Урок английского языка "How much are hippies in Russia like hippies in Britain?"; 10 класс
C omplete the sentences with as or like.
Dave eats like
pig. I've never
seen anyone eat as
. This wine tastes _____vinegar!
3. I've known Andy for years. He went to the same school ____I did.
. My sister's a teacher, ____ me.
5. A
We had a new teacher today called Mary.
What was she____?
Who do I look ______, my mother or my father?
7. She really annoys me. I can't stand people _____her.
8. It's July and the weather's awful! It's _____winter.
9. I need to buy all sorts of things _____ socks, shirts and knickers.
10. My brother has a car ________ yours.
. Don't touch anything. Leave everything ____ it is.
. It's freezing. My feet are ______ blocks of ice.
C omplete the sentences with as or like.
1. Dave
eats like
pig. I've never
seen anyone eat as
2. This wine tastes _____vinegar!
3. I've known Andy for years. He went to the same school ____I did.
4. My sister's a teacher, ____ me.
5. A
We had a new teacher today called Mary.
What was she____?
Who do I look ______, my mother or my father?
7. She really annoys me. I can't stand people _____her.
8. It's July and the weather's awful! It's _____winter.
9. I need to buy all sorts of things _____ socks, shirts and knickers.
10. My brother has a car ________ yours.
11. Don't touch anything. Leave everything ____ it is.
12. It's freezing. My feet are ______ blocks of ice.
Now read the composition of a student.
1). The paragraphs are not in the right order. Which paragraph is the introduction? Which paragraph is a good conclusion? Put them in the right order.
1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 ______ 5 _____
2) Name the main idea of each paragraph.
a. This lifestyle really shocked their parents. However, it was not only their lifestyle that shocked, their appearance did too. Both boys and girls had very long hair, often with flowers in it. They used to wear flared trousers or long skirts and sometimes went barefoot.
b. Today most hippies are hippies no longer. They live middle-class lives and worry about their children and paying the bills!
c. So what did they do? They dropped out. They left their comfortable middle-class homes and formed communes. These were often in the countryside, and there they used to grow vegetables and keep farm animals. They went to open-air pop concerts, where some of them danced naked and took drugs. They went on protest marches against war, particularly the war in Vietnam.
d. They were against many things: materialism in society, the boring routine of nine-to-five jobs, ordinary family life, and war. Their slogan was ‘Make love, not war’.
e. Hippies were young people, mainly from the middle classes, who rebelled against society in the sixties and early seventies.
Учитель английского языка: Залилова Ляйсан Шаукатовна
Тюменская область, ХМАО,
г. Нефтеюганск
МБОУ «СОШ № 5 «Многопрофильная»
Открытый урок в 10 А
Тема: What is hot with the young generation?
Имя: How much are hippies in Russia like hippies in Britain?
Знакомство с жизнью хиппи в Британии и России, с реалиями их жизни.
Развитие способности к сравнению и обобщению, развитие навыков чтения с детальным пониманием содержания и извлечением конкретной информации, формирование грамматических навыков говорения (предлог like и союз as).
Формирование уважительного отношения к представителям различных групп.
Оборудование: мультимедиа, картинки с изображением различных субкультур, раздаточный материал, учебник.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент. (Greeting. Aims)
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you, Dinar? How are you doing, Sasha? How are you getting on, Tanya?
I’m happy to hear it.
Well, let’s start our lesson.
During several lessons we have been talking about different subcultures. And today we’ll speak about one of the first subcultures in Great Britain and in Russia – about hippies.
Now look at the screen and listen what you are going to do today.
On the screen:
to learn about hippies and their life in Britain and Russia;
to read the texts about hippies for specific information and understand them for detail;
to compare things and speak using like or as;
to make notes.
Фонетико-речевая разминка.
Now before doing all these things we should remember the meaning of the word “subculture”. What are the main features that make subcultures distinct from others? (На доске собирается ромашка).
What subcultures do you know? (учащиеся называют субкультуры, которые знают).
a) Now I’ll show you pictures of different subcultures and your task is to guess who they are and say what you know about them.
b) One of the main features is music. So let’s remember styles of music. (ученики называют стили музыки, которые они знают).
You can see some of them on the screen.
Now I want you to listen to some extracts of music.
You must guess what music styles they belong to and who can listen to this music.
( e.g. It’s punk rock. I think punks can listen to it.).
Well done! I see you are experts in music.
c)And the last thing that we must remember is using like and as.
What is the difference between like and as?
Try to find mistakes in these sentences if there are some. (на экране – предложения).
Now listen to me and agree or disagree with me.
Russian teens, like British teens, listen to techno music.
Like punks, bikers dye their hair.
You listen to classical music as your parents do.
British children, like Russian children, read a lot.
Rockers rebel against the society as punks do.
Skinheads are emotional like emos.
Bikers listen to reggae as Rastafarians do.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Now it’s time to check your homework. Your task was to tell about one of subcultures. And the class must guess who you are telling about.
Работа в группах.
Now you are going to work in groups. Turn around to each other.
Imagine that you are experts in knowing different subcultures. I’ll give out the pictures of subcultures. Your task is to find common features. Use the preposition like or the conjunction as.
I give you 5 minutes for preparation. Then each member of the group must say 2 or more sentences.
Знакомство с субкультурой хиппи (работа с текстом).
a) дотекстовый этап
Look at the following picture of hippies. Do you know anything about them? Quickly make notes about anything you can think of. (учащиеся делают заметки о внешнем виде и занятиях хиппи).
There are some notes made by a student before writing a composition about hippies. Read his word web. Compare your notes and a student’s word web. What is similar?
b) Текстовый этап.
Now read the composition.
The paragraphs are not in the right order. Which paragraph is the introduction? Which paragraph is a good conclusion? Put them in the right order. (Учащиеся получают текст о хиппи).
Учащиеся выполняют задание по расстановке абзацев в правильном порядке (1e, 2d,3c,4a,5b).
Find the main idea in each paragraph.
And now open your books on page 84. Here you see a short text about hippies in Russia. Read the text to yourselves and then we’ll continue our work. (Учащиеся читают текст в течение 3 минут).
c) послетекстовый этап
Compare these two texts. How much are hippies in Russia like hippies in Great Britain? Make sentences using like or as. (Учащиеся приводят примеры сходства).
P1: Like hippies in Britain, hippies in Russia had their best time in the 1970s.
P2: Russian hippies tried to show an alternative to corruption and moral crisis as British hippies did.
P3: Russian hippies had communities like British hippies.
P4: Russian hippies are more socially active like British hippies.
Самостоятельная работа.
And the last task for you is to write a mini-quiz.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
Now write down your homework.
Teenagers in Russia like teenagers in other countries easily get into dangerous situations. How can it happen? You will find it out doing Ex 9 (1-3) in your Readers (p 38-39).
VIII Подведение итогов.
Now our lesson is coming to the end. Let’s draw a conclusion. Look at the aims on the screen and say if we reached our aims today. What have you learned today? What was interesting for you?
You worked very well today. Tanya’s mark is excellent. Sasha gets five. И т.д.
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye!
Список использованных источников
Английский язык, 10-11 класс, Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш., 2009.
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Автор: Залилова Ляйсан Шаукатовна
→ LesyaZ 07.12.2012 0 5605 643 |
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