylish, very popular , may be often seen in the shop`s windows , everyone wants to wear it.
Scarf -we use this thing when it is cold outside, especially in winter. We wear it round our necks , it may be long or short.
Trainers – it is a kind of shoes. People like wearing it because it is very comfortable. We put it on when we go to the gym or to the sportsground.
Gown – many people put it on after taking a bath, or in the morning right after getting up from the bed. Mums and grannies love it very much.
2) Unscramble the words . ( Темы «Travelling» «It is a beautiful world») фон (Приложение 2): Look at these very strange words. You should unscramble them.
Danstlasce ( sandcastle)
Erostf ( forest)
Strero ( resort)
Taomunin ( mountain)
Mkeatuerspr ( supermarket)
Atsyt ( tasty)
Капитаны выходят после выполнения задания и проверяем перед классом.
3) Choose the needed words. ( Выбрать среди предложенных слов лексику по темам. Команда 1: собирает чемодан в путешествие, команда 2: собирает портфель в школу . ( Приложение 3) .
T: Well, look! I have 2 things. This is a suitcase for team «Good learners» and a schoolbag for team «Smart pupils». You should choose things which you put into them when you are going to have a trip or go to school.
5. Развитие диалогических умений. Каждая команда составляет диалог из предложенных реплик-заготовок , которые необходимо расположить в нужном порядке, и придумывают заголовки. Команды обмениваются готовыми диалогами и рассказывают их перед аудиторией , оценивая работу другой команды. ( Темы «Visiting Britain», «Travelling in Russia».) ( Приложение 4).
T: You are to compose the dialogs with these sentences. Think of a title.
Т: Is everything all right with this dialog?
6. Физкультминутка. Зарядка.
Touch your nose, touch your ears, close your eyes, open your eyes, clap your hands, show me your mouth, touch your hair, touch your arms, show me your fingers, step your feet and touch your legs. I am ready! ( на 1-2-3)
7. Развитие навыков понимания текста беспереводным способом .Тема «Biography»)
Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись ( аудиозапись №57 на диске к учебнику) и следят по тексту ( стр.84 упр.10 «John`s biography»). Затем учащиеся в командах обсуждают верные и неверные утверждения, отмечая их на выданных карточках. (Приложение №5)
T: Let`s listen to the text. You are to say whether the statements are true or false.
T: Now let`s check your answers. (Слайд № 6).
8. Пересказ с опорой на образец ( слайд№7). ( Учащиеся пересказывают биографию Джона с опорой на анкету).
T: Well, to assume the information look at John`s form. What can you say about him ?
P: His name is John., etc.
T: I `ll give you empty forms where you write down the information about you . This `ll be your hometask (Д.З.) and we shall discuss it next time. ( Учитель раздает учащимся анкеты для заполнения в качестве дом.задания)
9. Итог урока. Подсчет баллов.
Приложение 1
Whether the weather is cold, [w], [ ð ].
Or whether the weather is hot,
We` ll be together whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
Whether the weather is cold, [w], [ ð ].
Or whether the weather is hot,
We` ll be together whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
Whether the weather is cold, [w], [ ð ].
Or whether the weather is hot,
We` ll be together whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
Whether the weather is cold, [w], [ ð ].
Or whether the weather is hot,
We` ll be together whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
Whether the weather is cold, [w], [ ð ].
Or whether the weather is hot,
We` ll be together whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
Приложение 2
Приложение 3
An album, a boat, a brush, a calculator , a postcard, a CD, a church, a coat, a daybook, a deer, a dictionary, a bike, a dress, a n ear, an exercise book, a fur coat, a felt-tip pen, a goose, gloves, a glue, a Jacuzzi, a jacket, jeans, leggings, a mountain, mittens, paper, a pear, a pencil case, a pencil sharpener, a rubber, a ruler, sand, a shirt, a scarf, shorts, skates, a stone, a sweater, a textbook, trainers, a clock, a fridge, a pen, paints, a glass, salt, bread, shoes, trousers, a flower, a present.
Приложение 4
- Excuse me. Can you help me?
How can I get to the nearest post office?
Walk straight on and turn right. You can`t miss it.
Is it far from here?
Yes, it is rather far.
Can I take a bus?
Take bus 71. It drives straight to the post office.
Thank you for your help.
You are welcome!
- Hi, Kate! Where did you go for your holidays?
Hi, I went on a trip to France. And you?
Oh, I went to Italy, to Rome.
Was the weather good?
The weather was sunny and hot. And it never rained.
Did you stay in a hotel?
Yes, I did. The place was nice and food was wonderful. I really enjoyed my holidays. Well, I have to go now. Bye!
Приложение 5
The boy`s name is Jim.
He was born in December in Leeds.
He has no sisters or brothers.
He is a pupil of a 2nd form.
The boy learns French and Russian languages.
He would like to learn German language too.
His hobbies are sport and music.
The boy wants to be a journalist.
слайд №2. http://pl.freepik.com/darmowe-wektory/pogoda-symboli-szablon_517062.htm - (фон.разминка)
Слайд №5, Портфель и чемодан-коллекция клипов Microsoft Word.
Слайд №8 анкета изображение - коллекция клипов Microsoft Word.
Автор: Москалева Наталия Анатольевна
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