Урок английского языка в 10 классе "Мои домашние любимцы-экзотические животные"
Self-evaluation card
“5” |
“4” |
“3” |
“2” |
Lexis |
I was active and remember almost all the words. |
I remember 70 % of words. |
I remember only 50 % of words. I was not very active. |
I was not active. I remember nothing. |
Listening |
I understood almost everything |
I caught general information |
I understood only few words |
I understand nothing |
Speaking |
I took active part in the discussion |
I was active but sometimes it was difficult for me to formulate ideas in English. |
It was difficult for me to formulate ideas in English. I was not active. |
I didn’t take part in the discussion |
Self-evaluation card
“5” |
“4” |
“3” |
“2” |
Lexis |
I was active and remember almost all the words. |
I remember 70 % of words. |
I remember only 50 % of words. I was not very active. |
I was not active. I remember nothing. |
Listening |
I understood almost everything |
I caught general information |
I understood only few words |
I understand nothing |
Speaking |
I took active part in the discussion |
I was active but sometimes it was difficult for me to formulate ideas in English. |
It was difficult for me to formulate ideas in English. I was not active. |
I didn’t take part in the discussion |
Self-evaluation card
“5” |
“4” |
“3” |
“2” |
Lexis |
I was active and remember almost all the words. |
I remember 70 % of words. |
I remember only 50 % of words. I was not very active. |
I was not active. I remember nothing. |
Listening |
I understood almost everything |
I caught general information |
I understood only few words |
I understand nothing |
Speaking |
I took active part in the discussion |
I was active but sometimes it was difficult for me to formulate ideas in English. |
It was difficult for me to formulate ideas in English. I was not active. |
I didn’t take part in the discussion |
Урок английского языка в 10 классе
Михеева Наталья Владимировна, учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Гимназия №72» г.Прокопьевска
УМК: New Millennium English-10, О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева
Тема: Обсуждение темы «Мои домашние любимцы: экзотические животные»
Цель: активизация лексического материала по теме «Домашние любимцы»
ввести и закрепить лексику по теме «Домашние любимцы»;
закрепить структуру пассивного залога «should/ shouldn't be V3»;
развивать навыки понимания текста на слух;
развивать навыки устной речи: выражение мнения по проблеме;
воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других людей;
воспитывать ответственное отношение к домашним любимцам;
воспитывать умение работать в группах.
Оснащение урока: учебник, раздаточный материал (карточки для самооценки), компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация «Названия животных», аудиоприложение к учебнику «New Millennium English-10»
Ход урока:
Мотивация. Организационный момент.
Good afternoon students! Glad to see you! Sit down please!
What date is it today?
Who is absent today?
Речевая разминка. Введение в тему урока.
Do you remember our previous lesson? What did we talk about? (about animals and how they serve us, help us in our everyday life)
H ow do they serve us?
Let’s speak about companionship! What animals could be your companions? (ответы учащихся) What do we call them in general? (pets) Please, name them.
P ets
Are they usual or exotic?
Изучение нового материала.
Look at the computer and read the names of the animals.
(презентация “Названия Животных»)
Ex.2a p.110 Read only names of the exotic pets/ usual pets
Exotic: lizard, salamander, lion, bobcat, tiger, dragonfly, frog
Usual: turtle, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mouse, goldfish, dove, duck, tropical fish, cockroach.
Now classify them.
Mammals: rabbit, dog, guinea pig, hamster, bobcat, tiger, lion, mouse;
Reptiles: snake, lizard, turtle, salamander;
Amphibians: frog;
Birds: canary, dove, pigeon, duck;
Fish: goldfish, tropical fish;
Insects: cockroach, dragonfly.
They all need different conditions to live in.
Ex.4 p.111 Make up as many sentences as you can. Even funny like in the example. Read the example. (ответы учащихся)
Закрепление материала (аудирование текста).
Should exotic animals be kept at home?
Let’s listen to expert from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). He knows everything about it. Write down some new words:
a matter of honour … -дело, вопрос чести
concern – озабоченность, решающее значение
captivity – неволя, заключение
unpredictable – непредсказуемый
oppose – возражать
Ex.3a p.110
Listen to the text and do the exercise 4b. (answers: b, e, f, g)
Listen to the text and do the exercise 4d
Самооценка (Listening)
Обобщение материала (говорение).
Let’s form two groups:
The first group will be for keeping exotic animals as pets.
The second will be against.
Учащиеся выполняют задания
Report your results.
Самооценка (Speaking)
Домашнее задание. Tastes differ. But we all should be responsible for our pets. We should know what they need, eat, what their habits are. At home you will write a small brochure about any animal you like. You should write about their habits, likes and dislikes.
Подведение итогов урока. Самооценка. Комментирование оценок.
Использованная литература:
Учебник New Millennium English-10, О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева и др., Обнинск: Титул, 2010
Книга для учителя к учебнику New Millennium English-10, О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева и др., Обнинск: Титул, 2010
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Автор: Михеева Наталья Владимировна
→ Наталья4685 08.01.2013 0 3724 572 |
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