Заключительный урок по теме: "Знаки Зодиака" в 7 классе (английский язык).

Заключительный урок в 7-м классе по теме "Знаки Зодиака

Цели урока:
Закрепить лексический материал по теме, в том числе прилагательные.
Развивать навыки монологической речи: рассказ о себе, своей семье.
Практиковать учащихся в аудировании небольших текстов, включающих новые лексические единицы.

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя:

Dear children! Today at the lesson we are going to speak about signs of zodiac. You can believe or not believe in it, but astrology doesn`t depend on us. Learning about stars and their influence on humans takes an important part in modern life. Many people read horoscopes in newspapers, magazines and books, listen to special programmes on the radio. It means the item is worth speaking about.

2. Повторение лексических единиц, обозначающих знаки Зодиака и прилагательные по учебнику либо демонстрируя заранее подготовленные флэш-карты, закрепленные на доске.

Учитель: Now I ask you to open your books on page 136 (учебник “Happy English 2”.Авторы: Татьяна Клементьева, Джил Шеннон). Listen to me and repeat after me these words. They mean signs of zodiac and adjectives. They can help you describe yourselves and other people.

Работа продолжается в режиме “учитель-класс”.

3. Активизация употребления лексических единиц в речи учащихся: учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Answer my questions: 1) What kind of a person is Leo? / Leo is very dynamic and strong. /

2) What sign of zodiac is believed to be sensitive and kind? / Cancer is sensitive and kind. /

3) What is the sign if he/she is creative and eccentric? / Aquarius is creative and eccentric. /

4) What sign is it if a person was born on the 19th of April? / He/she is Aries. /

5) Who is best at commerce? / Taurus is best at commerce. /

4. Тактильная игра “Почувствуй слово”.

Учащиеся выходят к доске парами. Один из них встает лицом к доске, спиной – классу. Другой противоположным концом ручки или палочкой “пишет” слово на его спине. Стоящий спиной должен почувствовать и назвать это слово.

Учитель: Now we shall play the game “Feel the word”. Two pupils come out to the blackboard. One of them turns back, another pupil writes (draws ) any word from the list on his/her back. The pupil standing in front of the blackboard tries to guess which word it is.

5. Игра “Угадай слово”.

На доске зашифрованные слова, в которых открыта одна-две-три буквы. Цель учащихся узнать слово и дописать пропущенные буквы.

Учитель:One more game. Would you like to play another game? OK. Let`s play a game “Guess the word”. On the blackboard you can see hidden letters. Discover these words.

1) firm;
2) criticize;
3) unselfish;
4) Gemini;
5) unpredictable;
6) personality/

6. Монологические высказывания учащихся о себе и своей семье.

Учитель: Boys and girls, you have Mums and Dads, sisters and brothers, Grandparents. Everybody loves his/her family. Tell us about your relatives. What are their names? What do they do? What are their signs of zodiac? What kind of people are they?

Ученик 1: I have a sister. My sister`s name is Lena. She is a student. Her birthday is on the 30th of April. Her zodiac sign is Taurus. She is kind, clever and stylish. Lena is attentive to other people. She is musical. Lena plays the piano. She likes to listen to classical music. Her favourite composer is Tchaikovsky.

Несколько учеников рассказывают о своей семье.

Учитель: Thank you very much. You told us very interesting stories about your families. I see your families are very nice and friendly.

7. Игра “5 прилагательных”.

Учащиеся записывают на карточке пять прилагательных (определений), которые обозначают его личные качества. Затем все карточки собирает учитель и зачитывает содержание каждой из них. Играющие должны угадать, кто их написал.

Учитель: And I want you to write 5 adjectives about yourselves. What do you think what kind of people you are? Then I`ll collect your cards and read. You will say: who is it?

8. Аудирование коротких текстов о знаменитых людях в аудиозаписи.

Прослушав тексты, школьники должны назвать этого человека.

Text 1. This person is the head of the country. She celebrates two birthdays: one is official, another is real. She was born on the 21st of April. Her sign of zodiac is Taurus. She lives in Buckingham Palace in London.

Ученик: This story is about Elizabeth П, the British Queen.

Text 2. She is an American actress. Her parents were actors. Her sign is Pisces. She appeared in films for the first time when she was a little girl. She starred in the films: The Extra Terrestrial, Never Been Kissed, Angels of Charlie, 50 Kisses, etc.

Ученица: This person is Drew Barrymore. She is my favourite actress. She is creative and eccentric. Drew is very sensitive and imaginative.

9. Заключительное слово.

Учитель: I enjoyed our lesson very much. I could see you were working with great pleasure at the lesson. You got a lot of interesting information about zodiac signs in English. You learnt some interesting things about your classmates.

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Автор: Емельянова Анна Николаевна  подснежник
28.08.2009 0 9136 2547

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